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  • #46
    Hi Piskie, thoughts are with you and yours at this time. ((more hugs))
    Kirsty b xx


    • #47
      Originally posted by piskieinboots View Post
      this will probably sound cruel but I think you all know me well enough to know how I mean beloved Charlie (cat for new readers) was spared any further pain, sometimes feels a shame that we can't afford the same treatment to humans
      No it doesn't at all. My niece had bone cancer 22 years ago and was only 10 when she died. There were times in those last weeks that we all felt that no-one would let a dog be this ill but the last 2 days before she died were the best she'd had for many weeks; chatty, smiling, wanted to be read to and was watching the birds on the feeders outside her bedroom with her younger sisters.
      I don't think I can say anything to help you feel any better about this and feel a little as if I'm intruding as I don't know any of you but you are all going through an incredibly difficult time and it will be a roller-coaster of emotions. Just take each day as it comes, try to be kind to yourself and you will all come out the other side. Take care x


      • #48
        Originally posted by piskieinboots View Post
        this will probably sound cruel but I think you all know me well enough to know how I mean beloved Charlie (cat for new readers) was spared any further pain, sometimes feels a shame that we can't afford the same treatment to humans
        its not cruel piskie, having seen my dad go through the same (prostate then bone) you wouldnt wish it on your worst you and others have said we treat our animals with more dignity at the end of life than humans, hope you & SD are taking care of each other during this difficult time ((((Hugs))))
        The love of gardening is a seed once sown never dies ...


        • #49
          Originally posted by Kayt View Post
          .....and feel a little as if I'm intruding as I don't know any of you but you are all going through an incredibly difficult time and it will be a roller-coaster of emotions. Just take each day as it comes, try to be kind to yourself and you will all come out the other side. Take care x
          you are not intruding even a tiny bit - your words help, thank you


          • #50
            "I have no knowledge of bone cancer - do any of you? Can it be treated? If not, is it quick?"

            Hi Piskie. I work in Cancer Research (in Cancer Therapeutics), so do know a little. The problem with bone cancer is that there is very little blood supply, so any chemotherapy will not get to where it's needed. The drug breaks down before it can be effective. It's not helped by the ADT (Androgen Deprivation Therapy) given to prostate cancer sufferers, which weakens the bones anyway. There is research I know on managing this and current research on cancer itself targets molecular pathways and specific molecules, rather than whole cells, making it a little less 'hit and miss'. The trouble is, it takes more than 10 years to get from hit compound (the raw chemical we screen against a cell or pathway), to marketable drug. A hit I found in 2002 is in clinical trials now, but the publication bumph is only just being written!

            Because it's difficult to treat bone cancer, if no further treatment is given to slow progession of the disease, it will be much quicker than if chemo is given, as the chemo just delays the inevitable. Palliative care is the key, i.e.pain relief. The hospital will supply him with a morphine drip if it's requested and a carer has the authority to up the dose using a button, for those harder times.

            Still thinking of you. Positive thoughts from me. xx


            • #51
              thank you SL for a clear reply, it helps me to try to help Snowdrop


              • #52
                I can't think of words to help Piskie but we are all thinking of you and sending you hugs to share with Snowdrop.
                Happy Gardening,


                • #53
                  I told Pete (FIL) yesterday that he needed to hang around for a fair while cos we have bought him the complete set of Dad's Army DVDs for Christmas and that runs into many many many hours - he laughed


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by piskieinboots View Post
                    I told Pete (FIL) yesterday that he needed to hang around for a fair while cos we have bought him the complete set of Dad's Army DVDs for Christmas and that runs into many many many hours - he laughed
                    Can I ask where you got them Piskie? Our neighbour is trying to get the set and our younger son would love them too (not quite sure how he got into the programme but there you go)
                    Happy Gardening,


                    • #55
                      I've given up trying to type the right thing here (I've tried several draft/red-drafts). Nothing I type seems to be the rigfht thing.

                      My thoughts will have to do I'm afraid.
                      A simple dude trying to grow veg.

                      BLOG UPDATED! 30/01/2012

                      Practise makes us a little better, it doesn't make us perfect.

                      What would Vedder do?


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by shirlthegirl43 View Post
                        Can I ask where you got them Piskie?
                        SD believes it was Amazon

                        Originally posted by HeyWayne View Post
                        I've given up trying to type the right thing here (I've tried several draft/red-drafts). Nothing I type seems to be the rigfht thing.....
                        everything you 'say' is the right thing


                        • #57
                          At the risk of sounding like an oik; it's really pants pants pants; sometimes life just doesn't seem at all fair. Esp when you can't actually do anything to help.

                          Thinking of you



                          • #58
                            Piskie - thinking of you and SD, your FIL and all the family.

                            You too and yours, Two Sheds.

                            All good wishes going to you.
                            My hopes are not always realized but I always hope (Ovid)




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