We're British. We LOVE that song, don't we?!
But what if we COULD make it all happen JUST as we want it to? Wouldn't that be FANTASTIC?
A Smile that makes our lives feel so much better.
I know.... the British in you tells you that you could never achieve that.....
Break that mould, Go Ape for once. Wellie gives you full permission:
Buy or make yourself a Noticeboard, a Corkboard.
You will need some drawing pins. (Blue Peter moment, bring it on....!)
Next, and this is where the fun can begin:
Think of everything in Life that you love, and everything that you would love to have IN your life.
Find visual pictures of those things (in newspapers, magazines etc.) and cut them out, pinning them on your notice board, your 'VISUAL BOARD'.
Everything that you put up on that Board is within you to attract into your own life if you 'want it' enough. See it, appreciate it, and adore it as your own already.... as if you have it already.
The film Pretty Woman said it all....
"Work it Baby, Own It, Own It..."
What have you got to lose?
Okay..... Just to start the ball rolling, I've got the estate agent details of Holly Cottage on my board with the words 'SOLD' written across in big bold red letters.....
I've got a picture of my next kitchen in a Conservatory, because I want to experience all of looking at nature whilst I'm cooking, and almost being a part of the garden whilst I'm cooking, and I've got a picture of an AGA (Doh!) and a 'Hotel on Wheels' (posh Range Rover my client has, 50 grand, yeah! one day, one day!) and a black Astin Martin. God I'm Greedy!
and a photo of me swimming alone in a huge swimming pool, and a french Chateau.....
.... and why not? But what's stopping that happening? Nothing.
Don't you feel the time's come for you to have what you truly want?
No-one is stopping you starting your very OWN Visual Board, and to 'Always Look on The Bright Side Of Life'. Because, quite frankly.... if you don't start to, no-one else is going to go get that FOR you, and claim what is rightfully yours.
Feel it like you own it already, smile and enjoy it.
The world is your oyster.
Because you want it to be.
But what if we COULD make it all happen JUST as we want it to? Wouldn't that be FANTASTIC?
A Smile that makes our lives feel so much better.
I know.... the British in you tells you that you could never achieve that.....
Break that mould, Go Ape for once. Wellie gives you full permission:
Buy or make yourself a Noticeboard, a Corkboard.
You will need some drawing pins. (Blue Peter moment, bring it on....!)
Next, and this is where the fun can begin:
Think of everything in Life that you love, and everything that you would love to have IN your life.
Find visual pictures of those things (in newspapers, magazines etc.) and cut them out, pinning them on your notice board, your 'VISUAL BOARD'.
Everything that you put up on that Board is within you to attract into your own life if you 'want it' enough. See it, appreciate it, and adore it as your own already.... as if you have it already.
The film Pretty Woman said it all....
"Work it Baby, Own It, Own It..."
What have you got to lose?
Okay..... Just to start the ball rolling, I've got the estate agent details of Holly Cottage on my board with the words 'SOLD' written across in big bold red letters.....
I've got a picture of my next kitchen in a Conservatory, because I want to experience all of looking at nature whilst I'm cooking, and almost being a part of the garden whilst I'm cooking, and I've got a picture of an AGA (Doh!) and a 'Hotel on Wheels' (posh Range Rover my client has, 50 grand, yeah! one day, one day!) and a black Astin Martin. God I'm Greedy!
and a photo of me swimming alone in a huge swimming pool, and a french Chateau.....
.... and why not? But what's stopping that happening? Nothing.
Don't you feel the time's come for you to have what you truly want?
No-one is stopping you starting your very OWN Visual Board, and to 'Always Look on The Bright Side Of Life'. Because, quite frankly.... if you don't start to, no-one else is going to go get that FOR you, and claim what is rightfully yours.
Feel it like you own it already, smile and enjoy it.
The world is your oyster.
Because you want it to be.