Morning all.
Rained a little bit in the night but hot again today. Had a traipse around the veg patch. The snails and slugs seem to have got wise to my predations in among the cabbages and caulis so have moved over to the tomatoes instead! Never used that emoji before, so just goes to show how cross I am. Compounded by one of the dogs getting in among the peppers a couple of nights back (barged the gate open). Significant damage to the plants and fruit. On the positive side, I found a few of the snail culprits and will now hang cups of beer in among the toms to catch them. And the gate has been reinforced.
Busy work day today. So better step on it. The smiles have gone out with the dogs with Mr Snoop, but they promise to head off from their most northerly point on the walk.
Have a great day everyone.
Rained a little bit in the night but hot again today. Had a traipse around the veg patch. The snails and slugs seem to have got wise to my predations in among the cabbages and caulis so have moved over to the tomatoes instead! Never used that emoji before, so just goes to show how cross I am. Compounded by one of the dogs getting in among the peppers a couple of nights back (barged the gate open). Significant damage to the plants and fruit. On the positive side, I found a few of the snail culprits and will now hang cups of beer in among the toms to catch them. And the gate has been reinforced.
Busy work day today. So better step on it. The smiles have gone out with the dogs with Mr Snoop, but they promise to head off from their most northerly point on the walk.
Have a great day everyone.