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The Common Reader!


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  • The Common Reader!

    An idea for discussion....BOOKS!

    I may be on my own here, but I adore reading. I'd definitely list it as one of my absolute all time favourite hobbies. You just have to open the book and become lost in the pages - another world unfolds right there in front of you. Heaven!!

    So, that said and done - I thought this would be a perfect place to share experiences on books we've read, books we would like to read...and warn others of those soul destroying books to stay away from!

    An online reading reviews...

    If I'm on my own...I'll understand and chat away to myself anyway.

    But, I'll keep my fingers crossed someone may be interest and start by telling you of a book I read recently (which I'd be surprised if you hadn't heard about due to it's popularity on Richard & Judy's book club) which is without a doubt one of my best reads this year.

    'No Time For Goodbye' by Linwood Barclay

    This book is thrilling from the word go...a real mix of emotions that leaves you intrigued to read on..and on...and on. I finished this book in a day, it's adictive...and most enjoyable! I've never read anything like it, and would recommend it to anyone who fancies a fast paced, thrilling, whodunnit read!

    I'm currently reading another coupld of books recommended by R&J .... 'The Resurrectionist', by James Bradley and 'Addition' by Toni Jordan. I will let you know if these are worth a read (my opinion of course) in due course!

    I do read books outwith Richard & Judy's Summer Reads, but they do seem to pick crackers every year. Trust me, my list of books is far from exhausted....but I think I've rabbled on enough for now.

    I look forward to getting your recommendations...and/or hearing your opinions on the books I've already mentioned today.

    Off to read....
    I love to talk about nothing. It's the only thing I know anything about!!

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  • #2
    this thread is totally up my street!!!!

    i think if you're gunna do it lets do it properly, pick a book a week/fortnight and all read it and then discuss it. either that or read a book and then swap ones we think are good, that'll help keep costs down


    • #3
      Well why don't we do both!

      There is enough room for everything - we could have general discussion/reviews - I think these are good because then it allows people to read the books being discussed in their own time (budget, etc). I know I have a HUGE book collection (between my partner and I) we're talking in excess of 500 books. So, I can't afford the space (to buy a book per fortnight, etc), the time (I already read 3 books at a time as it is), or the budget to purchase the books to read for the discussions. So....just hearing people's opinions on their fav books, recently read books, etc would inspire me to make a note...and read it as and when I have run out of reading material/can afford it!

      However, I think a live book discussion is a wonderful idea too. So, why not have a Book of the Month, Spotlighted Book or something, where we read a specific book monthly....and discuss it! Those who can/want to participate can...and those who don't want to can still take part by discussing past/present reads!

      Does that make sense?
      I love to talk about nothing. It's the only thing I know anything about!!

      Our Blog -


      • #4
        I hope you are only going to be discussing GARDENING books on here with all the bandwidth you'll be taking up
        Only joking. I love reading but finding the time is difficult. Even when I'm on this forum, I've usually got two PC's going at the same time,the forum one and my laptop for work so as I'm waiting for one to update, I can have a squint at the other one. My reading tastes, apart from techie stuff, depends on what OH leaves on the dining room table, if it's there I tend to pick it up and read it when I have time, so I have the strangest reading habits imaginable
        I you'st to have a handle on the world .. but it BROKE!!


        • #5
          Gardening books...Pffttt...don't make me laugh! Says I, who has two garden books and a chicken book sitting neatly on my bedside table!
          I love to talk about nothing. It's the only thing I know anything about!!

          Our Blog -


          • #6
            I love reading too but don't get round to reading many & very rarely novels. The latest book I've got out of the library is 'Cr*p at the Environment' by a comedian who tried to spend a year living in an 'environmentally friendly' way, I've not got into it yet but it's supposed to be very good. I've just read Tracey Emin's book 'Strangeland' which is a bit odd to say the least but interesting, I like autobiographies of unusual people etc. & gardening & art books so I probably would be useless in a book group as I wouldn't get around to reading any of the chosen books.
            What I did notice yesterday in a shop window was something I think was called the 'ireader' or similar where you can read a book on a portable computer screen. What's the point of that, I like to feel the book & turn the pages & go backwards & forwards when I've forgotten something & put a bookmark in it, seems to be taking the soul out of a book reading it on a machine!
            Into every life a little rain must fall.


            • #7
              ok Bephlam, you sort it and those who want to join in can. i think it would be best to start simple so start by picking a book and setting a deadline and discussing it and see how we get on, what do you think?


              • #8
                The ireader..I've heard it all now!! It's like the Lee Evans sketch about the computer pen that you use to write on a plastic piece of paper, so you can have your own handwriting on emails not just use the actual pen and write on an actual piece of paper!!

                I do enjoy the odd talking book though - especially lying in bed at night, falling asleep to the story. I end up having to play the same book over and over though because I always fall asleep!!

                Oh rainbow...hard choice, having to pick the book and all. I would suggest the book I mentioned before 'No Time for Goodbye'....a) because it's brilliant!...and b) it's super cheap (only �3.50 in tesco!). But, I don't want to force anyone in to reading something they'll hate. Should we take a poll on what to read?? lol. (I am PMTing, and as such VERY indecisive!!!!) :P
                I love to talk about nothing. It's the only thing I know anything about!!

                Our Blog -


                • #9
                  The Kite Runner. I loved every page to the extent that I told work I was off to Afghanistan whenever I wandered off to read it in my lunch hour and I cried at the end - as good as it gets.

                  Read some fabulous enjoyable bilge too, but I'll only admit to that after a glass or two of Elderflower special


                  • #10
                    i'm happy to go with no time for goodbye and i will buy it once the weekend is over. i'm a very fast reader but i'm on holiday next week so once i'm back i'll let you know how i get on, i hope it's good


                    • #11
                      The Forgotten Garden - Kate morton.


                      • #12
                        "Ces't le Folie" by Michael Wright. Made me wish I were thirty years younger and single!


                        • #13
                          I read at least three novels a week, more if it rains a lot. Something like this would be good, I'm always picking up rubbish and forcing myself to read it to the end as it would be a terrible waste of money if I didn't. The local library is a non-starter as it's tiny, has to cater to all tastes and I've read everything they have that appeals to me. I recently picked up a copy of 'The Divide', by Nicholas Evans, which I really enjoyed. I've never read anything of his before, but he's the chap who wrote 'The Horse Whisperer', so I'm of to the bookshop tomorrow to try to get hold of some more of his books. I'm also the only person in the whole wide world who hated, loathed, detested and thought was a badly written load of tosh the one book that everyone else seems to have read and loved. I refer, of course, to the dratted 'Da Vinci Code'. Words cannot express how much I despise that book.

                          I read 'The Resurrectionist a few weeks ago, Bephlam and loved it. Though the plot can be quite subtle at times, definitely not one for when you're half asleep.
                          Last edited by bluemoon; 26-08-2008, 04:23 PM.
                          Into each life some rain must fall........but this is getting ridiculous.


                          • #14
                            Oh my...I'm so sorry. I started this thread and then work took off and I haven't had the chance to get back to it!

                            Bluemoon...I too HATED the 'Da Vinci Code'. I read it because everyone was going on and on about how wonderful it was - goodness knows why! I loathed every single page of it...found it a real struggle to read! Another one that I HATED with a passion was 'The Secret' - a bigger pile of rubbish than dare I say it, the 'Da Vinci Code'!!!

                            The Resurrectionist was fab, but I found myself lost briefly towards the end of it! Still, I'd highly recommend it. It's given me a new found fascination with gothic/period novels. I have decided I'm going to try some Thomas Hardy stuff now (yes, partially because of the TV series), but mainly because my g/f adores his stuff - in fact he's her favorite author - and despite my love of reading, I have never read one of his books. I plan on starting with 'Jude the obscure'.

                            Rainbow - have you managed to read 'No Time for Goodbye' yet? I'm interested to hear how you found it!

                            Again, I'm sorry I've neglected this thread, but I promise to start paying more attention to it from now on!!

                            B x
                            I love to talk about nothing. It's the only thing I know anything about!!

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                            • #15
                              being a student of Horticulture all my reading, both day and night, is study books - and I love it


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