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Fed up of solicitors


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  • Fed up of solicitors

    I was supposed to be exchanging on a plot of land 9 weeks ago.

    There's problems with ownership that wasn't identified by the solicitors until the day of the exchange when the money had been transferred. Got the money back the same day but have been able to do nothing for over 2 months. Got the architects plans for my new house sitting in the kitchen drawer gathering dust but not going to bother lodging them with the council Planning Dept until this gets sorted out.

    I'm fed up, I just want my plot of land, I don't want to have to go and sue them for Breach of Contract and to reimburse me for all my costs. I just want to build my new home.

  • #2
    Keep visualising yourself in your new home, happy, send it out to the universe, it'll happen girl!! Try to stay positive.
    Imagination is everything, it is a preview of what is to become.


    • #3
      I've been taking it all on the chin thus far, but this morning I took the pooches out for a walk and one of them decided to take himself off for a trot on his own. He wandered into someones back yard and she came out and gave me a row. I explained that I'd been trying to catch him but she was a bit of a 'nippy sweetie' so I just came back home and cried. Not like me at all, not a good day.

      I'm going to make a cuppa and have a bit of my homemade fudge.


      • #4
        Hi Amanda

        Sorry to hear your having problems. Hopefully they will be resolved quickly and you can get on with your plans. Enjoy your cuppa and fudge, I'll join you with a coffee and choccy biccy.

        Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.

        Michael Pollan


        • #5
          Originally posted by amandaandherveg View Post
          I've been taking it all on the chin thus far, but this morning I took the pooches out for a walk and one of them decided to take himself off for a trot on his own. He wandered into someones back yard and she came out and gave me a row. I explained that I'd been trying to catch him but she was a bit of a 'nippy sweetie' so I just came back home and cried. Not like me at all, not a good day.

          I'm going to make a cuppa and have a bit of my homemade fudge.
          poor you! What's a nippy sweetie? Hope the fudge helps!
          Imagination is everything, it is a preview of what is to become.


          • #6
            A 'Nippy Sweetie' is Scots for a sharp or sour sweet, or a sour faced person. So you could say 'She was a right nippy sweetie'


            • #7
              Originally posted by amandaandherveg View Post
              A 'Nippy Sweetie' is Scots for a sharp or sour sweet, or a sour faced person. So you could say 'She was a right nippy sweetie'
              down here she'd be a miserable cow!

              We call those sort of sweets winky sweets cause they make you wink!!
              Last edited by lainey lou; 27-08-2008, 11:27 AM.
              Imagination is everything, it is a preview of what is to become.


              • #8
                nippie sweetie sounds quite nice!


                • #9
                  Hound your solicitor, I assume as yet you have only paid them a deposit, and they don't get the remainder until after completion? I'm not a big fan of solicitors, we can't do without them, but boy do they drag things out unnecessarily. A good friend of mine when receiving the solicitors quote always says, there is an extra ??? in it for you if you can complete within 4 weeks. Seems to work for him!!
                  I'm only here cos I got on the wrong bus.


                  • #10
                    Scots law means that you don't have to pay a deposit. When the sale has been agreed verbally it becomes legally binding for both parties.

                    The plot I am buying was gifted to the seller by his Grandfather before his death. It turned out that an estranged Uncle may have a claim due to the fact that the previous solicitor failed to dissolve the ownership/partnership of the Grandfather and his Son before it was gifted to the Grandson, Phew!

                    So, it means that the seller and his solicitor have to obtain Indemnity Insurance against the Uncle staking a claim within the next 2 years and it's taking forever.
                    Last edited by amandaandherveg; 27-08-2008, 12:13 PM.


                    • #11
                      You can do indemnity insurance online so, I guess someone in the chain is seriously dragging heels, that the problem with summer holidays, solicitors are allowed them!!

                      Do you think that both solicitors now realise there's more work involved than was quoted for, and as such are not really giving it their full attention?
                      I'm only here cos I got on the wrong bus.


                      • #12
                        i'm not keen on solicitors ....
                        a friend asked what my dad did for a living
                        "bank manager" i said
                        " really?" he said
                        "Yup" i said
                        "what does your dad do then?" i asked
                        "he's a solicitor" my friend replied
                        "honest?" i asked
                        "no" he said, "just the regular type"


                        • #13
                          boom boom.....
                          Imagination is everything, it is a preview of what is to become.


                          • #14
                            Quite good for a bad joke, lol.

                            Chased him up again today, he's just back from a long weekend. He called the sellers solicitor today and he was out of the office so he's dictated a letter. Drives me nuts, they post everything and their offices are across the road from each other, if they folded into a paper aeroplane they could chuck it out the window and it would get there.

                            Seller has been having a bit of a moan about the fact that he's been told by his solicitor that his bill would increase and that he would have to foot the bill for the indemnity insurance. Tough, it'll be a hell of a lot cheaper than me sueing for my architects fees/valuers fee/site survey/costs/inconvenience/interest/loan arrangement fee/legal fees/land searches, etc.

                            Ok, rant over.


                            • #15
                              "When the sale has been agreed verbally it becomes legally binding for both parties."

                              I think down south we've all heard about this binding verbal business and understand how important it is not to commit to anything by word that could be construed as an offer to buy!

                              Thinking worst case scenario and it drags on too long - would you perhaps be able to legally look elsewhere and have your verbal commitment annulled on the basis that the seller may not be legally entitled to sell the land at the time of the agreement?

                              Even though well-intended on both sides - the seller perhaps might have a case against the solicitors who transferred ownership of the land without properly disolving previous joint ownerships properly.

                              It sounds a right complicated business. I can only hope that you get satisfaction in due course and a lovely home. Meantime your solicitor is there to WORK for you - make him/her earn the fee.
                              Last edited by quark1; 27-08-2008, 03:29 PM.


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