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Grow Your Own - Web Offer Of The Month - Spetember 2008


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  • Grow Your Own - Web Offer Of The Month - Spetember 2008

    Hey Everyone!

    Using the feedback we've received so far, we've been working hard here at GYO to try and add more value to the products we're offering to you all. Today we've put up September WOTM and we're just looking to hear what you think. So things like 'did you like it', 'did you buy it', 'if not, why not?'. That sort of thing.

    ALL this feedback is really appreciated and of high value when we go to assess the success at the end of the month.

    Thank you!

  • #2
    I didn't order any of the offers; the onions are too pricey for me, to be honest. I'll not buy "seed" garlic again, I'll use supermarket stuff. And I have loads of veg seeds already (I tend to pick them up as I go)

    I think the seed packages would attract a new gardener's eye though ... all that lovely stuff coming through the post.
    All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


    • #3
      Although its a good offer financially for the seeds. I prefer to chose my own so I dont end up growing stuff we wont eat. Whole household loathes caulis. Was still tempted though, so hard to resist a bargain
      WPC F Hobbit, Shire police


      • #4
        I'm with FionaH. Although a bargain is hard to resist I prefer to choose my own seeds. And next year my mission is to grown some less well known varieties of my normal veg choices!
        Life is too short for drama & petty things!
        So laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly!


        • #5
          How many kilo's of onions is that order for, I buy my overwintering onions a lot cheaper than that, bought loose I can hand pick the sets I want.


          • #6
            Special offers still seem quite expensive. I prefer to order specific varieties of veg, not collections. The compost aerator seems a real rip-off - what's wrong with using a fork?


            • #7
              Im with the others prehaps a % off would work better then you could pick your own verieties, I think it would work for new people though
              Yo an' Bob
              Walk lightly on the earth
              take only what you need
              give all you can
              and your produce will be bountifull


              • #8
                If I hadn't just spent nearly �500 on school uniforms, shoes, football boots, trainers, coats...
                I did ask for those things on the offers page

                The onion & potato sacks are good, I'd have had those - as it is I'm using a cardboard box for spuds and the onions are plaited.

                The onion sets are ok, but how many do you get? It doesn't make it very clear, just that you get "2 packs of each for �9.90". Although that is good value I think, mine were �3 ish per net.

                The seeds I wouldn't bother with, I never buy 'Seed Collections'

                The aerator is about garden centre price.

                The garlic offer doesn't mention anywhere how many bulbs you get of each variety??!!


                • #9
                  The onion collection sounds tempting especially as p&p is included but I think there might be too many for my tiny patch. I've also already ordered some Elephant garlic so won't be sending for that offer. I've got veg. seeds coming out of my ears too at the moment & am trying to decide what to sow so although the seed collection is a good ofer I won't be ordering any. I do think they're a good selection of offers though for anyone just getting a small allotment or starting a veg. garden.
                  Into every life a little rain must fall.


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