I have a lovely elderly, widowed neighbour who was struggling to do her large garden. My friend and I offered to take over half of it, tidy it up and grow veg. My neighbour was delighted as the state of it was really depressing her, bless.
Anyhow, a couple of months on and it seems to be me thats done all the work, supplied the wood for borders, got my OH to do 2 trips to pick up chuckies from a Freecycler, provided all the plants and seeds, built a raised bed and has to do all the weeding and tidying as she never appears when we've arranged a gardening session. She just called to cancel again. She's not bothered in 6 weeks.
I'm really hacked off.

Has anyone else shared a plot or allotment with anyone that just doesn't want to do the work but will be quite happy to take the produce? What did you do?