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Mr Oliver is at it again!


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  • #76
    Originally posted by nelliegemini View Post
    At the risk of hijacking a thread, I think that H F-W is more of a 'people person', despite geing a bit posh. I'm just a bit more at home with his enthusiam.

    Anyone who loves beetroot is OK with me, although it was Jamie who introduced me (via TV of course) to Cavalo Nero which is still producing like a good 'un. When I was on holiday and my neighbour was cat watching and therefore had the run of the garden, she tried all sorts with the cavelo, including cooking in the microwave to produce 'chinese' seaweed.
    To save hijacking Jamie's thread.....just noticed Hugh's got one all of his own!!
    the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

    Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


    • #77
      Originally posted by andi&di View Post
      To save hijacking Jamie's thread.....just noticed Hugh's got one all of his own!!
      i am gonna hijack! Jamie and make him pukka and Hugh and make him eat his own words and that plum in his mouth!

      i f@@@ing love jamie - so there, he inspired me to garden, i know he doesnt do it and has a gardener, but without his programme i would be eating chicken twizzels instead of making my own home made burgers with lean mince........

      by they way, i am still fat and smoke and buy scratchcards!! LOL!!! x


      • #78
        Originally posted by squashysu View Post
        by they way, i am still fat and smoke and buy scratchcards!
        so long as you grow your own, that's ok!
        All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


        • #79
          Originally posted by kernowyon View Post
          there was a comment in the Metro earlier in the week, that he is releasing a book to go with the series, which is aimed at people similar to those in the series, but a �25, would any of them buy it
          library = free books
          All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


          • #80
            I think the problem is not lack of money or time, but laziness. People just can't be bothered to cook. All that cleaning, chopping, preparing ... and washing-up afterwards.

            Humans are naturally lazy. Can't be bothered to walk = drive instead. Can't be bothered to read to the kids = stick them in front of the TV.

            (me, can't be bothered to iron. * pack it all into a box marked summer clothes/winter clothes/moving/Oxfam - delete as applicable - instead *)
            All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


            • #81
              Originally posted by coomber View Post
              Its in Milsom place. The restaurant is lovely, feels very relaxed, I did think the bar area was poorly laid out and too small though.
              We had a forty five minute wait for a table but while you wait somebody comes round with paddles? of food(chilli jam, pecorino cheese, mortadela etc).
              When we were seated it was a very small table for 5 people.The waiter was very helpful and friendly but was too busy to give really good service. The food was AMAZING! and very reasonable too.
              I would deffo go again but not for a few months because it was ridiculously busy.

              I've heard of coombe down but down know what coombe downer means - hope its not rude
              Will have to sweet talk the OH into taking me sometime when it's calmed down.
              A comber downer means a mean portion, implying that those from coombe down are tight! (I'm from Odd down - could explain a few things!)
              Imagination is everything, it is a preview of what is to become.


              • #82
                Cooked Jamies sizzling beef with black bean sauce recipe from pass it on last night, t'was lovely!
                Imagination is everything, it is a preview of what is to become.


                • #83
                  I just personnally don't get it i think it's so sad!! I was brought up on a council estate used to see some kids playing out in the streets and instead of being called in to tea like we were,they used to eat fryed chips in paper tesco bags (remember the ones for doughnuts!!) at the time i was so envious how bad is that!!!

                  But i know all about how to cook decent food and at a budget growing your own isn't too difficult and it's fun as you learn ....but some people just don't want to i don't understand how many people can't or won't cook in this day and age!!
                  ps think Jamie is fantastic!!
                  Julie critchlow is a witch!! she's just so down on the project all the time why is she there?? (fame anyone!!)
                  Last edited by maximepaul; 17-10-2008, 04:38 PM.


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by maximepaul View Post
                    Julie critchlow is a witch!! she's just so down on the project all the time why is she there?? (fame anyone!!)
                    Well I shall have to watch it now - I've just googled who she is. One of the reasons I didn't watch it from the beginning was all the 'Jamie and school dinner mum friends again' advance publicity. Apparently he had apologised (why?). It turned me right off because it made the whole thing just seem like a stunt - well maybe it was but if they're at eachothers throats I will have to watch.


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by andi&di View Post
                      We've only watched the 1st half of the 1st programe;but what I didn't get was when "La Critchlow"moaned at JO that it was too much to expect people on benefits to be able to afford fresh food when literally moments before he'd been in the home of a woman living on take aways!!I think he did well to bite his tongue....but then I guess he knew the edditting would take care of peoples thoughts & opinions!
                      Did you see the end of the program where she was crying saying it cost to much and she couldn`t afford to buy all the food whilst SMOKING A CIGARETTE!!!!
                      I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person.


                      • #86
                        i think he's great, has got happybunny into cooking, she got some of my brothers old cook books including several of Jamies and last week she cooked a roast chicken, stuffed with lemon and garlic, tatties roasted and carrots cooked in orange and a carbannara from his books with very little assistance from me.
                        although the programmes have focused on the two women on benefits other in his first group include an older man whos late wife did all the cooking and there was at least two women who worked and were finding time being the issue for passing on the recipes. have to say although I live in Scotland, the schools up here still teach cooking although they are more basic than when I was at school because parents are not teaching at home Happybunny has been promoted in her home ec class she is now assisting in the teaching up front with the teachers as she is more skilled than most in her class. She has been praised last week by some of the kids who said she explained things better than the teacher!!
                        And yes I am overweight, am on a low income,a single parent but on the plus have worked most of my life and am managing to pay a morgage!!


                        • #87
                          Please don't turn this thread into a:

                          people on benefits/low income
                          teaching etc etc

                          I don't like the guy in this programme as I have stated previously, not for his capabilities as a chef as I am not knocking him for it, just in this programme. Not knocking his other programmes etc. Don't want this thread to become personal. Have seen this happen before on here.


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by sharonr View Post
                            Did you see the end of the program where she was crying saying it cost to much and she couldn`t afford to buy all the food whilst SMOKING A CIGARETTE!!!!
                            see this is when you ( the viewer) gets sucked in by the editing, so she smokes, so what, , they edited it to make her look BAD because that make GOOD TV, she was having far worse problems at the time than she told JO about, and what she said about 'pawning her jewellery' was the least of it, it's car crash TV, and frankly, I am ashamed of jamie for allowing it on a programe he is involved in.
                            this is one reason why I prefer HFW, he might be a pompous ass sometimes, but he never belittles people, even excusing the woman with a trolley load of BOGOF chicken.
                            Vive Le Revolution!!!
                            'Lets just stick it in, and see what happens?'
                            Cigarette FREE since 07-01-09


                            • #89
                              Of all the cookbooks I have ever bought, Jamie's really are the best - I will be making his tomato macaroni cheese for my vegetarian guests tonight. However, I find the Ministry of food uncomfortable viewing, the editing makes the northeners look like right twerps and confirms southerners worse suspicions. Why is he not dealing with high class business people who can't cook - (they don't teach cooking in private schools much) - not all working class people eat crap, aargh aaaargghhhhhh its such an annoying program. Tackle cooking for every student in every school, I know a lot of teachers who think cooking ought to be compulsory like english/maths. Imagine kids telling their parents off for feeding them rubbish - (you know how they go on at you about smoking gives you cancer mum my science teacher says, stop it mum......), it would shame them into cooking properly. Not having the time is utter crap. Its idleness.(And I work full FULL time and commute 3 hours total every day.)
                              Love Hugh FW, he is an emotionally intelligent, mature person. I could watch River Cottage again and again, what a dream. His meat book is interesting reading.


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by mrsc2b View Post
                                Please don't turn this thread into a:

                                people on benefits/low income
                                teaching etc etc

                                I don't like the guy ... Don't want this thread to become personal. Have seen this happen before on here.
                                I don't think anyone is being personal

                                is it OK to criticise Jamie but not anyone else ?

                                I think it's fair enough to criticise people who spend their limited income on fags/booze/gambling instead of on good healthy nutritious food. The kids should come first.

                                About 65% of people in hospital are there for diet-related problems. Apparently.

                                Sure, smoke if you like to. But don't go whining that you can't then afford good food.

                                (not you, Mrs 2CB. 'You' as in 'general public')
                                Last edited by Two_Sheds; 18-10-2008, 09:12 AM.
                                All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


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