DD has been saying for a while that she can't see well, despite having another year before the recommended NHS appointment. She is 16 and does wear glasses all the time. I was trying to teach her and her Japanese friend how to knit last night, and she couldn't see the wool against the needles!
I was very pleased to get an appointment at the optician today, so we could get things sorted out for her. I was warned that I would have to pay if her prescription hadn't changed, which I obviously agreed to.
Anyone ever had an opticain tell you that seeing was like running, some people have a talent for it, others don't? He then went on to say that her eyse wouldn't have changed in a year (mine changed every 6 months at that age), and basically said we were wasting his time. As he was getting paid, I didn't follow that one!
After testing her good eye, which hadn't changed, he was pretty self satisfied. Then we got to the one which she's told him was causing problems.
She couldn't read the first line of letters he'd asked her for at all, so again he said it was like running, some people were better than others. I was getting pretty fed up with him, and she was getting defensive. Apparently he felt it was perfectly acceptable for a 16 year old not to be able to see knitting needles. Now I know it isn't something most might want to see, but as she's decided she wants to knit scarves as Christmas pressies it is quite important to her.
Anyway by the time he'd finished with that eye he had to accept that her prescription had changed, but was still telling me she should be OK with her old glasses!
The receptionist then came in, asked if there was any change, and was DD getting new glasses? I said yes, her prescription had changed
, so we are picking them up on Thursday. Of course she didn't like the 'free' ones, so I had to pay some towards that, then the anti-glare as she does a lot on the computer 
I've come home and just feel so mad, I've never met a more annoying optician; as I've been wearing glasses since I was 10, and as all my kids needed them too, I've met a lot!
Sorry for the long post, I just needed to get that off my chest, and writing it out has helped me calm down!
I was very pleased to get an appointment at the optician today, so we could get things sorted out for her. I was warned that I would have to pay if her prescription hadn't changed, which I obviously agreed to.
Anyone ever had an opticain tell you that seeing was like running, some people have a talent for it, others don't? He then went on to say that her eyse wouldn't have changed in a year (mine changed every 6 months at that age), and basically said we were wasting his time. As he was getting paid, I didn't follow that one!

She couldn't read the first line of letters he'd asked her for at all, so again he said it was like running, some people were better than others. I was getting pretty fed up with him, and she was getting defensive. Apparently he felt it was perfectly acceptable for a 16 year old not to be able to see knitting needles. Now I know it isn't something most might want to see, but as she's decided she wants to knit scarves as Christmas pressies it is quite important to her.
Anyway by the time he'd finished with that eye he had to accept that her prescription had changed, but was still telling me she should be OK with her old glasses!

I've come home and just feel so mad, I've never met a more annoying optician; as I've been wearing glasses since I was 10, and as all my kids needed them too, I've met a lot!
Sorry for the long post, I just needed to get that off my chest, and writing it out has helped me calm down!