Am feeling a little apprehensive, tonight is school quine night. Quine is waht passes for winter entertainment in these here parts. Most people will know it as bingo. Start time is 8.30pm and, if last year is anything to go by, we won't be home much before 1am. That's 4 1/2hrs of solid french numbers
. It wouldn't be quite so bad if the accent here wasn't so initelligible, instead of vingt (20 pronounced van) we will be subjected to 'vin-ter' and so on.
The prizes should be good though, there is a wii, lots of roquefort, a few oil changes and the odd half animal. If I can bag a food dryer I will be very happy (although half a pig would make me happier
Wish me luck - tomorrow my brain will be fried.....

The prizes should be good though, there is a wii, lots of roquefort, a few oil changes and the odd half animal. If I can bag a food dryer I will be very happy (although half a pig would make me happier

Wish me luck - tomorrow my brain will be fried.....