Good evening, I have had another quiet day today and the weather hasn't been that great occasional light showers and a blustery wind, so I decided to go to the bank to put a cheque in that we have had in the house since February OH came with me just to get out the house though she stayed in the car while I went to the bank, when back home I went through all the correspondence I had in regards to my holiday, so now have that sorted out I will send it off in a day or two as I want to send it from a post office in a nearby town as they are able to maintain distanceing easier than our local post office now I an sitting wondering how I can finish off my patio not sure whither to plant it out with begonias or petunias, I am open to suggestions and if it's what I want I will take them
just wondered through to the kitchen and I happened to come across some ice cream lollies and as OH wanted one I had to take one as well
well enjoy you day tomorrow and keep safe
