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one pigeon down...........


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  • one pigeon down...........

    woke up this morning and looked out to the back garden to find a flurry of white feathers across the lawn.................robbie the newly adopted cat!

    he lost his collar this weekend and so, he has now caught his bird!!

    had a safe look before the kids got up, dont want them to find blood & guts, but it was defo a pigeon, therefore i dont mind, but had it been a smaller bird, i would have been peed off!!!

    so if there is one good reason to have a cat, its for catching the pigeons! (i know Cloud, before you start - there is no good reason!)

    now gotta clear the feathers - can they go in the composter?????

  • #2
    my cat had a wood pigeon yesterday but it was still alive (for some reason he doesn't seem to kill birds , just catch them he prefers to catch big ones, think little ones are too fast) anyway, i got it off him, after he had plucked a big pile of feathers, and put him snarling and hissing into the house, the bird hopped under the hedge. i caught it and put it in a box for an hour, in the quiet, then went outside opened the box an hour later and it kinda flew off, ie it flew badly, cos half its tail has gone, and some of its wing feathers ...... it seemed ok apart from leaving a trail of feathers behind it lol ..... it's strange, if he came in with dead pigeons or magpies, i wouldn't mind .....but if they are alive, i have to let them go if possible...... anyway, i think the wood pigeons are quite sweet ...... i'm guessing the feathers can go in the compost, as dog and cat hair can
    Last edited by lynda66; 04-08-2008, 03:15 PM.


    • #3
      I know I curse woodies with a passion sometimes, but I suppose like every other creature they are just trying to survive.............

      My philosophy is to sow one for me and one for the animals ad infinitum!
      My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
      to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

      Diversify & prosper


      • #4
        Must have been the day for it, i awoke to find a pile of what looked like pigeon feathers on the drive but no sign of said pigeon (we don't have a cat but a neighbour does, it rarely come to our garden because of the dog). so was breathing a sigh of relief. However i then went down to the greenhouse to find outside its door a blackbird minus its head with its chest cavity ripped open & entrails hanging out Still feel quite ill!
        keen but (slightly less) clueless


        • #5
          ooooo yuk, i would have been sick - well got him a new collar with another bell and hope he doesnt lose it, as i dont want anymore birdies killed, i liked all the birds in my garden pre-robbie!!

          no more feathers today so far!


          • #6
            there is a little waterproof flashing light you can get for their collars, which seemed to help when asbo had one, but the batteries ran out, and i haven't been to town to replace them yet, i think they are so you can see them at night ....... they do get a bit annoying when the cat's in the house, but i'd rather that than him catch birds.


            • #7
              Several years ago I can remember coming home from a night out & could hear banging upstairs(lived on my own so nothing rude!!),nervously I went up,probably armed with kitchen knife,to see my cat had not only caught a pigeon but somehow managed to drag him through the catflap & up the stairs to spread it's feathers all over upstairs!!The fact I'd had a few too many made the job of clearing up even worse! Aren't cats great Cloud?!
              the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

              Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


              • #8
                oooo yuk, di thats foul (exuse the pun) and Lynda, you so make me laugh, a cat called "ASBO" i am liking that a lot, i may even call my son it!!! lol!!!!

                i like the collar idea, but he keeps losing them as he climbs the trees, he is already on his 3rd in 3 weeks!!!! he new one is red with a red bell, so far no more birds, i like birds, but not in the house and certainly not dead in my garden!!


                • #9
                  Asbo loses his collars all the time too, it gets expensive after a while he's currently wearing a pink one with a pink bow and bell i got it for the kitten, but it would still go 3 times round her belly and she's 3 months old now .........oh and we were going to call her chav, but she was so dainty when we got her, so we called her cleopatra ..... as she's got a bit older, chav would definitely suit her lol.

                  the good bit about having an Asbo, is that son has some street cred


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by lynda66 View Post
                    the good bit about having an Asbo, is that son has some street cred
                    lol - yeah i bet he would love that - at least now he is back from his holiday, where he could have had an Espanol Asbo!


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