If OH doesnt get his ass in gear he will be the one thrown out, !!!!
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Clear Out
HI all! I must admit I am a bit of a horder as well! I still have a very few of my ex's things about, is years since we split! I just never got around to clearing them all out! Most are in the garrage! I also have a lot of the kids things around from when they were young and from not so long ago! Both kids have flown the coope now, daughter lives with her boyfriend. My son lives with his dad and nan now, so they dont want their clutter! Then there are the things that I have collected over 24 years in the one house!
My place is a bit untidy here and there due to shifting things about to redecorat my house, have been at it on and off since may this year! I have lost my junk room, I turned the smalest bedroom back into a study to get my compter out of my small dining room! The second bedroom is a bit of a mess at the moment but there is no point sorting it out just yet, as it will be a dumping ground while I re decorate my bedroom, thank god that will be the last room and it will be whole house done!
Since may I have done nothing but strip walls fill in plaster and wood work,sand down and paint! Once my bedroom is done that will be 3 bedrooms, downstairs loo and hallway, dining room, stairs and landing, have just finnished my lounge, new fireplace ariving on wednesday, yeh cant wait for that nice and cosey!By Christmas I hope to be all straight, new carpets all round and new tiles on the floor in the kitchen and bathroom and D S loo! Will be a tall order as have a lot of junk to clear out as well! I must admit I did stop the decorating for a while in the sumer to sort out my overgrown garden. all while holding down a full time job. No rest for the wicked! Can anyone please tell me what am I going to do with myself when the last of the work is done and Christmas is out of the way?? LOL
I never knew how much time I could find by staying up late and doing things!
Live like you never lived before!
Laugh Like you never laughed before!
Love like you never loved before!
One Love & Unity
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