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Some recent dog behaviour cases I have helped with....


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  • Some recent dog behaviour cases I have helped with....

    As there seems quite a few dog owners on this forum I thought I would post this information of some recent cases I have helped with.

    Hope the information helps:

    I helped a couple before who's spaniel had caught a rabbit and wouldn't let go, i used a technique where you apply medium pressure to each side of the back part of the jaws and the dog has to open its jaws, you have to use calm assertive state of mind or it doesn't work, which I found as it wasn't working to start with, I thought dam I cant be calm assertive enough for it to work, then i realised it was the couples panicking energy that was blocking it, I asked them to go round the corner, as soon as they did that it worked as it seemed removing their negative energy made the difference.

    I am currently helping a retired couple (in the 60's) with their 2 year old English Sheep dog.

    First of all I came across the husband who i saw one day, he asked me if I had seen his dog as it had run off in the woods, he explained that the dog too strong to hold on a lead and like a lot of humans do they just give up and let the dog do what it wants, so in this case they walked it off the lead as a result.

    I explained that the dog will probably find its own way home as it will be able to follow the scent back, I told him to go home and I would scout the area for him, I said the likely hood is that your dog will beat you home (he had been looking for an hour), he told me where he lived and I agreed to meet him at his house in 30 mins, I did that and sure enough his dog was waiting for him when he got home.

    The wife was now there and they explained to me that there dog will go up to other dogs and groups of people not in an aggressive way but playful excited way and that they couldn't control it, I explained to them that this was a disaster waiting to happen, if their dog went up to a dominant dog the dog may not agree with the excited energy and attack, also your dog may view a small child as something it can dominate, it may not mean to hurt but may jump on the child, pin it down and or bite to exert dominance and your dog could be put down as a result.

    I also explained to them that really they had chosen the wrong dog for them, as they a bit older now (although they seem quite fit) they are low to medium energy and their dog was high energy and its not a good fit, but that it could still work if they were prepared to put in some hard work and follow my instructions, but they should also consider re-homing the dog if it doesn't work as this would be fairer on him and them and then choose a lower energy dog and I would help with all of that if they wanted me too.

    This seemed to shock them into accepting my help (getting people to accept help is my hardest task!), within 5 mins I got their dog to walk perfect on the lead with me, he got it straight away, he just needed a leader to show him how, we even came across other dogs off lead and people and I was able to show them how to correct him from pulling and lunging, they then said that's coz you can do it but we cant, I then got them to do it and they managed it after a few practice goes, so in 30 mins I managed to teach them how to master the walk or at least show them that it was possible.

    I saw them today, they now say that he is brilliant on a walk and have no problems, it was great to see that they had followed through with what I taught them.

    They told me that they now only have probs with him in the house, jumping up at the door, window or garden wall when people go past, I showed them how to correct that and the dog got it straight away, I showed them that any object like the door / window you have to 'own' so get in front of the dog and use a short sharp noise and or physical touch with a mouth shapped hand around the high neck area, the dog did do a whimper when first corrected with a short sharp noise, this I said is anxiety and you cant agree with that either and correct that, also part of it is that the dog used to dominating the window or door and this is part of the process of him accepting that you now own the object, he then barked, I explained that this was a protest bark and again part of the acceptance process, he soon calmed down and submitted to the situation and gave up ownership of the objects.

    While helping this couple I could always sense a negative energy from the husband, even now he goes into avoidance mode (wont give me eye contact) when I talk to them and walks off at the first opportunity, fortunately the wife is more calm submissive ( I really believe this means open and receptive) as I don't think the husband would have accepted help otherwise.

    There was two massive fireworks displays a few hundred feet from our house Friday and Saturday night, �100,000 worth of them, it was like a war zone and the whole house was shaking!

    I managed to stop my dog being frightened of them using Cesar Millans techniques, once he took notice of the fireworks I used a short sharp noise, that was not enough, I then used physical touch by prodding him in the high neck area with my hand in a claw shape (my mouth and teeth), that didn't work, so I pinned him down on the ground, one hand in a claw shape on his neck and one on the top of his hind leg, he clamed down in about 10 secs, I removed my hands after 1 min, if he went to get up I used a short sharp noise and he would put his head back down and just relax again, after two mins I gave him permission to get up, after that he largely just ignored the fireworks and if he showed any anxiety like a whimper or bark I used a short sharp noise and he calmed down straight away, in fact in the end on Saturday night he sat on the window sill and just calmly watched the fireworks out of the window!

    I strongly believe that this was successful because as his pack leader I was disagreeing with him about being frightened of the fireworks and that he submitted to the situation.

    Considering he was at a very high level of fear this is an amazing turnaround in a relatively short period of time, its certainly better than giving them sedatives as some people feel they need to do in my view.

    I have had a dog in the past who showed the same level of fear, I just wish I knew then what I know now as he wouldn't even want to go outside for a few days afterwards.

    Another example of the power of calm assertive leadership.

    Saw a woman in the distance with 3 dogs off lead, Springer Spaniel, Jack Russell and a small terrier.

    I could see her panic as soon as she saw me and she was trying her hardest to get the jack russell only on the lead, having come across this many times before I knew she was worried that the dog would show aggression towards us, she got the dog on the lead and as soon as we got close the jack russell is going mad, I told her not to worry and explained I knew a bit about dog behaviour, I ignored the dog completely, I asked her if we could walk with her dogs and that the dog would take less interest in us if we walk side by side as this is less confrontational and that scent and energy mainly comes from the front and a lot less from the sides and that dogs can only focus on one thing at time, so mostly they will concentrate on the walk rather than each other, we did that and the dogs virtually took no notice of each other.

    I explained to her that it was her nervous energy that her dog was reacting to and that the jack russell was the pack leader protecting 'his' pack, she said that he will never change as he was 10 years old, I then explained that I believe dogs live in the moment and no matter how bad the aggression or behaviour they will return to a balanced state of mind as mother nature intended the first chance they get, at this point we had slowed down to a virtual stop and the jack russell lunged at my dog, I said give me the lead, she did, as soon as I had the lead the dog calmed down immediately and just walked along by the side of me, he was now completely in the migrating zone and I could tell that just by looking at him and feeling his energy, also now nothing was distracting him he was 100% focused on the walk, I upped the ante and put my dog right next to him and they both just happily walked together side by side, the owner was completely shocked and I explained that now I had removed him from her direct negative energy source that he just went into follower mode as he recognised me as a calm assertive pack leader, so she now saw the power of calm assertive energy at first hand and considering the dog had been aggressive in his whole 10 year life I still find it remarkable that he just switched to a calm state with no corrections, to me it was like he had been crying out for someone to show him leadership so he could just relax and become a dog in a follower state so not burdened any more of the stress of being a reluctant pack leader.

    I then explained to her that if she can practice being in a calm assertive state when she sees other people or dogs that this would stop her dog being aggressive along with showing the dog leadership this would stop it altogether, she had seen what had happened in 5 mins of my leadership, so she saw it can work and hopefully she will follow through with the information I gave her.

    A lot of so called dog experts in this country would have viewed this a hard case, so far I have found aggression very easy to correct in all the breeds of dogs I have had the pleasure of trying to help, its anxiety and fear issues that take more time and are much harder in my view.

  • #2
    I also did a similar thing as above with a guy who had an aggressive German shepherd, the dog wasn't really aggressive even though it was pulling at the lead going mad trying to get to me and Max (my dog), basically I could tell the dog was an insecure pack leader and explained this to the guy who was receptive and I explained that if we walked together side by side the dogs would bond and become friends, after 30 mins thats what happened, he also told me that his dog was sick (yellow bile) every day, it didn't seem diet related from what he told me, anyway when I saw him again he told me his dog much better behaved now he the leader and the sickness stopped along with it, to me this was because the dog no longer had the stress and worry of being the pack leader and less toxins were being built up in his body as a result, also Shaun Ellis has observed Wolves in the wild eating grass and making themselves sick on purpose to try and lower their rank within the pack, this may well have been what the German Sheperd was trying to do and once the owner took over as the pack leader there was no reason for the dog the continue this.


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