The other day I was over the moon and chuffed to bits as I tended my veggie plot (first year ever done this having wanted to grow my own for years) and have had a bumper crop of various veggies. My OH has depression and having been the 'strong one' for the last few years it has finally taken its toll on me and I now suffer from panic attacks and anxiety but gardening is my therapy, I LOVE it and the only time I feel really happy is when I'm tending my veggies ON MY OWN getting some peace and quiet.
However returned from damp camping holiday the other day and today have what appears to be infected potatos although hoping its just that I've left them in the ground too long and now noticed my sprouts are literally crawling with caterpillars - knew I had a problem with greenfly on them which I hoped I had dealt with but on closer inspection they are being wiped out by just about every creature there is going, also red onions appear to be bolting - am sad, sad, sad and on a right downer - sorry to go on with my life history but have to vent somewhere......
However returned from damp camping holiday the other day and today have what appears to be infected potatos although hoping its just that I've left them in the ground too long and now noticed my sprouts are literally crawling with caterpillars - knew I had a problem with greenfly on them which I hoped I had dealt with but on closer inspection they are being wiped out by just about every creature there is going, also red onions appear to be bolting - am sad, sad, sad and on a right downer - sorry to go on with my life history but have to vent somewhere......