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Is there such thing as a houseproud gardener?


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  • #16
    I have a book called "Home Comforts: The Art and Science of Keeping House" by Cheryl Mendelson. There is a US and a UK version, and apparently ironing is easy if the shirts are taken out and ironed when still slightly damp. There is a whole chapter devoted to dust mites, and she has neat little lists of the minimal things that have to be done daily, weekly, monthly, etc. I try to follow them whenever possible 'cause I get obsessive when I don't follow it and am likely to start 15 jobs at the same time and never finish any of them! If you follow the lists, you get the same effect of having a maid come in once a week to do a broad sweep of the place.

    Baby Steps.


    • #17
      Marigold, I think I've read that one from the library before and it was interesting alright.

      I used to be the "I let the cleaner do it" person too, but then I finished college and OH decided I had time enough to clean house again (after the fulltime job, around minding the toddler and feeding OH, and somewhere through getting onto plot and into back garden).

      In fairness, OH does his share too. We keep it under control mostly, and he'll often grab the ironing basket on a Sunday afternoon and plonk himself, ironing board, starch and hangers all in front of a movie for a couple of hours and just get it done (and the toddler lets him, whereas she'd be hanging out of me!).

      If the weather is fine though, and I see a chance to go to the plot, housework can wait as that can be done in a few mins here and there, after dark or while it rains.

      I actually spent yesterday afternoon getting ready the "Holiday Grand Plan" - organising Christmas and doing a thorough deep clean of the entire house in baby steps between now and 2 weeks before Christmas (from another US website) so I hope to clear a lot of the clutter and have lots of little 5 minute jobs on a list for every week from next week.

      And as we actually are ahead on the laundry for a change this week (new washing machine and tumble dryer really are working great) - we might actually get some rest time this weekend to enjoy RELAXING in the garden/house (rain due so no point in going to plot cept quickie harvest tomorrow early am).


      • #18
        That really is the best way to counter holiday stress, to get started early. Thanks, I think I'll sign up as well!

        Gawd, I wish my tumble dryer worked well. It seems like it has no ventilation and just steams the clothes until they come out as wrinkled as possible!! During the summer, I just leave the dryer off.


        • #19
          We split everything 50/50 really. I do all laundry, cooking and tidying; DH does cleaning, dusting and anything DIY-ish.

          Since being at home and not working, I've actually found myself coming over all 50's housewife. I like the smell of fresh laundry and baking bread around the ol' place!

          Obviously, like all right-minded people, I cannot abide ironing, so we split DH's 5 work shirts per week too. I'm sooo slow at it, but each one is perfect! DH thinks I'm really untidy (he's neat neat neat), but was always amazed that my lovely office at work was beautifully neat and organised. I couldn't do my job in chaos!
          I don't roll on Shabbos


          • #20
            I wish I was better at doing housework, but I'm frightfully good at ignoring it. My husband isn't really any better. In fact, we try to have people over on a regular basis, as knowing that people are going to come into the house is about the only way we can motivate ourselves to tidy up!


            • #21
              I tend to just do the bare minimum of housework to keep the place liveable but like you Tammy I rush around desperately tidying up if someone is coming. Silly really as people should take you as they find you.
              Into every life a little rain must fall.


              • #22
                Originally posted by HeyWayne View Post
                Phew, I'm not the only one that clicked "my cleaner does it".
                You - you got me there! t'other one was me.

                As she came yesterday the house is still sparkling.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by SueA View Post
                  Silly really as people should take you as they find you.
                  The problem at my house would be finding me in the mess!


                  • #24
                    I hate house work it gives me the hump, i get really ratty and tearful. I dont iron, nothing gets bought that needs to be ironed in my house. My gardens not really tidy. MyOH is a compulsive tidier in the house and the garden, we drive each other mad


                    • #25
                      Glad we're not the only lazies with a cleaner! OH and I both work full time and I was fairly insistent that we should share the chores at the weekend. OH had the brilliant idea of getting a cleaner because he didn't want to do his share!!! So now I can spend more time in the garden, growing even more veg which he loves and so he feels paying for the cleaner is a bargain!
                      Life is too short for drama & petty things!
                      So laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly!


                      • #26
                        Madderbat & Myself are from the Quentin Crisp school of cleaning

                        There is no need to do any housework at all. After the first four years the dirt doesn't get any worse.
                        Quentin Crisp
                        The river Trent is lovely, I know because I have walked on it for 18 years.
                        Brian Clough


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