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'I only eat supermarket food'


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  • #31
    I never eat supermarket food - well practically never anyway so am I the anti version?

    Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.

    Which one are you and is it how you want to be?


    • #32
      Originally posted by zazen999 View Post
      On another note:

      The EU apparently has rules and regulations about size of fruit and veg; remember the kiwis having to be thrown away when they were 1mm too small?

      Well, whilst in France - Tony you might confirm this - the supermarkets had veg of all shapes and sizes; so is it that we are taking the EU rulings to the letter, or that France ignores it - or that the EU rulings aren't as strict as they say and that actually, it is all a conspiracy here in the UK???
      I have been to Crete on holiday many times & the supermarkets there sell locally grown fruit & veg it is mainly sold unpackaged in all shapes & sizes I bought a melon there that weighed 10kgs tomatoes all shapes & even bananas grown on Crete the supermarket I used had no pre-packed fresh fruit & veg.
      The river Trent is lovely, I know because I have walked on it for 18 years.
      Brian Clough


      • #33
        my eldest daughter is a bit finicky sometimes and is easily put off by bugs in food she doesnt eat peas off the allotment since she found a tiny maggot in one pod so i serve them up and tell her theyre frozen shes happy to eat the calabrese which i must admit was lovely but i saved telling her while it was cooking on the hob a big fat green caterpillar surfaced (although i had given it a thorough wash!)so i just scooped it out and chucked it away she was none the wiser and said how much nicer it was straight off the allotment mind over matter in this household!!


        • #34
          Originally posted by yoanbob View Post
          duck eggs were "safe" to eat, .
          Not for me they aint, I'm fine with hens eggs but chronically allergic to duck eggs, found out first time I tried them ended up in hospital on various drips.
          Hayley B

          John Wayne's daughter, Marisa Wayne, will be competing with my Other Half, in the Macmillan 4x4 Challenge (in its 10th year) in March 2011, all sponsorship money goes to Macmillan Cancer Support, please sponsor them at'

          An Egg is for breakfast, a chook is for life


          • #35
            A little of topic? but not really as it is all about reality and how we daily come into contact with germs and bugs- we need to....
            Think about this....
            you visit the bathroom when you are out, show, garden center, restaurant etc.
            turn on the tap wash your hands...hands clean what is the next thing you touch....yeep
            THE many dirty hands turned that on????? ewwwwwww
            Sorry had to be said
            I would rather eat plot food at least I know the dirt from over there!
            Played as kiddies in a stinking creek full of broken glass and all sorts of trawler waste.... got small cuts (we were lucky) but we have so far all lived into our 40's, We did not die from that germ riddled creek mud and stuff. Yet you hear of people who go to hospital for minor opp and die from a super bug!!!!
            Just take the best care you can....
            Last edited by Headfry; 26-08-2008, 10:53 AM.


            • #36
              Presumably these 'supermarket only' types aren't keen on foods with flavour either then?
              Into each life some rain must fall........but this is getting ridiculous.


              • #37
                A bit like the conversation with my SIL yesterday then....

                She proclaimed that our nephew wouldn't eat what we'd prepared for tea (sausage & veg oven bake). He is 17 months old, and as far as I'm concerned should be eating what is put in front of him. Apparantly he doesn't like sausages, or peppers or courgette...

                So we watched him eat his way through half a pork & leek sausage, half a Toulouse sausage, multiple strips of peppers and 3 slices of courgette

                Mind you, I suspect that the sausages at her house are the frozen in a bag variety from Iceland, not the "made down the road from local meat, fresh from the butchers" like we get; and most of the veg was fresh from the garden, not funny-faced potato shapes etc....
                Last edited by OverWyreGrower; 26-08-2008, 04:04 PM. Reason: spelling


                • #38
                  Lol OWG. That reminds me of a youngster who refused to eat sausages, until offered wild boar ones at a barbie. Now he'll eat them 'till they come out of his ears. Mind you he doesn't refer to them as sausages he calls them Freds, because that's the name of the chap who brought them to the barbie.
                  Into each life some rain must fall........but this is getting ridiculous.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Headfry View Post
                    Think about this....
                    you visit the bathroom when you are out, show, garden center, restaurant etc.
                    turn on the tap wash your hands...hands clean what is the next thing you touch....yeep
                    THE many dirty hands turned that on????? ewwwwwww
                    Sorry had to be said
                    reminds me of when i was at uni, we had to take samples of various places, kitchens, food tables, toilets, door handles etc ....... the worst 2 places for bad bugs (coliforms etc) were the bar of soap in the loos, the inside toilet door handle, and the lift button, which was next to the loos....... the toilet pans were virtually bug free, as were the outside door handles to the loo ...... so just goes to show, people actually had more bugs on their hands after visiting the loo than before, so don't use bars of soap after visiting the loo


                    • #40
                      My probably only OCD is when in public loos!!The kiddies aren't allowed to touch anything & I'm one of those nutters that turns of tap with a paper towel~& then(sorry eco warriors!)another one to open the door to get out!!!
                      Yet the state the kiddies get in at lottie really doesn't bother me at all~nor the amount of dirt I'm sure we get through from the veg!Must add tho how nice it would be if lottie produce could come home dirt & slug free!!Actually found an earwig lurking in the fridge the other day!But hey a small sacrifice for knowing the veg is fresh/chemical free & ultimately far tastier than the watery stuff from supermarkets!
                      the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

                      Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


                      • #41
                        I forgpt to say, when I was chatting ot the chap with the 20 yr old gf that would only eat supermarket food/veg, I asked him what they were going to be doing that night. He said they were going to McDonalds for their tea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by andi&di View Post
                          My probably only OCD is when in public loos!!The kiddies aren't allowed to touch anything & I'm one of those nutters that turns of tap with a paper towel~& then(sorry eco warriors!)another one to open the door to get out!!!
                          Yet the state the kiddies get in at lottie really doesn't bother me at all~nor the amount of dirt I'm sure we get through from the veg!Must add tho how nice it would be if lottie produce could come home dirt & slug free!!Actually found an earwig lurking in the fridge the other day!But hey a small sacrifice for knowing the veg is fresh/chemical free & ultimately far tastier than the watery stuff from supermarkets!

                          dirty germs aren't as bad as poo germs, don't blame you, i do my very best to avoid all public toilets, i'd rather go behind a bush.
                          Last edited by lynda66; 26-08-2008, 06:37 PM.


                          • #43
                            I can just see you in a shopping mall Lynda, crouched behind the potted palm.


                            • #44
                              Well said everyone, one of my aunties won't eat baked potatoes because the skin might be dirty???????? Personally I think kids need to get dirty, exposed to it and not the stuff out of a cleaning bottle promising to kill 99.9% germs. We have a nice house, warm, welcoming and yes clean! I admit I used to be obsessive to a point about cleaning etc but then gave up honestly when small children were running about the place. It doesn't help when there are so many adverts on tv about cleaning products and articles in magazines. We never of MRSA until a few years ago, I wonder why, but people don't make the connection. Totally agree with what everyone has said previous.


                              • #45
                                Remember how manky the bathwater was when we were kids? Probably something to do with the fact that we played outside all the time and had to get dragged in at night kicking and screaming.
                                Last edited by amandaandherveg; 26-08-2008, 07:05 PM.


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