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  • #16
    Some heavy rain here. Hoping these temps stay up as I could do with getting some more things out to the greenhouse. OHs uncle rang to say he has some tomato plants for me , he always grows too many . I need a windowsill space. Keep me busy tomorrow.
    Have a good evening
    Northern England.


    • #17
      just shows the different ways of gardening some Grapes are moving things into the greenhouse and I am starting to move things out, also note that when its wives doing the gardening they use the house for starting off etc. whereas if its husbands thats a no no, at least in this house (there should several rolleyeyes here) and before you think I am henpecked, I am not I just don't fancy cleaning, cooking, washing and ironing for myself
      it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

      Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


      • #18
        Evening all. I'm a happy bunny 'cos my washing machine's been fixed. Guy came, kept up social distance, wore a mask, put in new bushes and presto! all done in 30 minutes. (smile)
        Location - Leicestershire - Chisit-land
        Endless wonder.


        • #19
          Morning all on this bright and sunny day (here, at least). Quite chilly though.

          New chickens only a little bit nervous of me now. In theory, the builder is due to come round today to see what's what and talk about when he can restart (he won't like the fact that all the excavations have filled in with mud due to all the rain and he's going to have to pay to have everything re-excavated, all by hand because there's now no access for machinery). Hope the chickens are well and truly installed before the rest of his crew turn up to actually start work.

          On with the show. Up to me to make it a better day than yesterday.

          Have a good one, everyone. Catch you later. Really sorry that some of our old friends are no longer here, but glad that you are.


          • #20
            Morning all, it's dull and damp here today so won't be in the garden. Hope the weather is better where you are and you have a great day? x


            • #21
              Morning, Not a good day weather wise for you Jay hate it when you can't do what you've planned .. Me I'm hoping for fair weather today I want to empty my GH and get it ready for planting.

              Originally posted by Bren In Pots View Post
              Evening toms, chilli, beans and basil are all in the GH Met office have given lows of 12c tonight so possibly the warmest overnight temp this season.
              My overnight GH temp was 13.5c so I'm really glad I left everything in the GH
              Location....East Midlands.


              • #22
                Not a gardening day here either, wet and misty.
                OH off to get new tyres on the car so some peace for me.
                Had a blight watch email this morning, not that I've anything out to be blighted.
                Rary I have to deal with parts and tools in the house of the OHs so fairs fair here. *grin*
                ....and have a wonderful birthday, I shall just go and set up the bunting for the party *wink*

                Have a good day.
                Northern England.


                • #23
                  Morning everyone. Having a good one so far. Re-arranged the last of the flowers from my Mum's birthday (21 April so they've done really well) and added some honesty and sweet rocket to fluff them out a bit. All the washing done, hurrah! Sun looks as if it's coming out to play, so I'll be stealing some honey from the bees today.

                  Originally posted by Snoop Puss View Post
                  On with the show. Up to me to make it a better day than yesterday.
                  That's a great philosophy, Snoop. One I should put into practice more.

                  Location - Leicestershire - Chisit-land
                  Endless wonder.


                  • #24
                    Morning, been out in the greenhouse watering, things are doing well now, 11.6 overnight low and even the peppers looking happy in there, tomatoes flowering too. Take care all and enjoy the day, even if it is damp and squidgy underfoot a bit.
                    Click image for larger version

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                    • #25
                      Good Morning All. Sunny and warm here. I'm safe at home today, working. Have a good day.
                      Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                      • #26
                        Good morning everyone,

                        I started getting my no dig beds set up yesterday, it's looking great and I had more homemade compost than I thought so combined with all the manure and shop bought mpc I will have plenty left over, which has given me the excuse I needed to knock down my littlest shed aka the mouse house, and create a bit of a courtyard area with lots of stuff in pots!
                        It's my first year growing and gardening properly for about 9 years since I lost both my dogs and I think I am now on my way to being happy again.

                        Have a lovely day whatever the weather.
                        Nestled somewhere in the Cambridgeshire Fens. Good soil, strong winds and 4 Giant Puffballs!
                        Always aim for the best result possible not the best possible result

                        Forever indebted to Potstubsdustbins


                        • #27
                          Sun’s now out there is a wee breeze and I have my washing out! Didn’t think that would be the case this morning!


                          • #28
                            Still murky here , I made space for the 2 tomato plants and a cucumber plant coming from OHs uncle to find out he is actually bringing 4 tomato plants , a cucumber and some sunflowers hahaha . Better start re arranging again.

                            Consultant secretary rang to say I've not to go in for hospital appt tomorrow ,she will phone me instead. Fine by me, trip saved.
                            Last edited by Containergardener; 19-05-2020, 01:20 PM.
                            Northern England.


                            • #29
                              Afternoon n'alln'all!

                              I've actually been out today yay!!!!
                              Wow-that was weird!
                              It's another beautifully sunny day here so I'm not complaining.
                              We're stocked up with fresh fruit and veg, wine and beer and I managed to get some fresh fish too.
                              At the farmers market I bought hen food and somehow a butternut squash and a massive red pumpkin plants jumped into my basket te h
                              "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                              Location....Normandy France


                              • #30
                                Afternoon all,lovely sunshine,warm and peaceful,a friend got me 2 bags of SF flour yesterday in asda,so must do a cake for tea,is a make i not seen before,big oz,packed by london food corporation,date until 11/10/21,it will not that long here,have a lovely day.
                                sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


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