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Christmas Gifts


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  • #46
    I always tried to get something the teacher could keep rather than a box of chocs or wine. Find out what hobbies the teacher has it may be possible to get something for them, if not there is always a trusty packet of seeds.
    Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
    and ends with backache


    • #47
      Originally posted by jackie j View Post
      You can buy a book of vouchers of promises, our daughter gave us some when she was little I think one said ' I promise to go to bed on time ' or ' I promise to be good for a day ' you can write your own promise cos they are like a cheque book, I think these are great for children but they have to understand the meaning of giving one and that the promise has to follow through.
      sons g/f got him some rood ones of these last year ...... i had to sheild my eyes lol


      • #48
        Since we are also fairly skint (cos Mr OWG's work b*ggered his car tax up) we are doing a lot of homemade pressies...

        I've been making soap and body butters for a few months (to spread the cost of ingredients) and will soon start on various biscuits and cookies.

        I've also made some garlic infused olive oil, and some chilli infused olive oil....

        I'll make up various little bags of soaps/cosmetics and biscuits for mums, grans, aunties etc.

        I'll also be making dog-treats for the canines in the family (and those of some good friends)

        We're only actually buying pressies for the 2 babies in the family (who are 18 months old and 4 months old)


        • #49
          Crafty kinda pressies:
          You've got the cross stitch down - what about knitting?

          Beanie hats are quick and easy, taking about half a ball of wool (I made one for DH in 2 easy sessions (about 3 hours in total and I was relaxing over it) and I am using the rest of that ball and another to make him a scarf.

          Sewing? Little scented pouches for hanging in wardrobes with a bit of muslin, some coloured ribbon as a hanging loop, (nice button or ribbon flower could decorate it, or some Xstitch/embroidery), stuff with some lavendar buds or rice doused in some lavendar or other nice essential oils. Could make more male versions using less "frilly" decoration and more "male" kinda smells (pine, cedarwood, teatree all spring to mind).

          Collect some pine cones, spray them with spray paint and hang a bit of ribbon on to them to make nice tree decorations.

          Make some little tree decorations. Sew or glue together some sock-shaped felt pieces, decorate as wanted (ribbons, buttons, sequins, Xstitch), attach a loop of ribbon or nice thick thread/wool into top, and perhaps fill with a little candy cane suited to size.
          Other tree decorations could be green trees, white angels, stars (any and all colours), birds. If you had a small bit of wadding, that could be used for those other ideas to pad them.

          Sweet treats? Fudge, truffles, boiled sweets (definitely ask Mum's help for those), cookies.....Package nicely by layering a sheet of tissue paper, a paper plate, a festive paper napkin/doilie, treats. Then bring the tissue paper up from below and tie together at the top with some ribbon - use the rolls of Christmassy ribbon with a long tail and then use a scissors to run along the ends making lovely curly tails. You could put a sheet of cellophane wrap outside the tissue paper if you can get it (maybe a florists?) if you have the budget and can find it (put the cellophane under the tissue when starting layering). Or you could use cling film from the top down to hold it all together instead.

          I hope there's something in there to give you some ideas. Also, google crafts and Christmas - there are some great sites (especially American ones) with lots of great crafty ideas. Some are really naff, but some are really cool. And there are lots of different templates around as well to get nice shapes or patterns if you wanted them for certain things.


          • #50
            OOOO get you winged one how many things have you made then !!!! LOL mind you some great ideas you have there, trouble is I would have had to start last january !!! I did make loads of scarfs the year before last and they didnt take long, the fluffy ones that everyone was wearing.
            Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
            and ends with backache


            • #51
              I started making scarves for this Christmas in March. 4 are definintely finished, 3 more could be but could also be lengthened, and tehre's one still in progress. (Well, I still have to stitch in the tail ends and put on the label on all too). But they started out as a way to distract me from making a cup of coffee anytime I wanted a break from thesis writing (was having about 10-15 cups a day, not good when trying to write something that made sense) so a few rows of knitting was a great escape!!

              I have made various things over the years, as I felt crafty, or broke, or both. And when I had time. This year, there are a few but I am not planning on cooking (but I did make cookies and sweets for a few people last year.

              The beauty of cooking ones is that you can make a big batch of say 2 or 3 types of things, and give all receivers a small bit of each so it looks like a lot of trouble, but it isn't really. And the wrapping etc is not too bad once you set up a production line type thing at home one night - get all organised ahead of time and just lash into one night cooking and another wrapping.

              And some of those ideas are still ideas for me - I have thought about them but not managed to make them yet. There's always next year!!


              • #52
                Well done you I wish I could still knit and sew but it would take me ages to do the smallest of things now. I need to phone the doctor to sort out my carpel tunnel in my left wrist ( had right one done years ago ) but I keep putting it off hoping it will go away but I know it wont. I usually faint when I have the injections. lol
                Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
                and ends with backache


                • #53
                  1 year,i saw some faux ? fur on the market,in greens yellow,black,it resembled crocodile,so i fashioned x2,floor cushions in the shape of a reptile,it had the ridge on the back,claws on the feet,a big mouth that opened with teeth and a long red toungue,i made the teeth out of cotton fabric,even stuffing them a bit,so they stood out,the same with the claws and toungue,and shiny eyes,they were a decent size,aprox 1 metre long,the boys loved them,1 is still in use now,it's on the bed,he loves dinosours.
                  The girls i used my mams old knitting machine,and made up my own pattern for a baby doll,it had little nipples,belly button,and ears,the parents declined them being a sexed lol,complete with nappy,vest,dress,hat,booties,mattene? coat,and an all in one fleece,outdoor coat,and a blanket,all home made,toped of with a name and a framed birth certificate,these i did 4 of,1 was for a good friends dd,took ages to do,but worth the look on their little faces,
                  I also make christmas cakes for the family,4x 8 in,2x 6in,they love mums cooking,and sometimes they get sausage rolls and mince pies,if i got any energy and time left,
                  There are some great ideas on this thread,may be it should get resurected in the summer so it reminds peeps to take a look for ideas that needs time to execute,and any new ones added to it.
                  Last edited by lottie dolly; 12-11-2008, 10:54 AM.
                  sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                  • #54
                    Wow people, sure got ideas, havent you?
                    Stacey x ♫


                    • #55
                      As this is my nephews first Christmas and he is the first grandchild on both sides I'm suddenly faced with buying presents for and extra 15 people!!!! I've been really worried about what to do and was getting a bit stressed about it last week. I really don't want to buy silly gifts as that seems wasteful to me.
                      My friends are culling some of their geese and turkeys in time for Christmas, so I think that I will buy one of each and this can be everyones presents! It will make a lovely meal and hopefully a better day for everyone!


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Noodle View Post
                        As this is my nephews first Christmas and he is the first grandchild on both sides I'm suddenly faced with buying presents for and extra 15 people!!!! I've been really worried about what to do and was getting a bit stressed about it last week. I really don't want to buy silly gifts as that seems wasteful to me.
                        My friends are culling some of their geese and turkeys in time for Christmas, so I think that I will buy one of each and this can be everyones presents! It will make a lovely meal and hopefully a better day for everyone!
                        Why do you have to buy for 15 extra people???...sorry if I'm being dim!!
                        the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

                        Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


                        • #57
                          Being of good Welsh stock, and kinda from cardiganshire aswell (short arms long pockets!), I feel that we need to extend the christmas hunting to 12 months. My neighbours and I have a simple but fun christmas present hunt, and its all about getting as much as you can for �1, believe me you can get an obscene amount for a pound if you extend shopping all year round. Last year, I achieved a sack full of 14 presents for the �1 total. Bless you supermarkets for your 1p sales. I've already got a carving knife, torch, pedometer, wash bag, drivers gloves, bath bombs, organiser, drinkers gift pack, barbeque tongs and skewers, 2 cds, 1 dvd, book, and pack of colouring pens. I have 36p left. You really should give it a try, its fun.
                          I'm only here cos I got on the wrong bus.


                          • #58
                            Mickeywills - HOW do you manage all of that for 64p??????? What supermarkets should one haunt for the chances of such bargains??

                            I thought I did well years ago getting one pasta plate/bowl for �1.50 (that was half price) and then a while later getting a second in the same design for 10p - couldn't afford to buy more than that extra one as I was a flat broke student by then. But I still have the 2 and use them quite a lot (well over 10 years and 7 housemoves later!).


                            • #59
                              I am in the middle of clearing out the spare room of stuff to sell at a car boot, anyway I found my daughters necklace / bracelet stand its a stainless steel mug stand with eight holders it was quite cheap and jewelery hangs on it and it doesnt get tangled. Just thought of this as a prezzie idea.
                              Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
                              and ends with backache


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by happybunny View Post
                                Wow people, sure got ideas, havent you?
                                that's cos we is all old


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