i realllllly hate bunnys that go on freecycle, i work for a rescue so it figures
just make me cross as alot of the time they get passed from pillar to post, im not saying your a bad owner at all btw
i currently have 14 buns 5 of my own the rest foster, so yes the bunny pie jokes neverrrrrrrrrrrr everrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr get boring
i got 4 house buns at the mo, plus i do bondings (behave ppl ) the foster bun i have in my bedroom whos the most well behaved hes neutered and only uses his litter tray, and sleeps on the bed and makes a wicked alarm clock fliping 6 am with a headbut on the nose
not bad for a half deaf half blind 24 week old bun eh so fancy a husbun for your lionhead 
nice idea cubes or wire mesh cubes you can get from b&q make really nice indoor set ups for buns
talking about rabbit ere maybe not a good thing as we talk about putting them on the plate, in fact the rescue i work for are going to be on that kill it cook it eat it in jan 09, i can pretty much tell im prolly going to be the only watching it as they will most likely kill a bun live on telly
if you do choose to get another its wise to have them neutered first boys still carry sperm for up to 8 weeks after, girls after the age of 3 years carry a very high risk of getting cervical cancer,
has to be done on neutral ground, ive done quite a few bondings and the best and least stressfull way is the put them in a small space ie a dog crate and pretty much leave them to it, ive only had one fail so far but she was a complete cah so i found her a bossy male who put her in her place.
anyways any questions ya can pm me,
just make me cross as alot of the time they get passed from pillar to post, im not saying your a bad owner at all btw
i currently have 14 buns 5 of my own the rest foster, so yes the bunny pie jokes neverrrrrrrrrrrr everrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr get boring

i got 4 house buns at the mo, plus i do bondings (behave ppl ) the foster bun i have in my bedroom whos the most well behaved hes neutered and only uses his litter tray, and sleeps on the bed and makes a wicked alarm clock fliping 6 am with a headbut on the nose

nice idea cubes or wire mesh cubes you can get from b&q make really nice indoor set ups for buns
talking about rabbit ere maybe not a good thing as we talk about putting them on the plate, in fact the rescue i work for are going to be on that kill it cook it eat it in jan 09, i can pretty much tell im prolly going to be the only watching it as they will most likely kill a bun live on telly
if you do choose to get another its wise to have them neutered first boys still carry sperm for up to 8 weeks after, girls after the age of 3 years carry a very high risk of getting cervical cancer,
has to be done on neutral ground, ive done quite a few bondings and the best and least stressfull way is the put them in a small space ie a dog crate and pretty much leave them to it, ive only had one fail so far but she was a complete cah so i found her a bossy male who put her in her place.
anyways any questions ya can pm me,
