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Should I/Shouldn't I?


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  • #16
    Zazen999, I've googled it and I can buy it in Leeds (Dale Photographic), about 30 minutes drive away! 18.99 for a five roll pack, so considerably cheaper than back in the day too. Ooh, guess what I'm doing this weekend, I'm just soooooooo excited. I never think to google for things, my OH spent hours yesterday trying to change the rear brake shoes on my mum's micra, later our SIL informed us of a site where we could have downloaded instructions. OH figured it out in the end (at least I HOPE he did ), but we could have saved ourselves many wasted hours - OH is not the world's most natural mechanic.
    I used to love B&W printing too, standing in near darkness watching the image appear, there's something really magical about that. Sadly I haven't done it for many a year.
    Actually Velvia is only 50 or 100 iso, I'd better get something else too if I'm going up the woods with me camera, this weather's appalling.
    As for the wedding photographer's, 30 years ago I found mine via personal recommendation, he'd done a beautiful job with Mum's friend's wedding. I can't see some of the one's who are trying to pass themselves off as wedding photographers today getting many of those.
    Last edited by bluemoon; 05-09-2008, 10:13 AM.
    Into each life some rain must fall........but this is getting ridiculous.


    • #17
      If you do go back to do some photography at college make sure it's got a darkroom. You'd be surprised how many [even young] students are going old style back to film, pinhole, toy camera etc. Honestly, I think digital has GIVEN soul back to photography as so many people use digital, it has created a backlash in those that are really interested in the ART side of it.

      I have my Holga, with an expensive wide angle lens gaffertaped to the front...and when I am out and about I get all sorts of people coming up to me asking 'Is that a Holga - what the devil have you got on the front of it?' The Holga cost �7 on ebay, the wide angle lens cost $250 when we were in Florida...the gaffer tape we already had in the house.

      Enjoy your Velvia; and all hail Google!!!


      • #18
        Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
        they will recommend more expensive items than you need, and probably items that can be bought in the college shop
        I did an art degree, and got most of my paint supplies from The Works (good for acrylic paints etc).
        You only need fine oil paints, watercolours if you get serious, or seriously good
        Thanks Two Sheds, we have a Hobbycraft nearby, but it's very expensive. I already have a few bits and bobs as I have dabbled in the past - but with no talent and no instruction my efforts were, umm, primitive.

        And a photography course next year, z999, now there's a thought.
        Last edited by bluemoon; 05-09-2008, 10:25 AM.
        Into each life some rain must fall........but this is getting ridiculous.


        • #19
          Good luck on your course! I was thinking about photography this Autumn. Not sure when local cut-offs are, as they seem to start mid-Sept round here.


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