It's the first week of the school holidays, children worked hard all morning on chores so we decided to bunk off for an ice cream at a local beauty spot. We were just about to walk out of the door when we spotted a small dog, Jack Russell type making "puddles" on the back garden lawn. Went out to investigate, frantic voices shouting for dog. Told them where to come and Mum and son came to collect. Dog squeezed through tiny gap in rabbit netting, ran back to house it came from. Mum most apologetic, visiting her Mum, dog escaped etc. I told her not to worry, these things happen. Anyway, watering round tonight OH spotted dog sized hole in our newly constructed brassica cages. Then I spotted the other hole, then the damaged plants... OH seriously unhappy, me too. We spent all day Sunday making frames and covering them with net, then assembled them into the cage and planted out our young plants only to have our efforts thwarted in three days. Spoilt a good day.
