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I Used to love it here ....30 get here ???? whats happened ???


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  • #31
    As Penelope says I discard if it posted ok, when the forum was running slowly, it did sometime timeout and the post wasn't on the forum, so I could restore it and post again, so the info wasn't lost. On occasions it can be handy, you might start to write a post and then do something else without posting, you can then go back to it and finish it. I go on a photography forum that works in the same way.


    • #32
      Thanks, guys. Will keep an eye out for that.


      • #33
        "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

        Location....Normandy France


        • #34
          First log in for weeks, due to the downgrade... very poor on an ipad, marginally improved if viewed in landscape as the adverts then don’t cover half the page.

          I could look at changing settings on the ipad but that would affect other sites I use, so not a practical or convenient solution.

          Very disappointing.


          • #35
            You don’t need to change settings on an iPad just hold it the other way so it’s a wide view? I use an iPad & it’s better than before because the adverts aren’t in the way,it’s a lot better!
            Location : Essex


            • #36
              Thanks, JJ. I don't have an iPad so can't answer. Though I note Logunner says there is a 'marginal improvement' in landscape format.

              Logunner, constructive criticism is always helpful, so what exactly are the problems? A number of us have been using the following thread to raise specific issues that we need help in resolving:

              In my case, I've come across a few things that I didn't like and other members have shown me how to sort them out so that the forum better suits my requirements. Post what you see as problems and you might get the same kind of response. And if there is no solution, at least you've registered an issue that can maybe be added to the list of things waiting to be resolved.
              Last edited by Snoop Puss; 22-06-2020, 06:30 AM.


              • #37
                Just to clarify, landscape is viewing it long ways I haven't a clue what you call upright but when I use a tablet I have it in an upright format, I can see everything I am printing whereas on landscape I only see two lines, possibly an Ipad is different but as I can't afford an ipad I will never know
                it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                • #38
                  By the way why is this thread on this sub-forum? should it not be in general-chitchat
                  it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                  Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                  • #39
                    Yup , agreed rary, I was thinking of that originally, but if I moved it I did think geepee might not find it again at the moment.

                    I think there will be some tidying up of threads eventually.
                    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                    Location....Normandy France


                    • #40
                      ^ Good point, Rary. I hadn't even noticed. Time to move it, mods?

                      By the way, the distinction between horizontal and vertical used to be landscape and portrait orientation. Not sure if the same terms are used today.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Snoop Puss View Post
                        ^ Good point, Rary. I hadn't even noticed. Time to move it, mods?

                        By the way, the distinction between horizontal and vertical used to be landscape and portrait orientation. Not sure if the same terms are used today.
                        The distinction still holds true..

                        the adverts take up at least 40% of the right hand side of the screen, which imo makes the viewing experience cluttered and less pleasant then the previous version. The banner at the top of the screen takes up 50% of the screen and has to be scrolled past to see the seperate areas, it’s like viewing through a letterbox lol

                        The ‘remember me’ function does not work ( no I do not clear cookies at the end of each session ).


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Snoop Puss View Post
                          ^ By the way, the distinction between horizontal and vertical used to be landscape and portrait orientation. Not sure if the same terms are used today.
                          Thanks Snoop, up the wiy, and doon the wiy(way) is how I refer to it​​​​​​ and Logunner as for advert I don't see any other than at the start when I scroll down and as far as cookies are concerned I try to avoid accepting them as I just don't know what they do to my computer
                          it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                          Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                          • #43
                            The right hand side of the screen isn’t advertising it’s The Grow Show for us to all look at (some people will like it,some might not). The two views on the iPad look like this if anyone’s wondering -
                            Click image for larger version

Name:	F8E8B293-ED85-48B2-96E0-17A407052E56.png
Views:	148
Size:	916.8 KB
ID:	2500395Click image for larger version

Name:	F2C63BBA-8EF8-47A4-A732-EEEEEC7E3CDB.png
Views:	139
Size:	960.9 KB
ID:	2500396
                            Location : Essex


                            • #44
                              Thanks for posting that, JJ. Useful to see what others see. On my Windows laptop, the Grow Show thing comes up at the bottom. It's a bit more discreet than that and has a box with an X to close it that works extremely well.

                              Logunner, I use the Message Centre and Latest topics tabs to go straight to posts I'm interested in, so I don't see the big banner across the top. In the URL, I type in gr and one of the various address options provided is the Message centre. I just click on that and off I go. Is that possible to do on an iPad?

                              Since the upgrade, I've only once had the 'remember me' function not work. That is pesky. Maybe one of the mods can give some advice.

                              There are still some features that seem not to be working fully as yet, but overall, I quite like the new layout.


                              • #45
                                You don’t notice the big banner when your looking at the threads,you can easily scroll past it & it’s out of the way for the rest of the day. It’s different how the thread disappears once you’ve looked at it & then you can forget where it was & what it was,its alright though,they’re all there in the separate forums so clicking on forums rather than new topics helps.
                                Location : Essex


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