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Chatback number 22


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  • Morning all.

    Reset my alarm for a quarter of an hour later due to shorter day length, but perhaps not a good idea. Somehow I managed to sleep through it. Very hot out there and the wasps were after the water while I was watering. Not much fun.

    And then some weird computer stuff going on that required scans and goodness knows how many back-ups. The usual big back-up plus I do extras of work I've got on the go, Mr Snoop's stuff and other things. Very annoying but worth doing. Looks like I haven't done a full back-up since the end of May. Don't normally leave it that long.

    But now the day is my own. Not sure what to do, but doubtless I'll find something. The devil makes work for idle hands and all that... Still haven't done the tidying, but I think it might be too hot for that.

    Sounds like a good thread to restart, Nicos. Always good to see people's handiwork, crafts and otherwise.

    Meanwhile, have a great day everyone. Smiles over by the kettle today.


    • We've had our haircuts. I was discussing the soon to be courgette glut with the hairdresser. I know she does a lot of cooking from scratch. She will be really happy to get some ..... and she's going to make us a peanut butter curry. She described it as an African curry. (whatever meat is available, whatever veg is available, spices, tomato and peanut butter and I can't wait.)
      Off to the allotment now.
      Last edited by greenishfing; 29-07-2021, 12:26 PM.


      • Looks nice GF
        Granny on the Game in Sheffield


        • Guess who spent most of the day weeding the drive again?
          never had to do it this much before, but the soil is wet so they are coming out easily.

          Fell asleep in the bath so supper was late this evening.

          Everyone’s hair is looking rather swish…is this for the opening ceremony of our VVS? ( Virtual Fruit and veg show here on the Vine).

          Have to say I rather like the idea of a peanut butter curry!

          Early night for me - more weeding tomorrow if it stays dry.
          "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

          Location....Normandy France


          • Mornin n’alln’all
            Last out first back?

            Looks like the wind has dropped but it’s left the rain.
            It feels quite autumnal this morning. Probably because it’s finally cooler , but also because the cherry tree leaves have started turning. They seem to be my first tree to change. There are definitely quite a few red and orange leaves on both mature trees.

            It got me thinking about Xmas pressies I know!
            Its always difficult to choose something particularly for my son, but he loves his open fire in the garden and I’ve just come across a link for Pie Irons. Has anyone ever heard of or used them?
            I’ve got a few antique cast iron waffle irons but they go rusty and are really heavy.
            This thing can be used for making small individual pies, sweet or savoury toasties and loads of other things over a fire pit.
            The one I spotted is enamel and lighter and semi non stick.
            Good price ...

            I know it’s only small but I quite fancy one myself too!

            right…kettle on, washing machine is busy earning its keep….

            "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

            Location....Normandy France


            • Morning Nicos and all
              Raining here, the barrels will stand it. Hope everyone is safe from the storms. Those with new do's might have to keep the brolly up..

              Thanks for the cuppa Nicos
              Location ... Nottingham


              • Morning Nicos and Mr B and all.

                I call that pie iron a toasted sandwich maker, Nicos. Used to have a really ancient one but gave it away as I never used it.

                Wish you could send some rain my way Mr B, but as the wind is from the east right now, it's not going to be. My patch of Leicestershire seems to always be in a rain shadow, we don't get half the rain of folks even 10 miles away. Nice in winter, but summer is so dry in the garden.

                Didn't make my eye appointment yesterday. One of the roads on my usual route was unexpectedly closed, and I got caught in a 2 mile traffic tailback , so ended up 10 minutes late, and they said I was too late. A bit much, when at my last appointment I was kept waiting 15 minutes. Should have gone to specsavers. So I did, and made a new appointment with them instead.
                Location - Leicestershire - Chisit-land
                Endless wonder.


                • And now it’s summer again!

                  That made me chuckle MH…that’s where we go when we are over in the uk. Fast service and reliable. They do hearing tests now too!
                  Eye tests here are stupidly expensive as are the glasses, but I did spot a competitive chain has opened up in our nearest town, so that might be worth looking into.
                  You can spot someone from the UK by the style of their glasses- very different from here. I imagine Snoop notices a difference too?

                  Right …time for the next brew….gotta keep the fluids up ya know!

                  "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                  Location....Normandy France


                  • Morning lots of overnight rain and more due this afternoon so I've saved my bread baking until then.

                    Nicos we have a couple of sandwich makers, a Diablo I picked up at at charity shop then a square shaped one from the 70's I'd post a pic but its packed away in the trailer tent. There's some good recipes on that Diablo site.
                    Location....East Midlands.


                    • Morning all.

                      I was intrigued by the notion of a pie iron. Have no idea how a filled bap/roll/whatever can be called a pie. That is a totally new one on me. Maybe you could use to cook mini calzone. Anyway, it looks like the perfect Christmas present for my brother. Brilliant inspiration. Thanks.

                      As for eye tests, I have mine done in the UK. Don't mind paying as a non-UK resident because they test for glaucoma in the UK. Here opticians only test for glasses.

                      So, took ages to get around with the watering can today. Picked five courgettes, chopped one up for the dogs, put the rest away and counted all the other ones we still haven't eaten... Tomatoes are almost at the point of getting ahead of the rate at which we can eat them. Bees still going mad around the sweet corn. Oh, and I hand-pollinated another three melons and, at long last, a butternut squash female flower. All the autumn and winter brassicas have taken, so great news there. However, we've been getting dewy mornings, so the snails are back out and about.

                      On a more positive note, the locust population is falling. They're a lot slower in the morning and I've developed a technique of catching them that confuses them so they're easier to get. Only one today. Bit daft thinking it could hide behind a skinny leek leaf. Other insect life in decline: the spiders in the tomatoes. The ladies must have been eating the blokes. But I reckon wasps and birds are also taking them. There are hardly any left. Picked off two clutches of Tuta absoluta eggs this morning as a result. The first in weeks.

                      Right, I have a cake to make for neighbours and the sun is shining, so it's perfect timing to get the food mixer going. Mr Snoop is miffed, as he wants one too. It's a Delia carrot cake and we've just finished one. A bit too delicious and so not at all safe to have in the house.

                      Have a great day, everyone. Smiles flying all over the shop after being a big sluggish yesterday. I'm sure they'll get wherever you are.


                      • Gosh, above post is terribly long. Sorry. I touch type and it just trips off the fingers without me noticing. Will try and do better tomorrow.


                        • Te he Snoop…chatter away….you always have interesting things to say.

                          I ordered a 120x120x 12cm garden tray last week which is finally arriving this afternoon. All sorts of reasons why it was delayed and delayed and delayed…but 10 days isn’t bad really is it?

                          I’m going to make a shallow water feature set into our patio when we finally get around to building it.
                          I thought it’d be good for wildlife to drink from seeing as we have hedgehogs , birds etc.

                          We do have an old pump we brought over with us and there is electricity to hand and a water sump below the patio , so it should somehow work.
                          Lets see if it arrives as promised …

                          That carrot cake recipe looks nice Snoop…you are a very bad influence young lady!

                          Right…sun is shining so I’m off out again to weed more of the driveway….
                          "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                          Location....Normandy France


                          • Good Morning All and Happy Friday Raining here. Just booked a grory hop for 26th of August - where's the time going? Have a good day
                            Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                            • Yippeee!…my water container has arrived! - it looks enormous!

                              Are you off today Flo…..the weather has turned yuk again
                              "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                              Location....Normandy France


                              • Yes Nicos, last day of my holiday so got to be drab! Just done this month's ironing and now to find something else to do as it's starting to rain
                                Granny on the Game in Sheffield


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