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Simba the Roborovski Hamster


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  • #16
    haha scary moggie you've got there. put a pad lock on the cage lid? would have to be a tank so it cant scare it half to death by trying to get its paws through

    either that or very thin bar spaces
    Last edited by New_Bud; 29-08-2008, 05:17 PM.
    "You never really understand a person until you look at things from their point of view, until you step into their skin and walk around in it" - Atticus Finch, To Kill A Mockingbird


    • #17
      Originally posted by Mikeywills View Post
      post a pic new bud, as I have no idea what one looks like. I have an image of a hamster and the terminator merged as one!
      Try this
      Roborovski hamster - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
      The river Trent is lovely, I know because I have walked on it for 18 years.
      Brian Clough


      • #18
        They're so cute, but I am sooooooo glad that our hamster days are over!! We had LOTS of hamsters, I mean LOTS and LOTS of Russia Dwarf Hamsters, really cute, but so..........prolific!

        (Just went on to the web to check my spelling of prolific and found a fascinating story from Tuesday's Guardian, Toronto Police have arrested a man and found 2,865 bikes in his shop that he'd stolen. The shop was so full of bikes they had to remove the upper windows and lower the bikes out on ropes!!! - well it amused me, but then wine has been involved!!)
        Life is too short for drama & petty things!
        So laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly!


        • #19
          We had 2 Roborovski Hamsters. One of our cats knocked the lid of the cage and chased one around the kitchen. I dived under the table and managed to remove the hamster from the cats mouth just as he was going to be dinner! No lasting affects though, they lived another year, safely in the garage.

          They're very cute.
          Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.

          Michael Pollan


          • #20
            Yeaaah hes lovely. I've only had him three days and he'll allready take the peanut butter from the lolly stick im holding, when hes in the modd o.c xx
            "You never really understand a person until you look at things from their point of view, until you step into their skin and walk around in it" - Atticus Finch, To Kill A Mockingbird


            • #21
              make sure it's peanut butter with no salt, the excess salt could damage his kidneys.


              • #22
                yeahh It was. Plus it was only a tiny amount on the end that he took anyway (y)
                "You never really understand a person until you look at things from their point of view, until you step into their skin and walk around in it" - Atticus Finch, To Kill A Mockingbird


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