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New Bank Account


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  • New Bank Account

    My ex oh decided to close youngest sons bank account how I dont know or why. Son just started new job and was waiting for money to be paid in when it happened so they gave him a cheque instead but he still cant pay it in as he now has no bank account. He has tried to open a new one but as he has no passport, no driving licence, he doesnt pay domestic bills therefore he has no proof of identity so cant open a bank account. Its so frustraiting now his dad has said he will pay for a passport even though son wont be going abroad in the near future.
    No wonder banks are in difficulty.
    Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
    and ends with backache

  • #2
    can he not go to the bank and complain to them about closing his account, when he didn't request it?? and if they don't take notice, contact the banking ombudsman

    had the same problem with my son not having id, but they let me refer him,as i had an account there, and he just needed his birth certificate and a letter from school.

    er below talks some sense sometimes too
    Last edited by lynda66; 27-10-2008, 07:06 PM.


    • #3
      how on earth did they manage to close it without your son's permission - that is really bad! I agree with 'er above () get your son to ask them for an explanation and if not good enough - take it further!


      • #4
        Hurrumphed on all counts. Unless ex had signing rights to the account, there should be no way the account could be closed, except by son.
        The banking ombudsman would take a very very dim view I feel.
        Bob Leponge
        Life's disappointments are so much harder to take if you don't know any swear words.


        • #5
          Not sure I think his dad was garantor for it, his dad has had his other 3 sons and me on at him thats why he is paying for his passport ha ha serves him right.
          Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
          and ends with backache


          • #6
            Even if he was Guarantor, it's not his bank account and shouldn't be able to close it.

            Have you tried opening on line...I've opened various bank account on line and not a sniff of a need for a passport or details on proof of identity. I've opened one with Co-op recently and it all went through fine. I also opened one with Kaupthing Edge, but the less said about that the better [I have got my money back, but it took a fortnight].


            • #7
              i worked for a bank for 6 years if an account hasnt been used for a few years they are automatically closed especially if nothing is in them if something is in the money goes to dormant funds if they can contact garentor or owner, they normally write to last known address to say this will happen, if dad was gaurentor he has overall power on account till its signed sole to your son even if son is over 16 once son 18 banks normally write to say account need changing to become the childs sole account. parents can open account at the bank for there child where they bank at if they take the childs birth certificate and there parent takes the recommended passport or driving licence and utility bill and bank statement. i dont think that has changed since being made redundant a short time ago. cant your ex request the account be reopened, if wasnt closed ltoo ong ago this can be done. hope this helps percy charlie


              • #8
                Thanks for all advice I have basically left it to his dad to sort out son was 21 last week and as far as I know it was a fairly new account. On line didnt work dont know why one of my other sons was helping with that. I am keeping out of it but I still cant understand how it happened, or why the bank allowed it. You need so much stuff to open one these days not everyone has a passport or a driving license and as he lives with others no bills to confirm his address either, banks certainly dont help.
                Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
                and ends with backache


                • #9
                  I figured my boys might have this problem, I dont have a passport, and nor do they, and although they have original birth certificates, mine is a copy, and I have no drivers licence, proving ID is a flippin pain, so I promptly opened them bank accounts at the same bank group as me, this puts them on the 'id required ' ladder, although I have to say, that even at 12 and 14, i am not a guarantor on their accounts?, and they have total rights over their account, seems very odd that even with a guarantor, they could close the account without his permission, after all it's HIS money in it, I would get on to them and ask how & why this happened, and how to avoid it happening in the future.
                  Vive Le Revolution!!!
                  'Lets just stick it in, and see what happens?'
                  Cigarette FREE since 07-01-09


                  • #10
                    He has a cheque for nearly �300 waiting to go in as the firm couldnt pay direct and its nearly pay day again he has to borrow money to get the bus etc. He had bank accounts when he was younger that I opened for him but he closed them himself. I offered to pay it into my account but thought that by now it would be sorted so he didnt and by the time its cleared he will hopefully have one.
                    Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
                    and ends with backache


                    • #11
                      if the chq is in his name the bank wont or should accept it into a account that is of a different name if the chq has account payee only on it if it doesnt say this then some banks will accept it being paid in. id get your son to complain to the financial obudsman and the bank about the account that got closed he should be entitled to compensation for the problems caused it may not be much but the going rate used to be a minimum of �30 about 4 years ago and i know it went up, that was at the bank i worked at. which bank was it im curious as to whether it was the one i worked for, or another of the so called big banks, hope your son gets an account soon all the best pc


                      • #12
                        I think Lloyds tsb not sure though
                        Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
                        and ends with backache


                        • #13
                          lloyds were never the best bank, we hated have to liase with them over anything, i used to work for barclays, first in customer services then as a researcher, while all banks arnt perfect some are better than others. natwest signed me up without my permission for internet banking back when i didnt own a computer never mind no internet access. hsbc would let my mum take money out of her account as they said they needed notice for the amount of �1000, but the a\c she had didnt require notice so she took the lot and closed the account. lloyds didnt handle things well after my grandad died. halifax were a pain for me too. and everything is done by banks now,


                          • #14
                            He should be able to open a savings account at the P.O. or one of the building societies I would think? An instant saver account would mean he could access his money easily, and his wages can be paid in by Direct Debit.


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