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  • Morning, I'm sharing your cold wet and windy weather Burnie but now that my gardens had a good soaking and my butts are full I'd really like the summer back please.
    Location....East Midlands.


    • Morning all.

      Yes, nasal polyp op. Fourth one and not a major success according to surgeon as not much he could do due to possibly excessive efforts on (what I think was) previous op. Should have wondered why medics were so pleased with themselves and why I suddenly felt like I had motorway tunnels going through my head! Anyway, tis what it is. I can breathe (phew) but still totally deaf in one ear apart from heart beat going loud and clear (also phew), white noise that is extremely noisy (less phew) and the occasional (and alarming) creaking noise. Anyway, time to stop the whinging. I'm feeling a lot better than I was. I think I've spent most of the three and a half days asleep and doubtless that has helped.

      Home-grown tomatoes... I'm mortified to admit that my plants are all of 15 cm tall and still in modules. Must be getting towards absolutely now or never time for them.

      Have a good day, everyone.

      Oh, how could I forget: the builder phoned to say he was coming on Tuesday. Might be true. He phoned to say he was coming Thursday the week before last and didn't...


      • Don't beat yourself up about your tomatoes-mine are still in 6" pots in the blowaway.
        Some are 20cm whereas others are about 10cm.
        I'm really chuffed as that's the second time they've been potted on and I've planted them very deep to try and encourage more root growth from the stem.
        sort of hoping they will be stronger plants and produce a decent amount of crop....thing is I've not done any control to compare them to!!

        Yours will catch up Snoop-all that sunshine and heat you're in for

        I've just been hunting around our building site of a lounge...
        Hibou brought a Robin in and it managed to escape when OH forced her mouth open....but it's in hiding now and we can't find it
        Its deffo alive cos we heard it moving around...And yes- Hibou is locked outside now until we release it.
        "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

        Location....Normandy France


        • Morning, just popping in to say hello. Glad the op went well Snoop!
          Hope you find poor robin Nicos, that’s the trouble with cats.
          Its a bit chilly this morning so looks like domestics for me. Catch you later, enjoy your day. x


          • Detailed inspection of garden done and all looks ok, the rains stopped, not that it came to much, water butts still half full and the raised beds will need watering later if no more rain appears, wind is battering the Roses, they looked great yesterday, not quite so good today though.
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            • Morning all,Snoop,hope you are OK,sounds horrid,no what you mean about the hearing,that's what i get with from the synus bothers,poor robin,glad it escaped,and a tomato already,well done you,mine are also small,as is the cue'kes,they will soon be taking over,this weather is odd eh,not been the plot for a few days,bet the weeds are having a good time,this year feels like gardening in slow motion,the thing going quick are the weeks ,the vine feels like it's heart is in intensive care,i wish it all the best for a full recovery,old one much better,seems to be taking far to long to set up,
              sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


              • Good Morning All
                Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                • I never know these days whether I will suck seed on here! Hugs Snoop Quite bright but windy and cold. Hope to see you later. Have a good day
                  Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                  • Robin update...
                    A lovely male adult -having given himself a guided tour of our kitchen first, he's flown off a happy chippy
                    Lets hope he'll be more wary of Hibou in future.

                    Snoop - hope you are back on full form soon x
                    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                    Location....Normandy France


                    • Morning folks. I've finally managed to be able to post but I am worried that the site is coming up as 'not secure' on the search bar of my Chrome book. Maybe someone could enlighten me as to why?

                      Its not a general thing with public forums as I am on others which are secure.

                      Because my lawn is no longer dry as a bone I have just added some fertiliser to be washed in by the much needed rain we are having at present.
                      The downside of rain is that the weeds appear much more quickly and even after hoeing can easily re-root.

                      Take care everyone and TTFN.
                      My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                      to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                      Diversify & prosper


                      • Morning all :-) Some of you may remember me from days gone way back. I would often come back to the forum when a google search brought up the various threads as top answers, but I would read and not tend to log in. But it's nice to be back

                        Where I live can be quite windswept anyway so the weather at the mo is always a bit nerve wrecking for me. Still all wobbly fence posts were repaired or replaced last Autumn or Feb this year so they seem to be in good stead so far.

                        Also, a nose outside shows nothing has broken any glass in the greenhouse.

                        I'm having a munch comfort food in front of the pooter day today, but this morning I did pop out and grab a couple of dandilion leaves and rose petals for the Bearded Dragon - I love the fact he gets his veg from the garden

                        Oh, and my tomatoes can only be 15-20cm high so far, but 2 have put out a couple of flowers already

                        "There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children; one of these is roots, the other wings" - Hodding Carter


                        • I do remember you!

                          Lovely to have you back with us again.
                          "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                          Location....Normandy France


                          • Originally posted by Shortie View Post
                            Morning all :-) Some of you may remember me from days gone way back. I would often come back to the forum when a google search brought up the various threads as top answers, but I would read and not tend to log in. But it's nice to be back

                            Where I live can be quite windswept anyway so the weather at the mo is always a bit nerve wrecking for me. Still all wobbly fence posts were repaired or replaced last Autumn or Feb this year so they seem to be in good stead so far.

                            Also, a nose outside shows nothing has broken any glass in the greenhouse.

                            I'm having a munch comfort food in front of the pooter day today, but this morning I did pop out and grab a couple of dandilion leaves and rose petals for the Bearded Dragon - I love the fact he gets his veg from the garden

                            Oh, and my tomatoes can only be 15-20cm high so far, but 2 have put out a couple of flowers already
                            I remember you too Shortie. Were you not even a Mod at one time? in the NTG era.

                            Nice to have you back.
                            My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                            to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                            Diversify & prosper


                            • Hi Shortie, welcome back Better get the washing in it's raining again
                              Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                              • Good afternoon have missed a few days recently due to being very busy at home plus unable to get on to the forum had tried several times but decided to give up for a time, now that I am back on it was nice to see some folks asking after me so thank you, and Snoop you have my simpathy I am deaf in one ear though I don't have the white noise, well not unless OH is getting on to me for something I have/not done as for the creaking I only hear that when I move I was looking through the different threads and note some (well one in particular) threads have been removed which I don't like to see if a thread or post is offensive yes remove it but one that is critical I personally think should be left however it has happened so I suppose I should just move on, well with that off my chest I had better get on with some work in he garden it all right for you lot with nothing to do i am busy
                                it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                                Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


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