This morning i was working hard in my college library and who should walk in but Matt James!
Now i'm hoping you grapes will know who he is cos i told this story to 4 other people ad they all said... 'who?' (For the benefit of those who don't he is channel 4's 'City Gardener' and 1 of the experts in GYO mag.)
Anyway, it was one of those double take situations, but i was certain it was him. Feeling too embarrassed to say anything i carried on 'working' but eventually pluked up the courage to go over just as he was leaving and say...
" Excuse me, are you matt james?"
" Yes" he said
" Oh!" i said and then continued to mumble something incomprehensible and then he left!
Now i feel like a super muppet for not having anything interesting to say, or ask
Has anyone else had one of those brain fart moments? It would make me feel better to know i'm not alone.....
Now i'm hoping you grapes will know who he is cos i told this story to 4 other people ad they all said... 'who?' (For the benefit of those who don't he is channel 4's 'City Gardener' and 1 of the experts in GYO mag.)
Anyway, it was one of those double take situations, but i was certain it was him. Feeling too embarrassed to say anything i carried on 'working' but eventually pluked up the courage to go over just as he was leaving and say...
" Excuse me, are you matt james?"
" Yes" he said
" Oh!" i said and then continued to mumble something incomprehensible and then he left!
Now i feel like a super muppet for not having anything interesting to say, or ask

Has anyone else had one of those brain fart moments? It would make me feel better to know i'm not alone.....