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Chitchat thread #24


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  • Mornin n’alln’all;D

    -8C here ….brrrrr.

    The chooks thoroughly enjoyed their warm mash this morning. Having said that, it felt quite ‘warm’ inside their coop, so they clearly weren’t actually cold inside. We’ve moved their water inside the coop for now too as it kept freezing.

    Today will mostly be spent packing and preparing the camper for our trip to the uk. I also want to make lemon curd.
    All five fruit cakes seem to have worked out ok yesterday so I’m very pleased with that

    And incase any of you were getting worried about me, I’m very happy to say that my iron stayed very safely hidden away!

    Best get a wiggle on as there’s lots to get on with…

    Enjoy your day peeps- keep warm and safe, and remember to pass on a smile
    Speaking of which…anyone know what they’re up to? Clearly been working their magic on Lord Ginger…
    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

    Location....Normandy France


    • Morning

      According to the BBC and Metoffice it will be either 9 or 11c here today I'll be probably in the garden its been neglected with all the snow but that's just about gone this morning.

      enjoy your day
      Location....East Midlands.


      • Good morning all..the sun is shining and its 10 degs.
        Line dancing this morning and the garden this afternoon.
        Have a safe trip Nicos.

        And when your back stops aching,
        And your hands begin to harden.
        You will find yourself a partner,
        In the glory of the garden.

        Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


        • Morning all.

          Coldest night yet but bright blue skies again. The dog has even gone out to sit in the sun, though the air temperature is perishing. The solar batteries are enjoying the feast. Just as well as my Brod & Taylor proofer arrives tomorrow.

          No idea what the smiles have been up to, Nicos. I've been sleeping in late this last day or so. Time for a new alarm clock, I think. I knocked it off the shelf the other day, poor thing. I bought it 34 years ago for Mr Snoop back in the days when radio controlled clocks were new on the market. Cost a ridiculous amount of money, but I didn't care: it was the first one I'd ever seen that had plus and minus buttons and so I wouldn't have to hear Mr Snoop complain ever again about the waste of life having to go through all the hours or minutes just to get up a bit earlier. I'll be sorry to see that clock go. I even remember my heart doing a leap when I saw it and its buttons in the shop window.

          Nice day yesterday. Good time with the neighbours. First proper chat since before Christmas. Mind you, I ate far too much of the good stuff. I took chocolate and coconut cookies and they had chocolates to finish up... But good to be sociable.

          Got to settle to work today, though. Got a lot to get through, especially if I want to play at baking...

          Have a great day, everyone.


          • Good Morning All Sunny here and a bit warmer. Most of the snow has gone.
            Harry had the second drain removed and his first oral antibiotics yesterday. Hopefully home today.
            Have a good day
            Granny on the Game in Sheffield


            • Thanks Bramble.
              Not heading off until Thursday but I’ll be around as much as ever…just at different times of day ( and night )
              Its a relief to see the snow melting off the main roads- I’ve been keeping an eye on traffic cams over the last few days just to get an idea of which are the best routes to take snow/ice-wise. Looks like, apart from ice, the roads we hope to take are all passable now.
              So glad we are heading off this week and not last!

              Sounds like you had a lovely time Snoop. We need moments like that in our lives. “ Something to dream about” as an elderly lady once said to me . ( not implying YOU are old though Snoop )

              I was wondering about Flo’s grandson. I do hope he’s making steady progress. It’s so not fair life has thrown this at him. Sending very positive thoughts his way still xx

              Enjoy your gardening peeps. I did notice that out of the wind, the sun actually has some warmth in it. Tis times like this I really miss having a greenhouse.
              "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

              Location....Normandy France


              • Cross posted there Flo!
                Fantastic news…bet he can’t wait to get home and into his own bed.
                "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                Location....Normandy France


                • Morning all,what good good news is that FF,so pleased for you all ,am glad it is warmer than it was,every week is a week nearer to spring,no plans for to day,well what is left of it by the time i spring into life ,have a good day all
                  sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                  • Good morning all.

                    The snow has nearly vanished overnight and it is 8°C and sunny.

                    The surgery have just rung up and made an appointment for Mr GF to have his ears syringed on Thursday. When he went to the hearing aid clinic yesterday they said that they needed doing but didn't have an appointment for 3 weeks. I am losing my voice with all the shouting.

                    I am just waiting for my online shop to arrive, stocking back up on all the heavy stuff... and a few goodies.This afternoon I might go out in the sunshine and and buy some fresh food. Meat and fish and fresh veg and fruit.

                    It's a wash day today, when the washing powder arrives! I think I can leave the iron in hibernation a while longer however.


                    The supermarket has now delivered and I have put it all away. The joy of knowing that I don't have to lug big, heavy bags home.


                    • Great news, Flo.

                      Snoop, when our alarm clock died, I didn't bother replacing it. I either use my phone or, particularly for Mr GF, the TV that's on the wall at the end of the bed.

                      Sometimes it amazes me how many things I no longer need since I got my first smartphone ..... map books, camera, alarm clock, calculator, small torch, and no doubt lots more. If they could just be taught to clean!
                      Last edited by greenishfing; 14-01-2025, 11:34 AM.


                      • Excellent news, Flo. That's a real sign of improvement. He'll be so glad to get home, I imagine.

                        Despite the frustrations and worries, it's amazing what medicine can do.

                        Edited: Yes, GF, I've wondered about using my phone instead. But seeing as this isn't the first time I've knocked the clock to the floor, I think a cheap digital clock is in order.
                        Last edited by Snoop Puss; 14-01-2025, 11:50 AM.


                        • I am now waiting for an Amazon delivery, it's only 4 stops away.

                          Snoop, I can't knock my phone on the floor as that is where it lives at night, on the floor right next to the side of the bed, I have already learned my lesson!

                          Having belatedly checked the dates on the fresh articles in my shop, milk, cream, Mr GF's favourite bacon, and haggis I am more than happy. I also now have everything I need to make another Paradise slice.


                          Amazon has now delivered too.


                          • So, thought I was making progress with Lord Ginger. He's just scratched me and bared his teeth when I told him "no" as he was begging at the fridge door!
                            Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                            • Originally posted by Florence Fennel View Post
                              So, thought I was making progress with Lord Ginger. He's just scratched me and bared his teeth when I told him "no" as he was begging at the fridge door!
                              Oh dear! He sounds just like a badly behaved toddler. I hope he settles down.

                              I have just ordered myself a couple of new baking tins from Amazon, one of which will be ideal for a half recipe of the Paradise slice. I have a cupboard full of ancient baking tins. I hope my maths is correct, 2πr and all that! They will arrive tomorrow. If I'd paid extra I could have got them today.


                              • Morning

                                We replaced our bedroom clock last year when one of the LED's failed making the 5 and 6 look the same. it was like a guessing game telling the time.

                                Flo that's good news about James xx

                                enjoy your day.
                                Location....East Midlands.


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