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ALWAYS LOOK ON THE BRIGHT SIDE OF LIFE... de dum,dedum,dedum,dedum.....


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  • ALWAYS LOOK ON THE BRIGHT SIDE OF LIFE... de dum,dedum,dedum,dedum.....

    We're British. We LOVE that song, don't we?!

    But what if we COULD make it all happen JUST as we want it to? Wouldn't that be FANTASTIC?

    A Smile that makes our lives feel so much better.
    I know.... the British in you tells you that you could never achieve that.....
    Break that mould, Go Ape for once. Wellie gives you full permission:

    Buy or make yourself a Noticeboard, a Corkboard.
    You will need some drawing pins. (Blue Peter moment, bring it on....!)

    Next, and this is where the fun can begin:
    Think of everything in Life that you love, and everything that you would love to have IN your life.
    Find visual pictures of those things (in newspapers, magazines etc.) and cut them out, pinning them on your notice board, your 'VISUAL BOARD'.
    Everything that you put up on that Board is within you to attract into your own life if you 'want it' enough. See it, appreciate it, and adore it as your own already.... as if you have it already.

    The film Pretty Woman said it all....
    "Work it Baby, Own It, Own It..."
    What have you got to lose?

    Okay..... Just to start the ball rolling, I've got the estate agent details of Holly Cottage on my board with the words 'SOLD' written across in big bold red letters.....
    I've got a picture of my next kitchen in a Conservatory, because I want to experience all of looking at nature whilst I'm cooking, and almost being a part of the garden whilst I'm cooking, and I've got a picture of an AGA (Doh!) and a 'Hotel on Wheels' (posh Range Rover my client has, 50 grand, yeah! one day, one day!) and a black Astin Martin. God I'm Greedy!
    and a photo of me swimming alone in a huge swimming pool, and a french Chateau.....
    .... and why not? But what's stopping that happening? Nothing.

    Don't you feel the time's come for you to have what you truly want?

    No-one is stopping you starting your very OWN Visual Board, and to 'Always Look on The Bright Side Of Life'. Because, quite frankly.... if you don't start to, no-one else is going to go get that FOR you, and claim what is rightfully yours.

    Feel it like you own it already, smile and enjoy it.
    The world is your oyster.
    Because you want it to be.

  • #2
    i have that as my ringtone on my phone ...... always makes me smile when it rings ....... till it's someone asking for money
    Last edited by lynda66; 22-11-2008, 03:28 AM.


    • #3
      i so wish i could be happy life has gone from bad to worse!

      Lynda, i will post that stuff to you, sorry not been around x i will sort it this week, only just bought envelopes and stamps!!



      • #4
        That's a great idea Wellie, think I should start one BEFORE I make any New Years resolutions
        Last edited by MaureenHall; 22-11-2008, 08:27 AM.
        My girls found their way into my heart and now they nest there


        • #5
          'So when your chewing on life's gristle...don't grumble, give a whistle'

          So I'm with you on the power of positive thought and a smile making the world spin but you should be careful what you wish for Wellie anyway the true art is to enjoy/appreciate what you have or where you are....'better to travel hopefully than arrive' etc.

          ...Apart from the fact you might not get that close to nature in your conservatory, Aston, Chelsea Tractor or Chlorinated pool...Go on a picnic?...seems more reallistic...reality...reminds me I must make that noticeboard for the allotments.


          • #6
            Eric Idol in a ballerina outfit singing it to Charles and Camilla last week was very very funny.

            I'm trying to look on the bright side at the moment but unfortunately that's very hard to do in our current circumstances Sorry
            Hayley B

            John Wayne's daughter, Marisa Wayne, will be competing with my Other Half, in the Macmillan 4x4 Challenge (in its 10th year) in March 2011, all sponsorship money goes to Macmillan Cancer Support, please sponsor them at'

            An Egg is for breakfast, a chook is for life


            • #7
              I am definitely with you on the power of positive thinking, I can be very negative but I am trying not to be.

              I will sound really prim but I am finding it is best to learn to love what I have rather than to chase the things I want. You see I am discovering that what I want and what I need are often very different

              So I am going to pootle off quoting Life of Brian and try to find the positive in taking my son to Rugby to watch him get squished and maybe broken in the freezing cold
              WPC F Hobbit, Shire police


              • #8
                YouTube - BOB MARLEY DON'T WORRY ABOUT A THING

                Bob McFerin - Don't Worry, Be Happy. - Video


                Last edited by Nicos; 22-11-2008, 11:39 AM.
                "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                Location....Normandy France


                • #9
                  Positive bit: son didnt get squished, only slightly broken, must get thumb x rayed. But it was flamin freezin and I forgot my thermals
                  WPC F Hobbit, Shire police


                  • #10
                    Good. I expected that reaction.
                    By the nature of 'Like Attracts Like', with every positive thought, you attract more positives into your life. With every negative thought, you attract more negatives into your life.

                    It's not about 'material things' on a Visual Board, God Forbid! it's about a Positive Attitude and abundance to life itself. Which is what is certainly lacking in this credit crunch.

                    No-one, least of all me, can tell you Diddly Sh!te about what is what in your day to day.

                    None of us are having a 'whoopy-doo' time here right now.
                    Carry on with your Negatives if you want to, by all means.
                    Those of you 'brave enough' to change your way of thinking, and start to think of enticing more positive and meaningfuls into your day, will surely 'feel better within yourself'.
                    If you can feel that inside, surely, you will be able to spread a little of that 'outside'.

                    Or stay miserable then.....!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by wellie View Post
                      It's not about 'material things' on a Visual Board, God Forbid! it's about a Positive Attitude and abundance to life itself. Which is what is certainly lacking in this credit crunch.
                      I have a scrap book, which started off as me collecting pictures of things I wanted in our house. It has now progressed to 'things i like' - silly pictures, nice quotes, shiny ribbon I found, postcards from friends etc.

                      I love to cut and stick (blue peter girl at heart) and I like to wrap myself up in a blanket and look through my book and add things to it


                      • #12
                        I am lucky, I am totally delighted with everything in my life. So we are skint, can't afford to pay most of our bills but so what, we are all fairly healthy and Madmax is home every night for me to warm my tootsies on And we have hens

                        Just one little teensy grumble - Madmax frowns too much (he is a worrier). Must remind him to watch the hens more.
                        Happy Gardening,


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by shirlthegirl43 View Post

                          Just one little teensy grumble - Madmax frowns too much (he is a worrier). Must remind him to watch the hens more.
                          LadyWayne says the same thing about me - frowning and worrying.

                          With all the cr@p that's going on around I have a fantastic positive to look forward to - Bean. The world could collapse around me, but as long as I had Bean in my arms, and LadyWayne by my side, the rest can whistle.

                          Wellie - I love you and your positive thinking, we need more like you my dear!

                          My corkboard would be many layers thick!
                          A simple dude trying to grow veg.

                          BLOG UPDATED! 30/01/2012

                          Practise makes us a little better, it doesn't make us perfect.

                          What would Vedder do?


                          • #14
                            Been trying to do this law of attraction stuff and it does work when you get in the right mind set it can be amazing, it all starts with gratitude.
                            Thats what my signature down there is all about.
                            Last edited by lainey lou; 24-11-2008, 05:22 PM.
                            Imagination is everything, it is a preview of what is to become.


                            • #15
                              Read 'The Secret'. Positivity attracts positivity. Likewise with negativity. However, this year has been a 'mare for Shirls and I.

                              Things have happened that have made me question my marriage, trusting my 'mates', me working away, and trusting my wife... All negative thoughts have come from this and this helps no-one. Ever. These are the things that have made me frown. We might be skint, but no-way am I working away from home ever again. Being skint and at home every night is worth so much - more than the �350/day I used to earn.

                              I have learned to appreciate the true meaning of wealth: love, health and happiness. If more of us can do this then we will all live in a better place.

                              So, Wellie - your words are wise ones. Think happy thoughts, and banish the bad ones. Easier said than done I know. We might lose our home in 2 months, but I will still have my family. And my jukeboxes! And when I look into the eyes of my kids and Shirls I see love. Not the selfish nastiness of scheming 'mates' or financial worries.

                              So do the following: Think of a place you like to be. With folks you want to be with... Appreciate every breath, every sunrise, every smile, every bird song, every sound and every star. Do things you like to do. Not what you have to do. Follow your heart...
                              Last edited by madmax; 24-11-2008, 07:42 PM. Reason: speeling corekshun
                              Let's go diggin' dirt....

                              Big silver bird, come land low and slow
                              Cut your engines, cool your wings,
                              You've taken me home...


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