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car insurance ever heard of this!!


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  • car insurance ever heard of this!!

    Has anyone ever heard of insurance companies doing the following???

    My sister is 7 and half months pregnant, and had a bump in her car last week she was slowing down at the lights and a young lad went into the back of her. She drives a bigger people carrier thing and the damage didn't look to bad his car was a mess She got his details went to hospital n got checked out.
    All okay so far. Then the lads dad phones and asked to settle out of insurance but as she needs a car for work she phoned her insurance got the replacement car an hers sent to garage, she couln't get boot open and exhaust wasn't sounding to clever so thought she'd get it put in asap as maybe damage to back axle.

    Now for the strange bit. Last night a man claiming to befrom the lads insurance company turned up at her door offering money to pay the bill as well as extra as a good will gesture in return for her signiture on a document she refused to sign he said i can see your pregnant so could do with the money she told him he did not know what her financial situation is and to go away.

    She phone her insurance, told not to sign anything Oh the guy also told her that car was ready, spoke to garage its NOT, awaiting a part. Insurance said she would speak to manager and they would probably report to omnibusman

    Has ayone else ever had anything like this happen??
    As she pregnant she doesn't need the extra agro. She off work with a bad cold, had to go have extra sugar level checks this week due to a hiccup when tested at docs So this is the last thing she needs.

  • #2
    I'd phone the Police. I've heard of scams where people deliberately cause accidents, but not like this.

    Sounds very suspect to me.
    A simple dude trying to grow veg.

    BLOG UPDATED! 30/01/2012

    Practise makes us a little better, it doesn't make us perfect.

    What would Vedder do?


    • #3
      I'd steer clear of any cash-in-hand business.

      You have insurance and are properly covered. They will face the aggro of getting restitution from the lads insurance - that is if he has any - and if not that is what your insurance is for - hopefully NCD protected.

      I don't believe the man who called offering to pay for a signature was from ANY insurance company - probably the dad or an older brother/uncle. I think it stinks and would let them pay the consequences, be it financial or criminal if found to be driving w/out insurance/licence or carelessly etc.

      Hope your sis sails thru the rest of her pregnancy trouble free!


      • #4
        Wow lucky she is a switched on lady. I bet many would be fooled!
        Hope all turns out well with the health checks. oh and "congratulations"


        • #5
          i'm guessing, that the bloke who came round was a friend or relative of the young lad, trying to stop it going through the insurance ...... as the parent of a 18 year old, who can't afford a 1.0l chinquechento (or however you spell it) as the insurance would be �2700 per year ....... he has never had an accident, he passed his test a couple of weeks after his 17th birthday, and hasn't driven since ....... he can't as he can't afford the insurance.

          one of his friends had an accident, he insured the car in his dads name, with protected full no claims so his insurance was about �1500, now his renewal has just come through ......... �3400 pounds ....... and the accident wasn't even his fault.

          so although your sister did the right thing, i can see it from the lads point of view as well. if there is any more visits, she should tell them to speak to her insurance company, and definitely not deal with it herself.

          and yes, it's always possible he hasn't got insurance ..... if she hasn't been given details of his insurance company that's probably the case ...... in which case yes the police should be involved ...... its despicable to drive without insurance ....... if i caught my son or his mates driving without it i'd take their keys of them, so they couldn't drive ..... it's also not on for the family to condone this by trying to fix it.
          Last edited by lynda66; 25-07-2008, 03:30 PM.


          • #6
            Originally posted by HeyWayne View Post
            I'd phone the Police. I've heard of scams where people deliberately cause accidents, but not like this.

            Sounds very suspect to me.
            Second all of this. Report to the police, as it sounds like the lad's family pulling a fast one.


            • #7
              Yep I'd also say it sounds like he ain't got insurance.
              ScottyW, garden wizard Kids are growing up, have a corner of the garden to themselves now
              Hopefully getting my new double glazing soon, yay!


              • #8
                Weren't the police called at the time of the accident?

                I had a similar thing on my last day of work before Oldest Daughter was born - some daft woman in a BMW decided to jump the lights and rammed into the back of the car behind and then she went into me. Imagine her face when 'the little bump' turned into a heavily pregnant woman easing herself out of her car looking more than a little upset.

                The police came - nice chap who called me the following week to make sure I was ok. We all had to take a breath test (!) and I was rushed to hospital with blues and twos (just in case). OH was in shock when I called and said I was in hospital!

                However, we were both fine and the police were clear that liability was with the driver at the rear of the accident and they passed all the details of her insurer to me - they contacted me the following week and arranged for the work to be carried out on my car.

                Just realised I'm rambling - the long and short of it is I think she has done the right thing and I'm sure any such offers would be made in writing if they were genuine. Legitimate insurers wouldn't doorstep a pregnant woman over what is, for them, a pretty small claim. Hope everything is ok for her and that the rest of the pregnancy is less eventful.


                • #9
                  this is definately a scam and i too would call the police and just let the insurance company sort it out, thats why young peoples insurance is expensive, because some dont care, but thats a shame, because some young people do care and would love nothing more than a car, just like Lynda's son.


                  • #10
                    I agree with Scottyw, sounds like he hasnt got any insurance, she has done the right thing by not signing, like everyone else has said, she should call the police and inform them of what has happened. There is no way an insurance company would send some geezer to her door cash in hand. Personaly i would still report it to the police.
                    Life isnt about surviving the storm.....But learning to dance in the rain.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Pootle View Post
                      Weren't the police called at the time of the accident?
                      They were called but were not interested in coming out, unless it was hit and run or someone injured!! told her to get insurance details which she did the lad phoned his dad and he came to the scene and gave the details the lad tried to say his brakes failed!?!

                      Thanks all for your input I reckoned the same going to speak to sis tomorrow but not sure she be too keen on going to police when they never came out in the first place!


                      • #12
                        Just think of it like this then..... There's something not right about this situation.

                        That lad could be out in a car right now, he might not have insurance, he might not have a full licence, he could be a tragedy waiting to happen........

                        Let the police have the details of whats happened so far, let them be the judge of whats right and wrong in this case.

                        People slag the police off on a daily basis, but never give them the information they require to even have a chance of dealing with this.

                        Just my opinion, All the best.
                        Blogging at.....


                        • #13
                          I tell thee now he ain't got insurance and probaly got a driving ban.Report it to the police.Trust me seen it so many times.
                          The greatness comes not when things go always good for you,but the greatness comes when you are really tested,when you take,some knocks,some disappointments;because only if youv'e been in the deepest valley can you ever know how magnificent it is to be on the highest mountain.


                          • #14
                            Definitely suspect. I would report this too.
                            Hope she is ok and it gets sorted for her soon.
                            Kirsty b xx


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by ailsasyl View Post
                              They were called but were not interested in coming out, unless it was hit and run or someone injured!!

                              The police are only duty bound to attend if there has been injury (or hit and run).
                              Not being funny but if they attended every bump or rear-ender, they would not get chance to deal with anything else.


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