Had our new bed delivered today, at bleedin 750am! We were led to believe it would arrive between 9am and 1pm, so set the alarm for 8am (a bit of a lie in - my only chance in the past 2 weeks and in the next 7 days), only to be woken up by the delivery guys!
Que me holding the dog and Lee frantically dismantling our old bed to move it into the back bedroom, after 10 mins of waiting the delivery guys tell me that they only have 15 mins per drop, so have to bring it in and as we havent got the room clear they wont assemble it!
Ok, no major panic, so we get it all upstairs, then have a brew before we start to put it together and finish moving the old bed.
Come to get the base of the bed into the gap between the fitted bedside cabinets, only to find its 2" too big!!
Recheck the mneasurements, the bed we bought is allegedly 150cm, the gap is 152cm, so should fit, but the bed base is actually 156cm, so wont go in!
Ring Sleepmasters, to be told 'Yes, we usually recommend leaving a couple of inches more than the size of the matress' Hmm, no-one told us!!
So, end up dismantling fitted bedside cabinets and chopping the width down by 2cm each side, refitting them (fortunately the doors werent too big) just to be able to get the bed in! Mind you, it is a lovely bed! So, a day where we'd hoped to spend at least 4 or 5 hours on the plot then turns into a quick visit to water and harvest!
Got to the plot, turned the car off, only to find it still making a whining noise, sounds like the power hydro electric steering pump, so after watering and harvesting we decided to call ti a day, jumpd in the car, and it wouldnt start!!
Que Lee and another plotholder pushing the car to jump start me! Got home and have disconnected the battery after charging it a bit, so its gonna be off the road until I can get MINI to look at it! Grr!!
Add to this the fact that Amazon havent yet delivered the memory cards I ordered on Friday for my new Camera (Canon Eos 10D - 2nd hand from ebay, 6.3Mpixels and a nice bit of kit!), so I cant yet have a good play with it ! Grr, its not turning out to be my day at all!
Que me holding the dog and Lee frantically dismantling our old bed to move it into the back bedroom, after 10 mins of waiting the delivery guys tell me that they only have 15 mins per drop, so have to bring it in and as we havent got the room clear they wont assemble it!
Ok, no major panic, so we get it all upstairs, then have a brew before we start to put it together and finish moving the old bed.
Come to get the base of the bed into the gap between the fitted bedside cabinets, only to find its 2" too big!!

Recheck the mneasurements, the bed we bought is allegedly 150cm, the gap is 152cm, so should fit, but the bed base is actually 156cm, so wont go in!

Ring Sleepmasters, to be told 'Yes, we usually recommend leaving a couple of inches more than the size of the matress' Hmm, no-one told us!!

So, end up dismantling fitted bedside cabinets and chopping the width down by 2cm each side, refitting them (fortunately the doors werent too big) just to be able to get the bed in! Mind you, it is a lovely bed! So, a day where we'd hoped to spend at least 4 or 5 hours on the plot then turns into a quick visit to water and harvest!
Got to the plot, turned the car off, only to find it still making a whining noise, sounds like the power hydro electric steering pump, so after watering and harvesting we decided to call ti a day, jumpd in the car, and it wouldnt start!!
Que Lee and another plotholder pushing the car to jump start me! Got home and have disconnected the battery after charging it a bit, so its gonna be off the road until I can get MINI to look at it! Grr!!
Add to this the fact that Amazon havent yet delivered the memory cards I ordered on Friday for my new Camera (Canon Eos 10D - 2nd hand from ebay, 6.3Mpixels and a nice bit of kit!), so I cant yet have a good play with it ! Grr, its not turning out to be my day at all!