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Yearly Vaccine Boosters For Dogs


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  • Yearly Vaccine Boosters For Dogs

    Last edited by jamesp; 16-12-2008, 12:10 PM.

  • #2
    The evidence against boosters has been known for a long time, would you give your own child booster vaccines every year? Apart from the first two jabs we have never taken any of our dogs for boosters and our eldest is 12 years old and still very healthy. We never advise people who get puppies from us not to have the boosters given to their dogs but we do fully aquaint them with the literature for the pros and cons, then let them make their own mind up. The arguement the vets use of couse is the same one doctors use, in most cases, the vaccines are safe. Hmmm!
    I you'st to have a handle on the world .. but it BROKE!!


    • #3
      You seem to forget flu jabs.

      Can you provide the evidence that only a 7 year booster is needed, please?

      Vegetable Kingdom blog


      • #4
        Are you honestly telling us that vets knowingly give harmful vaccinations to our animals simply to bolster their incomes??


        • #5
          Problem is though that if you wish to have a pet insurance honoured or you wish to put your dog into kennels, then you have to have the yearly boosters.
          I am certain that the day my boat comes in, I'll be at the airport.


          • #6
            And if you don't you're labelled as an irresponsible owner. It's hard to know what to do for the best. Most of us care deeply about our dogs and want to do the right thing, but few of us are dog experts we just love our animals and take advice from those people who are. Unfortunately these are the very people who stand to make money from the advice. Not an easy situation.
            Into each life some rain must fall........but this is getting ridiculous.


            • #7
              Originally posted by jamesp
              I am not talking about flu jabs just the jabs given to our dogs, all you have to do is google it and look at the university's (wisconsin i think) where a well respect scientist amongst others has done extensive tests.
              But you said we don't give annual jabs to kids, just pointing out that we do.

              You're making the claim, you show me the evidence.

              Vegetable Kingdom blog


              • #8
                Originally posted by jamesp
                But we don't give annual flu jabs to kids, people who get flu jabs tend to be over 65 or have a medical condition that decreases their immune system.
                Wrong, my son gets annual flu jabs as do all who have a chest condition.

                Originally posted by jamesp
                Im not the one making the claim, I decided not to post links, I want people to google it and look for themselves, try it, you wont find the evidence you desire very hard to find.
                You are making the claim that there is scientific evidence, I merely ask that you provide it.

                Also, what evidence is there that the vaccines are harmful?

                Vegetable Kingdom blog


                • #9
                  Originally posted by jamesp
                  You answered your own question there, I stated that people would get yearly flu jabs if they have a medical problem as with your son.

                  This thread though is about dog yearly boosters, so i will only comment further on that.

                  You merely asked me to provide the evidence and I merely asked you to look for yourself.
                  This is what you said

                  When we have vaccines as kids we don't have them yearly do we?
                  I need you to show me the evidence as the burden of proof is with you not me. I might look up different evidence to you.

                  And the evidence that vaccines are harmful.
                  Last edited by Capsid; 22-08-2008, 05:33 PM.

                  Vegetable Kingdom blog


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by bluemoon View Post
                    And if you don't you're labelled as an irresponsible owner. It's hard to know what to do for the best. Most of us care deeply about our dogs and want to do the right thing, but few of us are dog experts we just love our animals and take advice from those people who are. Unfortunately these are the very people who stand to make money from the advice. Not an easy situation.
                    Sorry now changing back to docs from vets!Our youngest is now due for his MMR "booster",found out through much research that it's not actually a booster but that a very small percentage of children remain to be not immune after the first dose & the "booster" is to catch those few.It's a long story which i did do a thread on recently but basically my boy suffered a setback in his speech coinciding with when he had the MMR~may have been a coincidence~we don't know~I have no proof either way.Have had several off the record chats with medical friends who have all pointed out that the Doctors earn very good commision from drugs companies for each jab given which is why the majority of info they give is positive.We're lucky & have very understanding docs & we hope he'll be able to have a blood test to check his immunity.I don't want to be down on all doctors but it is so scary how much financial influence drugs companies have~whether for humans or animals.
                    the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

                    Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by andi&di View Post
                      Sorry now changing back to docs from vets!Our youngest is now due for his MMR "booster",found out through much research that it's not actually a booster but that a very small percentage of children remain to be not immune after the first dose & the "booster" is to catch those few.It's a long story which i did do a thread on recently but basically my boy suffered a setback in his speech coinciding with when he had the MMR~may have been a coincidence~we don't know~I have no proof either way.Have had several off the record chats with medical friends who have all pointed out that the Doctors earn very good commision from drugs companies for each jab given which is why the majority of info they give is positive.We're lucky & have very understanding docs & we hope he'll be able to have a blood test to check his immunity.I don't want to be down on all doctors but it is so scary how much financial influence drugs companies have~whether for humans or animals.
                      The government pay the docs commision, not the drug companies. And anyway vaccines are free in the UK.
                      Last edited by Capsid; 22-08-2008, 05:38 PM.

                      Vegetable Kingdom blog


                      • #12
                        You're right they are free in UK but i'm also aware that drugs companies generate huge amounts of money & my now very cynical mind would ask where the government get the money to pay the docs?!I'm unfortunately not qualified to enter a debate about it all just a very anxious mum in a position i really would rather not be in!I'm totally aware of how horrific measles can be having worked with a lady left brain damaged by it at the age of 2.But also have the worry that my boys development did take a backward turn at the time he had his 1st MMR~I have no proof to say it was the MMR but as a parent yourself can you tell me that if you thought there was the slightest chance that a drug caused this in your own child you would be able to allow them to have that drug a 2nd time?!Anyway,after doing lots of independant research I've discovered that there's a huge possibility that he is already immune & not need what they refer to as the "booster",so all I can do for now is hope the docs can let me know if he's already immune.
                        the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

                        Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by andi&di View Post
                          You're right they are free in UK but i'm also aware that drugs companies generate huge amounts of money & my now very cynical mind would ask where the government get the money to pay the docs?!I'm unfortunately not qualified to enter a debate about it all just a very anxious mum in a position i really would rather not be in!I'm totally aware of how horrific measles can be having worked with a lady left brain damaged by it at the age of 2.But also have the worry that my boys development did take a backward turn at the time he had his 1st MMR~I have no proof to say it was the MMR but as a parent yourself can you tell me that if you thought there was the slightest chance that a drug caused this in your own child you would be able to allow them to have that drug a 2nd time?!Anyway,after doing lots of independant research I've discovered that there's a huge possibility that he is already immune & not need what they refer to as the "booster",so all I can do for now is hope the docs can let me know if he's already immune.
                          The government get the money from the taxpayer (so vaccines aren't really free but a lot cheaper than if you had to buy them), and the tax from profits from the drug companies of course.

                          I think you are making the correct choice about your situation, best wishes to you.
                          Last edited by Capsid; 22-08-2008, 06:11 PM.

                          Vegetable Kingdom blog


                          • #14
                            Cheers Mark!
                            the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

                            Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


                            • #15
                              I can't really say I have an opinion either way, which is very odd for me. I am afraid I'd be seen as a hypocrite on this topic. However, I will say that despite being a Vet Nurse, I do not have my own dogs vaccinated yearly. I tend to give them a booster every 6 years or so...just for good measure.

                              I of course advise owners to have their pets vaccinated, and promote boosters as per my job..however don't blame people who choose not to have it done. I have nursed many a dog through parvo, and believe me it is not pleasant...however, most of these pets are puppies who have not already received their initial vaccination course or elderly pets who already have a weak immune system.

                              On the subject of pet insurance - I have both my dogs insured (always have done) and I claim regularly on my policy (as she is allergic to EVERYTHING). I have never had any problems with the insurance paying out on the policy - In my experience it's only relevant if/when the pet suffers from one of the diseases they claim are 'preventable' by vaccination.
                              I love to talk about nothing. It's the only thing I know anything about!!

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