Good evening, had a lazy day today did a bit of work on my comfrey press then made a mesh frame for drying my onions once I lift them, I have also started to clear a path as I intend making a new veg bed in front of the new hut once I harvest all my cabbage, and Jay the reason I went into Belleisle was because it was getting a bit warmer and I like walking in the shade of trees on a warm day but when the grandchildren were younger I enjoyed going there for a picnic and there were deer there for them to see, but they are not there just now, the conservatory wasn't open till today, don't know what it's like now, but in the past they had some nice plants in it, as for the walled garden they have some lovely flower displays and if you do go in for a look could you find out what type of dahlias they have used in their bedding display, unfortunately there was no one about that I could ask yesterday and I have spent a bit of time today trying to find similar dahlias on the net without success, oh and there is also a cafe in the old stables but don't know what it is like as I had no money with me yesterday which is unusual
as I usually have a pound coin with me after all there's not always trees about
well enjoy your day tomorrow and keep safe
