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New skills and good things to come out of lockdown


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  • New skills and good things to come out of lockdown

    I know that the last few months have been very disruptive, upsetting and lonely for many but working on my sister's theory that there is nothing so bad that something good can't come out of it I was wondering if anybody had any good experiences. I know that one friend has really enjoyed working from home and enjoyed spending more time with his children and pets.
    I am happy that I am now comfortable doing many more things on the internet and I can now make a curry that we both really like.

  • #2
    I think we are lucky to have our gardens to keep us fit and healthy, physically and mentally, I hope the warning of a second winter phase does not materialize as some folk will have less to do in the winter. I am doing my family tree so when it's raining outside I have something to keep me busy for a while, now entering the 16th Century.


    • #3
      Nice thread!

      I've been doing family tree too.
      Plus extra online French lessons as I'm getting out of practice speaking French in the 'real world'
      Some of my DIY skills have improved.
      I've spoken more often on the phone/iPad to many friends and family in the uk
      I've really enjoyed hanging around with OH more ( can't comment for him rary!)
      So far I've read about 20 books which feels like an utter luxury.
      I've learned to become a bit more more Zen when I start stressing about things completely out of control
      I've also ( but not really succeeded much) in trying to ID butterflies/moths/birdcalls around and about our garden

      I feel the main thing I've learned is what's more important in life both personally and environmentally and to be grateful for what I have. I'm sure people world wide would choose to swap places with me in an instant. I should be ,and am , more grateful for my lot.
      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

      Location....Normandy France


      • #4
        Lockdown for me was the kick I needed to get back into gardening again after almost 10 years of doing nothing more than the bare minimum of mowing and pruning. Growing veg and taking back control of all the different areas of my garden has been so good for me. I've done more this year than ever before and I am proud of my achievements so far and I have tonnes more to do.
        The clap for carers was great as I met neighbours I didn't know before who are lovely and gave me a jar of honey from bees in their garden

        I wish I'd had more time to do other things but my work was, on the whole, unaffected by lockdown.
        Nestled somewhere in the Cambridgeshire Fens. Good soil, strong winds and 4 Giant Puffballs!
        Always aim for the best result possible not the best possible result

        Forever indebted to Potstubsdustbins


        • #5
          Oooh Ilove the idea of this thread. Positives for me:

          - I have loved working from home and being around more for the kids.
          - Making face masks has given my back my confidence with my sewing machine
          - I have been around more to get back on top of my garden
          - In desperation to see something other than the house and garden a week or so ago, I went to hunt out a small local wood that I had been hearing about but never knew was there. It was beautiful and when my evenings calm back down again, I'm going to go for another mooch
          - I have learnt how to switch off (when I have the time). Things such as puzzles and an online multipler game that a friend recommended
          - May sound a little odd - I learnt to have confidence to walk away from toxic situations quicker. Nothing horrendous, but a group I used to play games with over the weekend face to face, moved over to playing online. Some personalities didn't convert well to online and I found their rudeness stressful, so I backed out within 3-4 weeks. Normally I'd just sit there and continue the role of mediator (and I did try, to no avail) but I had enough going on at the time and didn't need it. So walked away

          I suspect as things return to their 'new norm' I will realise more things, but these are the obvious ones for me at the moment

          "There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children; one of these is roots, the other wings" - Hodding Carter


          • #6
            Originally posted by peanut View Post
            I wish I'd had more time to do other things but my work was, on the whole, unaffected by lockdown.
            Same here peanut - my work wasn't affected, only it's location was. So that, tied in with keeping both kids up to date with school and college work have meant I haven't really had a lot of extra time. What I gained time wise by not driving, I more than lost wth school and college work


            "There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children; one of these is roots, the other wings" - Hodding Carter


            • #7
              Lovely thread idea.

              Carol is a retired nurse to isolation was very thorough in our household. Seen less of the grandchildren etc. but our relationship remains strong as ever.
              I'm working from home and to the clock means I've saved all the commute time (nearly another working day each week).
              Spending has dropped, no fuel for the wheels and those 'nip out at lunchtime' shopping sprees have gone, I suspect they were often out of boredom as much as necessity.
              The gardens at home and the allotment have received much more time. A few of those DIY projects and tidying the sheds/drive/patio all sorted.
              The car could do with a wash, but who's going to see it!
              I think mostly I've come to realise that I like the company close to me and enjoy the modest home that we have arranged for ourselves.


              • #8
                I have been very busy in the back garden with removing a couple of huts mixing concrete to make a base for a new hut filling where one of the huts had stood and turning it into a sheltered seating area, I had collected some jigsaw but hadn't time to do them, did a bit of reading but not as much as normal have spent more time with OH than I have done for quite a time and still found I need her we have had disagreements but usually because I am not a tidy person I think she is still trying to change me
                it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                • #9
                  I've been really busy with work, probably more so than usual, as worried there won't be any in the coming months. So I haven't actually had any extra time.

                  But like others commenting above, I've got better at counting my blessings.


                  • #10
                    My husband had more time to spend with children so I had some time for myself. I've lost some extra fat and had time for my hobby. It's geography really. Every day I explored the culture of a new country and that was cool. I started doing aerobic and yoga also.


                    • #11
                      I have fixed up my old bicycle, dusted off the sewing machine and made masks and some repairs, and started to learn Welsh


                      • #12
                        We were fortunate that we'd had a big delivery of landscaping materials, so OH got well on with the landscaping for our garden, meaning beds for me to plant up. Lack of garden centres meant I sowed a lot from seed, which is nice, and so much cheaper too.

                        We both love a fruit scone and the little local cafe that makes great ones was closed. My scones were always poor, but I've persevered, tried different recipes, and now make very good scones. Sounds such a little thing, but not to me. We have one every weekday with coffee, listening to the Popmaster quiz on Radio 2, which was new to me but it has been great at lifting the spirits over the past months.

                        I've bought a bike to get around Edinburgh while I am avoiding public transport. Good for the environment and hopefully good for my fitness too.

                        Finally, I have started making mosaic house numbers for friends' Christmas gifts. Like Burnie I fear a further lock down and am planning ahead with some cheery things.
                        Mostly flowers, some fruit and veg, at the seaside in Edinburgh.


                        • #13
                          Are you able to share the secret, Babru? A good scone is a thing of delight. There's a reason why Americans call them biscuits, I suspect... Anyway, congrats.


                          • #14
                            It's a Mary Berry recipe Snoop Puss, with added raising agent even though it uses self raising flour. I don't use a roller, just plump up the mixture and use a cutter to form the rounds. I think I was making them too thin before. I get six good sized scones from this amount of mixture.

                            Mostly flowers, some fruit and veg, at the seaside in Edinburgh.


                            • #15
                              ^Thanks, I'll give that a go.


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