Does anyone have any experience of this working please?
I was up at 3am (loo) and as I tried to get back to sleep I ended up dwelling on yesterday (day from hell) and ended up bawling my eyes out.
I spent an hour "doing" the naughty step last night (just as dinner was ready which made it even more of a pain) with Daniel (3) yet all he kept doing was getting off. I stopped him from going upstairs by turning the light out (first waves of guilt for doing that). Ended up sitting with him and it was a case of him getting off then me putting him back about 50 times. (dont know if I am meant to sit with him or not - if he just moves one step does that count as him getting off?) Then when he had finaly had the 3 consecutive minutes I knelt down to get the appology and he hit me round the face - as I wear glasses it really really hurt so I am afraid I smaked his hand. (next wave of guilt)
I had started putting toys into that bin I keep for such occurances (he has been so good since I put loads in there last time) After the naughty step he was still being well naughty and I was losing patience - dinner was getting cold and being dancing night we were on a schedule. It ended up with me confisgating ALL his toys as he just kept hitting me, DD or throwing other toys - at least sitting room is tidy!
I know it was all because he was soooo tired and boy was I glad I didnt have to get hubbie from station at 8pm again last night as I know kids are suffering cos of it. I rang Nanny to see if she could talk any sense into him but even that didnt work - Nanny said to me hubbie not strict enough and should back me up (felt like saying well he is your son - you tell him!) I am so worried I am bringing up a yobbo but am also so worried that my methods are all wrong and I am damaging my darling boy for life. I am also struggling to cope at mo as I am so exhausted - get this I am on a higher level of thyroxine but my blood test show I am no better off than when I was last tested (at a time when not pg
) in January - no wonder I am so knackered.
In the end - when I got home after taking H dancing I rang my neighbour to ask if she could sit with him when I went to get H 3/4 hour later as I felt he just needed to get to bed. She heard how distressed I was (becoming a good friend she is) and she dropped everything rushed over to help. She made me go and sit down with a drink for a few mins while she bathed him. We then put him to bed together and I left her reading a story while I got H. When I got back he was fast asleep and she said she had never seen him so tired (third wave of guilt)
Sorry its been a rant - am crying again so will go for a bit now and calm down as gotta do school run soon. I know it will be all rosy again soon but am feeling pretty low this am - period pains too so it could be worse cos of PMT? Not read through so sorry for any sp mistakes.
I was up at 3am (loo) and as I tried to get back to sleep I ended up dwelling on yesterday (day from hell) and ended up bawling my eyes out.
I spent an hour "doing" the naughty step last night (just as dinner was ready which made it even more of a pain) with Daniel (3) yet all he kept doing was getting off. I stopped him from going upstairs by turning the light out (first waves of guilt for doing that). Ended up sitting with him and it was a case of him getting off then me putting him back about 50 times. (dont know if I am meant to sit with him or not - if he just moves one step does that count as him getting off?) Then when he had finaly had the 3 consecutive minutes I knelt down to get the appology and he hit me round the face - as I wear glasses it really really hurt so I am afraid I smaked his hand. (next wave of guilt)
I had started putting toys into that bin I keep for such occurances (he has been so good since I put loads in there last time) After the naughty step he was still being well naughty and I was losing patience - dinner was getting cold and being dancing night we were on a schedule. It ended up with me confisgating ALL his toys as he just kept hitting me, DD or throwing other toys - at least sitting room is tidy!

In the end - when I got home after taking H dancing I rang my neighbour to ask if she could sit with him when I went to get H 3/4 hour later as I felt he just needed to get to bed. She heard how distressed I was (becoming a good friend she is) and she dropped everything rushed over to help. She made me go and sit down with a drink for a few mins while she bathed him. We then put him to bed together and I left her reading a story while I got H. When I got back he was fast asleep and she said she had never seen him so tired (third wave of guilt)
Sorry its been a rant - am crying again so will go for a bit now and calm down as gotta do school run soon. I know it will be all rosy again soon but am feeling pretty low this am - period pains too so it could be worse cos of PMT? Not read through so sorry for any sp mistakes.