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allotment taken away - conclusion (of sorts) post 668 onwards


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  • Excellent news Tricky! Hopefull that'll get the coucil to take notice!!


    • Congratulations Tricky stick to yer guns and squeeze them for all you can get.
      And a big WELL DONE to everybody on this website who took time out to post a message or write a comment, and mentions in dispatches to Lynda66 and Bride xiii (two ladies you don't want to upset).
      It's not the size of the dog in the fight
      It's the size of fight in the dog


      • Great news tricky!!! And 3 cheers for Lynda and Bride for rallying everyone to post/show support for you.
        Kirsty b xx


        • Tricky - what a result!


          • Huge congratulations Tricky. As has been said previously, get everything in writing so that after any publicity has died down, the Council cannot renege on their agreement.
            I still think that we, as a group, should push for an enquiry as to why this happened in the first place (and not for the first time on this particulat lottie site) and at the very least have the council officer in charge of the allotments in the council area removed from his or her post, as he / she clearly has no idea about what a productive plot looks like.

            British by birth
            Scottish by the Grace of God



            • we are waiting to see what happens before doing anything else ....... we don't know yet what the council are actually going to do, but we haven't given up yet


              • Originally posted by sewer rat View Post
                Huge congratulations Tricky. As has been said previously, get everything in writing so that after any publicity has died down, the Council cannot renege on their agreement.
                I still think that we, as a group, should push for an enquiry as to why this happened in the first place (and not for the first time on this particulat lottie site) and at the very least have the council officer in charge of the allotments in the council area removed from his or her post, as he / she clearly has no idea about what a productive plot looks like.
                you are so right on the council level, but....... once tricky gets his site back , thats it for him hopefully.......... I shall however be following closely from now on what this council does or doesn't do with regard to allotments, they have said they will review procedure, i want to see proof of that, and if i don't then i will be looking to contact groups in the area to offer any help i can.
                Vive Le Revolution!!!
                'Lets just stick it in, and see what happens?'
                Cigarette FREE since 07-01-09


                • Originally posted by lynda66 View Post
                  awwwww look auntie maureen just volunteered to go dig lol
                  I'll volunteer to dig, I quite like digging. Shall we get a gang of us together and descend on the plot? With Tricky's permission of course!

                  Hmmmmmm just thought, Scunny's quite a long way from Stafford, and it's not really "on my way" to anywhere. Let's have a think about this one before I dig a hole for myself and get buried in it!!!
                  My girls found their way into my heart and now they nest there


                  • BrideXIII
                    I completely agree that once Tricky has his lottie re-instated and his compo paid up, that he should concentrate on his plot and his health, as that is after all what this was all about.
                    That's really what I meant that we should maybe take this on as a group - a sort of interwebby pressure group, righting wrongs and fighting the good fight for lottie holders and growers. We seem to have had a success in helping Tricky in what was a relatively short period of time, so who knows what could be achieved. Vive la Revolution !

                    British by birth
                    Scottish by the Grace of God



                    • Great news!! What power people have if they band together and keep fighting!!


                      • Hello Lynda

                        Thanks for your enquiry. have to ask first, is the gentleman in question a member of the National Society i.e. NSALG ? In order to be of help I will need to know more information. for instance did he get a letter from the Council warning him the plot was becoming overgrown? was he sent a notice to quit? Can you please send me a copy of the article in the press? I will then consult with my colleagues at Head Quarters to see what we can do.
                        I am away from the 8th to 16th November.

                        Shirley Fleetwood
                        East Midlands Representative

                        got this email today


                        • Originally posted by lynda66
                          "Hello Lynda

                          Thanks for your enquiry. have to ask first, is the gentleman in question a member of the National Society i.e. NSALG ? ...."

                          got this email today

                          Well done tricky, hope you enjoy your 'new' allotmernt, look forward to hearing more details.
                          Last edited by smallblueplanet; 08-11-2008, 11:37 AM. Reason: (Edited out cynical bit...)
                          To see a world in a grain of sand
                          And a heaven in a wild flower


                          • Originally posted by smallblueplanet View Post
                            I take it just having an allotment wouldn't have been enough for them to offer help? Or am I being a bit cynical?
                            maybe it's just that if he was they would have his contact details etc?
                            Vive Le Revolution!!!
                            'Lets just stick it in, and see what happens?'
                            Cigarette FREE since 07-01-09


                            • Originally posted by BrideXIII View Post
                              maybe it's just that if he was they would have his contact details etc?
                              Generally if you have an allotment your society joins on behalf of its members and pays the subs (�2 per member I believe) I don't think they have details of individuals.
                              Into each life some rain must fall........but this is getting ridiculous.


                              • ah!!

                                oh well it was just a thought.
                                Vive Le Revolution!!!
                                'Lets just stick it in, and see what happens?'
                                Cigarette FREE since 07-01-09


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