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baby P petition


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  • baby P petition

    hi guys as we all have seen the news about this awful crime i thought i would post the links to the sun newspaper petition they are campaigning for all who were involved to be sacked the link is
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    also this is a petition thatgoes straight to downing street
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    if we all do our bit it might make a differnce if not now for baby p but maybe next time things wii have changed
    thanks tracy

  • #2
    I'm deeply shocked at the circumstances for Baby P

    and totally agree that action needs to be taken against those involved.

    34 visits by them in 17 months and the alarm bells didn't ring - it beggars belief

    Well posted Tracy


    • #3
      It wont let me at the mo will try later.
      Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
      and ends with backache


      • #4
        Whilst I obviously agree that the life and death of this child were quite horrific I don't think that a witch hunt is the way to go, nor am I really convinced that this is the right place for such a topic (but then again I find the topics on this site becoming increasingly out of place so that could just be me). In realitiy we know very few of the actual facts and therefore the only people we can confidently lay the blame on are the individuals who have now been convicted for actually carrying out the acts of violence. None of us have spoken to or investigated personally the care (or otherwise) of the social services and therefore are not in a position to judge. I shall not be signing this petition but that in no way means that I condone the murder of an innocent child.

        Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.

        Which one are you and is it how you want to be?


        • #5
          this is by no means a witch hunt it is a petition to try and change laws that give murderers 14 years in prison so with good behaviour could be out in 7 years whilst the child only lived for a very short 17 months . this is the law at the moment and i for one want to see it changed.


          • #6
            I'm sickened by the death of baby P, however I don't think a petition originating with the Sun newspaper of all places is the way to go. Certainly until there has been a proper inquiry I doubt that anyone knows how to make suggestions for the better.
            On Wednesday evening I watched BBC news 24's coverage of this story. Apparently that lunchtime the PM had not made any commitment about what to do, but by evening the Secretary of State for Children made an announcement. All the interviewer could ask was why the PM hadn't said that earlier. The reason? They'd only received the report that morning, it was huge, it took all day to read it thoroughly. Perfectly reasonable in my view, but the journalist just harped on about the same thing throughout.
            Yes, I agree that something needs to be done, but I refuse to allow the Sun to make policy on my behalf.
            Into each life some rain must fall........but this is getting ridiculous.


            • #7
              The Sun is not for me, and I don't think anything coming from them will carry much credence.
              This is a most horrific case and the perpetrators are truly depraved.
              It looks as if the child protection agencies involved were truly remiss in their duties.
              I'm horrified by the whole thing but a witch hunt is not the answer.
              But please do let us have a proper investigation, quickly, and proper procedures which do protect children adequately.

              From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


              • #8
                Of course all right thinking people are appalled by what happened to Baby P.

                However, The Sun's main concern is to sell more copies of the paper. Long (and no doubt dull) story but having once shared a home with someone high up on their staff, the level of cynicism was disgusting.
                I was feeling part of the scenery
                I walked right out of the machinery
                My heart going boom boom boom
                "Hey" he said "Grab your things
                I've come to take you home."


                • #9
                  Although I to share the horror and disgust of this terrible crime I certainly wont sign the petition from the Sun - if you are talking about sacking - who would that include? neighbours? the child minder? the doctors? the 15 year old girl who saw some of these things happen? the baby's father? their friends? Things have gone desparately wrong but at this stage we dont know what went wrong, no doubt there are lessons to be learnt for Social Services, and others, and perhaps disciplinary action. I work for Social Services, though not connected with children and families, but I know how many good and important things we achieve, these are never mentioned in the press and from close experience I know what rubbish and lies the press often print - thats what sells the papers.


                  • #10
                    The original poster posted with good intentions I think - all of the information is evidence that has emerged in a courtroom and is in the public domain, and of course Social Services do many good things in different areas. The OP didn't attack Social Services/any other agency as a whole - just those individuals involved in this case. And there may be selective reporting, but it's still actual evidence.

                    There is going to be an investigation, and I'm sure we all pretty much feel the same about the terrible facts, but the OP was trying to do a good thing, even if we don't all agree with the method!
                    I don't roll on Shabbos


                    • #11
                      did no one see the petition to downing street ????? i thought this was a more credible one than that of the sun but i thought i would give everyone a choice
                      i am not intrested in selling papers i am intrested in justice


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Pompeylottie View Post
                        mentioned in the press and from close experience I know what rubbish and lies the press often print - thats what sells the papers.
                        I won't have a word said against the Press, they did a fine job talking this country in to Recession.
                        My phone has more Processing power than the Computers NASA used to fake the Moon Landings


                        • #13
                          thank you rhona as you said i only had good intentions i am sorry if anyone thought my way of doing it was wrong ,but do we all want to sit on our hands and do nothing about anything until it actually effects doesnt matter what it is but if something happened to me i would want someone to stand up and fight for me ....i was only trying to fight for a poor soul who should have never suffered
                          as i said im sorry if you thought i did this the wrong way but that is how i felt at the time of reading this article .......


                          • #14
                            Now I feel awful Tracey as I certainly didn't mean to be agressive about your post - I'm sorry, I just have a bit of a thing about press reports at the moment as someone very close to me has had a horrendous time and nearly given up her nursing career because of outright lies a patient told the press in an attempt to get compensation. But you're not wrong, just ignore me, I'm bitter and twisted regarding the press!!


                            • #15
                              oh god sometimes i feel like a sh*t sorry should have thought of other circumstances......but i do feel very strongly about this...i hope your friend doesnt give up nursing they are stars and they deserve a bloody gold medal for what they do ........sorrry again


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