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  • Gutted

    Mr HF went off to live my dream of racing at Cowes (I could not go on boat as it was staff only)
    Cowes week is a huge sailing regatta for keel boats (big boats mostly) a kinda racing/drinking carnival week!!
    He arrived friday afternoon, hooked up with the boats crew, had supper and watched fireworks from the boat- lovely, just wish I was there too.
    Went back to diggs about midnight. Was woken to find thief in room making off with ALL his stuff. Gutted
    Most of this kit was birthday gifts and bits collected over the years. It's not cheap!!!! even lost tooth brush etc.....whole lot GONE!
    Lucky he had put wallet, phone and car keys on bed side table, that was not touched. That was all he had left, and the clothes he went in!
    Police there till 3:30am!!!
    Saturday morning-early he called me to say he was coming home, I said stay and race, dont let the little S@*t wreck your whole trip (he was really looking forward to his day of crewing at Cowes week) I was able to talk him into staying on. He had to rush round to buy a few new clothes and tooth paste etc.
    He came back Saturday evening, he had a great time, just gutted about the loss of all his things!

    The little S@*t that stole his kit LEFT behind something though
    something I bet he has no idea he has lost.....
    his DNA!!!!!!
    when he crashed through a conservatory roof (Stew was on the first floor)

    The police seem hopeful, though Stew and I are not so....but It is nice to know that S@*t face is a marked person!!!!!

    Little ---- must be a stupid one as most of the crews are BIG STRONG guys! You really don't want to mess with them, and most of the houses there are FULL of big and strong guys!!!

    Sorry for poor language - just had to get this off my chest! she says with a big sigh....
    I saved hard to buy some of his kit for his birthday, he was so chuffed with it too.

    GUTTED mrs HF
    Last edited by Headfry; 11-08-2008, 09:31 AM.

  • #2
    so sorry to hear about this. It makes me so mad when people like this little s**t think they can just take whatever they want when the rest of us have to work long and hard to be able to afford them. I do hope it didn't completely spoil the trip. When (if) he's caught lets hope he gets punished properly and not just patted on the back and told to be a "good boy!"
    My son save over �200 from his paper rounf when he was just 13 and bought a new bike, stolen within 5 days! he'd only ridden it twice. I know we got the insurance money but that's not the point really is it?
    Anyway i hope everything goes well for you both
    The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just on the body, but the soul.

    - Alfred Austin


    • #3

      That's rotten.

      Don't hold your breath though - I had a burglary one night. There was blood everywhere. Had the forensics round the next morning. Said there was more blood than some murders they attend.

      They caught the guy on the night of the burglary - it was the boyfriend of my next door neighbour. Apparently she 'got in with the wrong crowd'. It wasn't because of the burglary report that they caught him though - they actually planned a raid on the house that night and when the other cops put 2 and 2 together they realised all my stuff was next door.

      I got it back covered in blood [eugh].

      He was also charged with loads of other offenses, but mine he would not admit. The cops kept me in the loop for ages but I never heard anything...I moved soon afterwards though.


      • #4
        OMG Headfry

        that is terrible, how bad is that, sorry i am stunned! what goes around comes around and i hope he is scarred for life!!!!!

        mind you he may wear the kit and drown in it! hopefully,

        lad he did have a good time though and you know what to get him next year as well for his birthday, cause i always run out of ideas for pressie for OH.



        • #5
          Thank you all for your kindness, what would I do without you .
          No, we are not holding out any hope but it is nice to know that his card is marked, that is, in reality enough for us!
          Lets hope he spends the rest of his days knowing police have him marked and if he gets into trouble and IS caught then they have something on him that he cant deny!
          Best he keeps his nose clean form now on.


          • #6
            Been burgled a couple of times now, well one was an attempted burgalry when we lived in East London.

            Irish Wolfhound (Shan) heard a fanlight window being forced in the kitchen but did not bark so we slept through it.

            However he did wait under the window till intended visitor put his arm through to release the main window.

            We came down in the morning to find the forced window and blood everywhere.

            The police picked the person up at casualty, at first he denied it but they said they would bring him back to the house and let the dog "identify" him.

            Full confession.

            Evidentially the dog was pulling his arm through inside causing the window to clamp down on his arm, of course as he tried to pull his arm out the dog just tugged a bit more. The police said his arm was a right mess. Dog seemed pleased with himself though.
            I am certain that the day my boat comes in, I'll be at the airport.


            • #7
              Well done doggy!

              3rd time for us... once while we were asleep. they took the car, police think it was stolen to order, had tracker on it - never found.
              Said we were probably followed, and our movements noted. Also said there was a very good chance that they would be back for the 'replacement car'
              Not nice at all!!!

              and then again when I caught a guy coming out of shed with loads of Mr HF's tools!!!
              police got these ones, they had been nicking fuel from local cars for ages, police unable to catch them, until they came to take our fuel!
              Got ya!!!! even got a letter of thanks from police

              and now this, poor Mr HF I do feel sad. He is a nice guy, mild mannered and kind to people.
              Not fair


              • #8
                Sorry to hear that news, HF. This kind of thing makes me sooooo angry!!
                Well done to that dog, though!! Hope he got a nice marrow-bone that day.


                • #9
                  Theft makes me so mad. Such a cowardly crime. I'm growing more and more fond of "an eye for an eye" as punishment.

                  My folks always taught me that two wrongs don't make a right, but with our justice system as it is, it's clearly not working.

                  Hope everything works out for you HF - lets hope Karma does it's thing.
                  A simple dude trying to grow veg.

                  BLOG UPDATED! 30/01/2012

                  Practise makes us a little better, it doesn't make us perfect.

                  What would Vedder do?


                  • #10
                    Bad luck to the little swine,I say. It was probably a dope addict, one of those who would, literally ,kill their Granny for their next fix. Would it be any consolation to think that he will probably be dead within a year or two?(probably not)
                    My daughter was burgled as she lay asleep upstairs with three tiny children, my son-in-law being away. I just thank God she didn't hear anything and went downstairs to investigate.
                    Things can be replaced, it's just the stink of the thing that lingers.


                    • #11
                      Polly you are so right! it is the stink that lingers.
                      So glad your daughter and little one were ok.
                      Love to you all


                      • #12
                        Years ago I was travelling through Australia with a Kiwi friend of mine. I was due to go on a 4 day liveaboard diving trip the next day.

                        The night before our room was broken into whilst we were sleeping. When we woke in the morning our wallet, money, passport, cameras, my diary, denim jacket and all our plastic was gone. The motel owners in the small town were really defensive and totally unhelpful and eventually caved in and called the cops. When they turned up they told me that it was the local pimp/drug dealer who had been staying at the same motel but they had no proof. They also told me that this guy had a history of knife violence and it was just as well we hadn't woken up whilst he was doing it.

                        I hope Mr HF managed to have a great time regardless of these idiots. x
                        Last edited by amandaandherveg; 11-08-2008, 05:28 PM.


                        • #13
                          So sorry to hear about Mr HF's bad luck. I'm glad you managed to persuade him to stay on for the week - I once had the opportunity to sail at Cowes Week (1994) as a winchgrinder on a Class 2 yacht - don't remember much about the sailing, but the all night every night drinks parties were damn good fun - espesh as the regatta was sponsored by Mountgay Rum and I just happen to drink that particular spirit (frequently).
                          Don't let it put you off and make sure that you both go next year.

                          British by birth
                          Scottish by the Grace of God



                          • #14
                            That's terrible Headfry. I just hate those bandits who do that kind of thing. But you were right to persuade MrHF to stay and enjoy himself. I always say, never let those kind of people influence your life or alter your plans. Just clean up the mess, sort out the problems and get on with your own lovely life and leave them to the sewer they choose to live in. Hope you can feel better about it all soon.
                            The sailing sounds great - miles from the lives of those bandits. Keep yourself there.

                            From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


                            • #15
                              That all sounds terrible Headfry. So glad that Mr HF managed to do the sailing - As Alice says, miles away from the lives of those who messed yours up.
                              Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know that so it goes on flying anyway.
                              ~ Mary Kay Ash


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