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allotment taken away - conclusion (of sorts) post 668 onwards


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  • Originally posted by maytreefrannie View Post
    The email address is:

    [email protected]
    thank you, I have amended the original list which can be found on page 8

    anyone else that wants to contact the councillor in question, especially if you are local, that would be appreciated, lets let him know we are watching.

    please let us know if you do contact someone, especially from the not contacted yet section, that way we can keep the post up to date.
    Last edited by BrideXIII; 06-11-2008, 10:05 PM.
    Vive Le Revolution!!!
    'Lets just stick it in, and see what happens?'
    Cigarette FREE since 07-01-09


    • thanks sarah, i'll do them tomorrow .... i'm sure there must be other gardening people to try?? i'm not well up on gardening people, any ideas?? anyone apart from the one that doesn't wear a bra, that my dad fancies.


      • just sent Thrive an enquiry asking for advice, outlined the problem quickly and asked them to email me if they need more details and can help in anyway.
        Vive Le Revolution!!!
        'Lets just stick it in, and see what happens?'
        Cigarette FREE since 07-01-09


        • What about 'MIND' ? They have a Scunthorpe branch; Mind > Mind in your area > Regions > North East > Scunthorpe and District Mind

          If that's ok with Tricky, of course - it's his head which is being messed with!

          Also 'Shift', who try to counter discrimination on Mental Health issues.

          Last edited by SarzWix; 06-11-2008, 10:55 PM.


          • Email sent to the Sun online story tips contact addy.

            North Lincolnshire Council 'steals' allotment to give to council worker.

            Dear Sirs,
            you might find this story of some interest.
            allotment, Wheatfields, North Lincolnshire Council, Bottesford Lane, Scunthorpe,
            although this may seem like a small local matter, The Scunthorpe Telegraph must this week be surprised to find their readership going national.
            Mr Baxter the gentleman concerned is also a member of a large online community who are outraged at the treatment meted out to him by his local council, and are in the process of actively campaigning to get his allotment returned to him.
            In the current climate, when more and more people are being encouraged to grow their own to supplement their diets, by several celebrities and other bodies, it seems a shame that local authorities seem to be doing the opposite, with little or no understanding of how much time and effort people put into, and nor do they care.
            having admited that they didn't give him any notice due to an 'adminstrative error' they seem to think that that is the end of the matter......

            I look forward with interest to seeing if this story may interest you.

            your sincerely

            C Headley
            you can but try
            Vive Le Revolution!!!
            'Lets just stick it in, and see what happens?'
            Cigarette FREE since 07-01-09


            • gud on you Bride 3 cheers i say x



              • Originally posted by lynda66 View Post
                thanks sarah, i'll do them tomorrow .... i'm sure there must be other gardening people to try?? i'm not well up on gardening people, any ideas?? anyone apart from the one that doesn't wear a bra, that my dad fancies.
                i suppose there is always Alan Titchmarsh, he has his own TV chat show on at the moment, could try and get a mention?
                Vive Le Revolution!!!
                'Lets just stick it in, and see what happens?'
                Cigarette FREE since 07-01-09


                • Complaint registered with North Lincolnshire Council:
                  North Lincolnshire Council - Comments, compliments and complaints

                  I would like to register my disgust at the treatment of Mr Richard Baxter by one of your

                  departments, as highlighted in The Scunthorpe Telegraph on Tuesday Nov 4th.
                  Local news headlines

                  despite your spokesman admitting that he had not been sent notice of their intent, he has not

                  had his allotment returned to him, and has been told if he wants another one he has to go to

                  the back of a waiting list 90 strong?

                  whilst I may not be a resident in your area, this story has been noticed nationally, and i would

                  appreciate some comment on whether the council intend to remedy the situation.

                  Mrs C Headley
                  and on that note I need to go to bed.
                  Last edited by BrideXIII; 07-11-2008, 12:32 AM.
                  Vive Le Revolution!!!
                  'Lets just stick it in, and see what happens?'
                  Cigarette FREE since 07-01-09


                  • Just seen this and added my say over on the papers site . Think you will know which ones me.
                    Chin up tricky they picked the wrong person when they picked on you.Everybody email this man here so that he knows that it's not just one or two people .
                    [email protected]
                    Thats the one thing the councils hate - everybody watching them and spreading the word . get on to your MP as well no matter where you live . They will only be to keen to jump on the healthy eating band wagon - it can't be long to the elections can it?
                    Last edited by beefy; 07-11-2008, 01:16 AM.
                    There comes a point in your life when you realize who matters, who never did, who won't anymore and who always will. Don't worry about people from your past, there's a reason why they didn't make it in your future.


                    • I've just sent an email to Mr Kirk

                      Dear Mr Kirk

                      As you may be aware, there is a problem at one of the Scunthorpe allotment sites where Mr Richard Baxter has had his allotment taken away from him without notice.

                      I am one of the members of the online gardening community forums to which Mr Baxter belongs. We are all totally appalled at the treatment Mr Baxter has received and even 3 days on from the article being published in the local newspaper no reply has been heard from the Council or the department involved.

                      I'm sure I'm not alone in wanting to hear the other side of the story, and wanting to know what progress has been made to reinstate Mr Baxter's tenancy of the allotment.

                      In these days of recession, rising food costs, job losses etc, the number of people suffering from depression must surely be rising. Physical activity and healthy eating are ways to help treat depression. Mr Baxter was having both of these until they were taken away from him. I cannot begin to imagine what further stress he must be going through having the additional cost of buying vegetables to go with the family's christmas dinner as well as the rising expense of Christmas to cope with.

                      Please will you step in for us and ask the Council to reinstate Mr Baxter's tenancy, replace the crops that were destroyed, and give him some compensation for the stress and anguish he has been through

                      We all look forward to hearing your comments

                      Yours sincerely

                      Maureen Hall
                      My girls found their way into my heart and now they nest there


                      • * yawn* just got up to check progress, nice one guys ,
                        need caffiene now
                        Vive Le Revolution!!!
                        'Lets just stick it in, and see what happens?'
                        Cigarette FREE since 07-01-09


                        • Originally posted by lynda66 View Post
                          ok jimmy doherty has one too ....... and i resisted the urge to say ps i think you're really cute and can i meet you round the back of the hay barn
                          Lynda, you are toooooo funny

                          (sorry, had to reply to that, whilst keeping up to date with this important issue)
                          Finding Home


                          • Originally posted by BrideXIII View Post

                            what galls me most about this, is the fact that the council admitted the warning letter never got sent but expect Tricky to go to the bottom of the waiting list?, as if they are saying 'yeah we cocked up, so what, tough, get over it, our council worker deserves it more', beggers belief their attitude!
                            that is something that really angered me as well when i read it the other day. to think this council thinks this is the way to operate...its just disgusting!
                            Finding Home


                            • well done everyone on all the emails sent out yesterday. i read this thread everytime i check into the vine. i'll keep an eye out on the Jamie Oliver side of things...i may have another way of getting this to his attention....i'll make a call this morning and see.
                              Finding Home


                              • What about Jeremy Vine on radio 2. After all he has Terry Walton calling in on a regular basis.
                                There comes a point in your life when you realize who matters, who never did, who won't anymore and who always will. Don't worry about people from your past, there's a reason why they didn't make it in your future.


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