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Are there still some problems with this site?


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  • #16
    Originally posted by NannyGreen View Post
    Another day Nicos and another screenshot. Thought you might like to add this to the Admin post, happened whilst I was posting a reply to one of my previous posts just now.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	GYO error_20210322.png
Views:	254
Size:	161.1 KB
ID:	2520611
    There do seem to be issues for random users. Me, for example, I can't post attachments, view my own profile or anyone else's, blocked from more than the first page of search results, etc. Tried from ios, android, pc - all the same result and so far no resolution.


    • #17
      You have my sympathy Grafitti hope there is some resolution for both of us. I had similar problems when I first signed up for this site and ended up emailing someone to get it sorted as I couldn't do anything at all except look, but that was in the middle of an update I believe so I may have just got caught up in that
      East Berkshire

      There are no gardening mistakes, only experiments.


      • #18
        The link to this thread was passed on before weekend so anyone else having problems are welcome to add theirs to this thread.

        NG...I have highlighted that screenshot post to the original Admin request.

        Hopefully something will happen
        "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

        Location....Normandy France


        • #19
          I’ve added your post to that thread too graffiti .
          "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

          Location....Normandy France


          • #20
            I just want to say a ginormous thank you to all and anyone involved in solving my problem I have been flitting in and out of the forum all day and have not been logged off once, it has been a good experience so thank you all.

            I am crossing my fingers for graffiti now.
            East Berkshire

            There are no gardening mistakes, only experiments.


            • #21
              I knew I shouldn't have tempted Providence! Just been logged out twice since making that post, now wondering if it has anything to do with me posting or maybe clicking on things too quickly. Anyway I shall see what tomorrow brings and maybe make a few posts just to experiment. Please let this be sorted
              East Berkshire

              There are no gardening mistakes, only experiments.


              • #22
                Any updates NG?
                "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                Location....Normandy France


                • #23
                  Logged out 3 times so far but been busy feeding birds, relocating seedlings, all the usual stuff. Got a grocery delivery any moment so will come back and post in a while - if I can
                  East Berkshire

                  There are no gardening mistakes, only experiments.


                  • #24
                    Still the same for me... but as I've found ways to post photos through linking external code, it's not too bad.


                    • #25
                      Good to hear you have a workaround @graffitti but still a bit irritating I guess, just to note - when I use the @ function your name does not appear in a drop down list, not sure if that is relevant.

                      OK just got logged out again posting this and also several times yesterday so I am still in the naughty corner
                      East Berkshire

                      There are no gardening mistakes, only experiments.


                      • #26
                        I haven't been here since the disaster that was the site migration.
                        First post today and the add tag function doesn't work for me also, it is impossible to remove the add tag dialogue box once open without refreshing the page...


                        • #27
                          I sympathise with your frustration moreteavicar I have tried to post twice this morning and been logged off several times, gave up as I had chocolate to temper for Easter Eggs - more important
                          East Berkshire

                          There are no gardening mistakes, only experiments.


                          • #28
                            Just a thought, Nannygreen, but have you disabled cookies for the site? That can cause automatic log-out on some sites.
                            Location - Leicestershire - Chisit-land
                            Endless wonder.


                            • #29
                              I’m having a problem when I click a photo it’s just black with no photo,it’s bad I can’t see things close up now? Is anyone else having the same thing happen?
                              Location : Essex


                              • #30
                                It would seem a lot of websites have closed down, not sure if it's a deliberate attack or not, but some hosting sites are having problems, this site seems to be slow, but working ok for me at the moment.


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