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  • #16
    Originally posted by lainey lou View Post
    Today I have Lazyitits!


    • #17
      Now the ironing should really be put off at present.

      Irons are high energy users and I think it would be best if you put it off untill you are sure that energy prices are stable.

      Also you should do some gardening first to offset the carbon footprint of the iron.

      Is that a good enough reason? Saving the planet for your kids!
      I am certain that the day my boat comes in, I'll be at the airport.


      • #18
        Originally posted by SlugLobber View Post
        tee hee hee well spotted!!
        Imagination is everything, it is a preview of what is to become.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Stacey Steve View Post
          Now the ironing should really be put off at present.

          Irons are high energy users and I think it would be best if you put it off untill you are sure that energy prices are stable.

          Also you should do some gardening first to offset the carbon footprint of the iron.

          Is that a good enough reason? Saving the planet for your kids!
          I could kiss you! The perfect excuse!!
          Imagination is everything, it is a preview of what is to become.


          • #20
            I'm a man so can always come up with a logical excuse!
            I am certain that the day my boat comes in, I'll be at the airport.


            • #21
              The only things which should ever need ironing are mens shirts, and possibly womens work blouses. Everything else can be folded/hung up hot from the dryer. Believe me, I have years of experience! School uniforms look no better ironed, and certainly don't stay looking ironed for longer than 5 mins! I iron once a year, thereabouts, and I haven't had to do that yet since OH isn't working!

              I'm not lazing by the way; I've done 4 hours on the lottie today, cooked a load of beetroot for pickles (OH loves them pickled!), got tea simmering away, and I'm going back to lottie to shovel sh*t later when it gets delivered.


              • #22
                glad i'm not the only one ...... mind you, i've not done anything else today to make up for it, though i have vaguely considered digging up some potatoes ...... unfortunately Jeremy Kyle won lol

                bored now though
                Last edited by lynda66; 18-09-2008, 04:55 PM.


                • #23
                  thing is when you dry on the line you get peg marks & on the radiators leave a rather noticable crease also!!Anyway;it was an absolutely glorious afternoon so picnic at the lottie after nursery won hands down!!Why is it I can never find the motivation for housework yet get to the lottie and I can't stop!!Think it's as stuffs either weeds~chuck or veg~keep!!None of this sorting things into piles & putting away before you can even think about dusting!!
                  Last edited by di; 18-09-2008, 05:07 PM.
                  the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

                  Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


                  • #24
                    get different pegs then

                    peg things up on the inside, on the crease, then you can't see them


                    • #25
                      I hardly iron anything - but I admire those who do!
                      My hopes are not always realized but I always hope (Ovid)




                      • #26
                        I tend to get lazitis when i have to tidy my room... funny that
                        Stacey x ♫


                        • #27
                          I managed to get nothing done at work yesterday (except doing a chore list for at home for the next couple of months - decluttering and properly cleaning a bit at a time to make up for the lack of it while I was doing college stuff).

                          But as it was so fine, I went home early and (with the toddler's "help"), I managed to wash the outside of the windows and door at the front of the house, and the mailbox. And as the toddler was helping, she had taken a few swipes at the dust on DH's car - so I had to wash that too (the swipes only made the rest of the dirt stand out more).

                          We went in home then, and got the toddler's tea out of the oven. She wanted to eat it outside, so she ate while I stringed 3 more plaits of onions (I prefer to do them in bunches of 10, for a nice usable size in the ktichen), and then she played while I cut down the mangetout vines in the flower bed, and hand pollinated (I hope) 2 baby courgettes (we've had very few large ones, so when I see a rare male flower, I try and help things along).

                          Once she was in bed, I baked a half batch of chocolate chip cookies (the dough was made and in the fridge, so I just had to slice it and bake them in the already hot oven from our pasta bake dinner). After OH and myself were fed, I pulled out my knitting, and finished off the blanket I've spent months working on.

                          I didn't actually pull out the documents I had brought home to read (and OH refused to pull out his laptop either), but as we had tried that on Wednesday and gotten nothing done due to toddler nightmares, it probably was a wise move!! I must get something done today though......


                          • #28
                            cor while you lot are feeling in a lazy mood, i went to work for the day with 50 kids under 5, then i got home and cleaned, then went back to my kids school for a meeting and sold �600 worth of books and whilst i was there my mum DID MY IRONING (Yah!!!!)

                            Then i sat at the PC for 2 hours trying to write my first essay, then went to bed past midnight and up this morning, drop kids to school, go straight to shopping, get home and put away by 9,45am, back on the PC doing the essay for 2,5 hours and then ready for work, back from work and do the washing (now on the line waiting for the sun tomorrow!!!), then cook tea, had 4 people around AGAIN to buy �100 of books for their school so had to go get them and put them back when finished, then sat here on the vine trying to catch up.

                            Is anyone exhausted yet, cause i am


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by squashysu View Post
                              whilst i was there my mum did my ironing (yah!!!!)
                              Imagination is everything, it is a preview of what is to become.


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