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totally gobsmacked and horrified


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  • #31
    Don't know what to say hun, thats really shocking. Had to read twice cos I wasn't sure I'd read it right at first.
    Big hug coming to you.
    Kirsty b xx


    • #32
      Could I just say that this woman was clearly very disturbed - the police having removed her 'could' have had her sectioned but she couldn't have shown sufficient odd behaviour or wasn't an immediate dangers to others. She couldn't have been drunk enough to arrest on drunk and disorderly or they would have done it.

      I think it is only when you have had the most unfortunate close contact with someone who at a certain time in their life was hell bent on self-harm and destruction that you realise that consideration of others is well off the radar for these disturbed and often very unhappy people.

      It is a dreadful thing to do this kind of thing in full public view, possibly with children at hand, but mental illness robs you of all sense and reasoning which would otherwise make your choice of venue different - but then if you were that clear in your mind - you'd probably not be doing this anyway.

      Just a heads up to those who might judge this desperately disturbed woman.
      Last edited by quark1; 13-08-2008, 07:48 PM.


      • #33
        Can't add more than anybody else but I am thinking of you and know that tonight when it's quiet it will be difficult for you not to dwell on it all. What you saw and experienced was dreadful and although I can't help but agree with those grapes who said it was selfish, do people in her situation really stop and analyse how the results will affect other people. To throw yourself off a roof must mean you are completely desperate I would have thought. Whatever her problems are she obviously couldn't see a way out of them but this way, which selfish as her actions have proved the thought that another person was in such despair fills me with as much horror as the thought that you had to witness it. Most of us have family and friends we can turn too when it all gets too much - perhaps she had nobody to turn to. I'm thinking of you and hoping that you can keep strong for a little longer until the initial dread leaves you and it all fades to a nasty memory. Sanjo


        • #34
          I don't agree that someone has to be desperate to off him/herself. S/he could be, but not necessarily. It can be a logical decision. But this is what is great about the internet: sharing different views and seeing that we're not all the same.
          Last edited by marigold007; 13-08-2008, 08:06 PM.


          • #35
            Lynda, I hope you're feeling a bit better honey. The many sugars in a cup of tea is recommended because carbs help the body to deal with shock. As 'carbs' also includes chocolate, crisps, cakes & biscuits you have full clearance to eat as many as you like

            The poor unfortunate woman will get all the help she needs now, but you don't get any for witnessing this kind of thing unless you ask (or belong to a union..), so make sure you do if it keeps bothering you.

            ((((Hugs)))) from me too, and a big slobbery lick from Paddy.


            • #36
              i guess that's why i feel so much better after a chip barm cake and 2 packets of jaffa cakes and a mars bar then

              ......*is really really hoping that Paddy hasn't been licking his bits before the kiss* unless Paddy isn't a dog .... in which case i'm not sure i want to know.

              Actually feeling much better, i think knowing she won't get chance to try again in the near future and she will now be forced to have help, and by the looks of it she will need an awful lot ...... and you're right, and I know for certain there will be lots of young children who won't be able to sleep tonight.


              • #37
                One of my friends saw a young girl(10)get thrown into the air by a car last week.She was actually offered victim support but turned it down thinking it'd make her a fraud as she wasn't the actual "victim".We're trying to convince her to change her mind.What you saw was horrific & no-one would expect you to deal with it on your own,see how you are in the morning & if you're not good then don't feel too proud to seek some help(hate the word!)counselling.
                As regards the lady I think no-one can judge what they don't understand!Mental illness & desperation are hugely complex matters & unless you've been there then there's no way of understanding~I'm sure the last thing on that ladies mind was "how many people can I disturb today?"
                the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

                Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


                • #38
                  Originally posted by andi&di View Post
                  I'm sure the last thing on that ladies mind was "how many people can I disturb today?"
                  yeah i know you're right, just why in a crowded street, when the kids are on holiday ..... if she'd gone to the other side of the car park, it overlooks a back street, that wouldn't have been busy ...... it's just made me a bit angry ..... especially like bluemoon said, women tend to plan it ...... although maybe the police could have done more ..... i dunno, i'm not sure me analysing it makes anything easier and yep to be that desperate sucks.

                  i'm at the doctors in the morning anyway, but i'm sure i'll be fine, i didn't stick around after the ambulance arrived, but i'm dead annoyed i covered her with my coat, and i left it there ......... i liked that coat.
                  Last edited by lynda66; 13-08-2008, 10:32 PM.


                  • #39
                    You did the right thing with your coat Lynda.

                    You are clearly a kind, thoughtful person.

                    Go and treat yourself to a new one whilst the sales are on- you deserve to!
                    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                    Location....Normandy France


                    • #40
                      Lynda - it is essential you use your visit to docs tomorrow for this incident as well.

                      You didn't say 'til now just how close you were to the incident - you must discuss and seek help if you feel you need it. It was a very kind thing you did by covering the woman with your coat - perhaps one day she'll be well enough to appreciate that act of kindness.

                      You do sometimes come over as being 'very' strong - but this would bend the most steely hearted of us - for heavens sake make sure you look after yourself. I am also quite matter of fact about many things but this would bend me I assure you.

                      Take care and god (whatever you concieve him/her to be) bless.


                      • #41
                        Thats awful hope you dont think about it for too long.
                        My ex DIL tried four times to kill herself and was finally sectioned my son found her hanging behind the bathroom door ( she is tiny ) and she took at least three overdoses but she made sure each time she phoned him first, they split up because he couldnt take anymore. She lost her mum when she was young and her dad 11 months after son and DIL wedding. She was only 16 when they married and he was nearly 19 but wouldnt be told to wait and not pregnant either.
                        She is a very talented girl and I am glad to say she seems to be coping now and getting on with her life. She know's she can still ring me at anytime and we keep in touch.
                        Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
                        and ends with backache


                        • #42
                          I can't add much. What an awful thing to witness.
                          Unfortunately, the mentally ill don't get the help they need, when they need it, and so this kind of incident continues to happen. Suicide is a selfish act, but it's one of desperation, and a feeling of "no way out". I had a young friend who hanged himself, for no real reason that I could see. His mind just saw no other option.

                          I once roomed with a girl who was very disturbed, & fairly "schizo". She got thrown out of her flat & the next one for her weird behaviour; no help given to her by GP except depression pills which didn't work; she had no real friends or support system because she cut herself off from everyone.
                          She went abroad and broke contact for a year, then she suddenly returned and went even nuttier; until one night we got a phone call from her on Beachy Head, threatening to jump. We didn't want to get involved (we weren't in any way friends with her, she just attached to us) so we phoned the police, who said they couldn't do anything.

                          We couldn't leave her out there, even though we thought she probably was bluffing.
                          So, off goes a search party from our flat. She was indeed on the cliff, and the police were finally persuaded to take her in, and she was sectioned.
                          All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                          • #43
                            Morning Lynda, how are you today?
                            my thoughts are with you


                            • #44
                              how awfull to witness such a horrible scene,you did right by telling your friends on here,as it's good to talk with others,but i do suggest the same as others,if you cannot get away from it,go and have a word with your DR,i wish you all the best,in the past when iv'e felt traumatised i found it good to walk around my garden,looking at how things are coming on,or not,and listening to the different sounds going on around,especially the birds.
                              sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                              • #45
                                That's an awful thing to see Lynda, really shocking. How are you this morning?


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