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  • #31
    Must say I was surprised about Boris,not in his history,but that he's not the tory muppet I thought he was,quite likeable really...............for a tory.
    My Dad was born in Moscow during the Russian revolution,so it's difficult tracking his side of the family,he also came over as an immigrant.Might try to trace my mums side one day.


    • #32
      Jerry Springer next week folks - could be quite moving due to his jewish ancestry.


      • #33
        We're clearly in the minority (which is fine!) but like Alice and JM, I'm really not interested in my dim and distant ancestors. I am interested in learning more about my older relatives that I know (or knew) and their lives and (often) hardships but 100, 200... and more years ago, I really don't feel any 'connection'. And this from someone with an MA in Medieval History, so it's not like I'm at all disinterested in history in a wider sense.
        I was feeling part of the scenery
        I walked right out of the machinery
        My heart going boom boom boom
        "Hey" he said "Grab your things
        I've come to take you home."


        • #34
          My Father was put in a Doctor Barnado's home by his Mother when he was very small and he has recently started tracing his family (with a little help from my sister and Barnados)

          It turns out that, I have loads of aunts, uncles and cousins - something I have never known about before (I am 50 and my Father is 75) I always thought that I had Egyptian blood in me - My father thought his father was Egyptian but he was actually Malaysian (I feel a fact finding holiday comming on)

          I am very fascinated by all this info and I think that what happened to my Father at such an early age helped shape the way his life finally turned out, perhaps for the better.
          A garden is a lovesome thing, God wot! (Thomas Edward Brown)


          • #35
            The strange thing seahorse is I had no interest in it at all, until my sister started to dish up some dirt. I find that fascinating, when you discover your relatives were killing each other over pieces of land, it makes you think what were the conditions like then for them to commit such an awful act.

            What I wouldn't want to know is they were bland at all, there's no enjoyment in that.
            I'm only here cos I got on the wrong bus.


            • #36
              well i had to watch it again tonight, as it was so intriguing!!! i like Boris, he is a happy chappy and someone quite normal with a plum in his mouth lol!!

              i love antiques and have some pieces that i collect called "De Porcelyne Fles" they are made by a factory in Delft Holland and I have been there, some of my pieces are over 100 years old and i wonder who owned them before and the story they could tell, like that family silver that got sold, where is it now??

              History is something we all have whether we want it or not! It is interesting, I understand some people may not be interested, because at the end of the day its their choice, but i cant wait to see more of this programme and i want the Antiques Roadshow to come back as well, love that show!

              Cor i need to get out more LOL !


              • #37
                What a good thread SquashySue. I'm beginning to feel quite intrigued.

                My husbands middle name is Dutch. Family gossip says they were pirates from the Fresian Islands. Could be true ! His mother's name was Fanny - his Father refused to call her that and always called her Frances. We have a fabulous collection of photographs going back generations.

                My husband was born in his grandfathers house. I always knew that but assumed his parents were living there. Jings ! They were only visiting!

                All the males on my Mother's side of the family were called St Clair. What to make of that !!!!! Maybe I'll have a look into it all.

                From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


                • #38
                  ooo Alice, my OH's middle name is dutch too!! and so is my daughter, she is named after MIL!

                  They grew up in Dordretch (cant spell that either), their name was Van de Velde! funny she came here and worked and then met OH dad and married, one of her sisters came over and met the other bro and married him lol!!!

                  She had a huge family of about 16 kids, but some of them are half bros and sisters. We are still in contact with dutch family and some are in their 80's, we lost MIL 7 years ago, but OH dad is 87 now and he came from a large family as well.

                  The stories that MIL told us about the war, were dreadful, but she wouldnt have it any other way, as it made her what she was!


                  • #39
                    Yes, SquashySue, but I'll bet your daughter's name is not Fanny !

                    From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Alice View Post
                      Yes, SquashySue, but I'll bet your daughter's name is not Fanny !

                      well funny you should say that, but .......................NO !! would i be so cruel! i called her "gaslight" lol!!


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