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Chitchat thread #24


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  • Morning all.

    The weather is doing nothing much.

    I have to wait in for two deliveries today, flowers from my sister in the U.S., so no telling what time they will arrive, and books! that I bought with Christmas gift vouchers that will come via royal mail. I only ordered them on Wednesday.

    This is a real treat, because apart from kindle books, (which don't count) I don't buy new books, though I buy lots second hand. I love browsing in second hand bookshops, and so many have gone now. It's not the same browsing online, you don't get the tattered but comfy old armchair and cup of coffee that comes with the tacit implication that you are welcome to stay all day
    Last edited by mothhawk; Today, 08:30 AM.
    Location - Leicestershire - Chisit-land
    Endless wonder.


    • Originally posted by Nicos View Post
      Mornin n’alln’all

      Well,that was a long day travelling!…can’t believe the numbers of cars on UK roads compared to French ones.
      We’ve set today aside for a grory hop whilst everyone’s at work.
      Not sure what else yet today will bring…enjoy your day peeps
      Most people in the world don't realise how small and crowded the UK is. Area 94,000sq miles (244,000 sq km), and a population of over 69 million, and more than 57 million of those are in England, which has an area of only 54 thousand sq miles.

      France is two and a half times bigger, but slightly less population, 68.4 million.
      Last edited by mothhawk; Today, 08:45 AM.
      Location - Leicestershire - Chisit-land
      Endless wonder.


      • There’s a great charity shop where we’ll be going today MH which sells a vast amount of second hand books.
        Strangely () all in English
        So I’ll no doubt be wading through many of those - and taking back quite a few .
        Funny how you take for granted simple things like that until you can’t access them.
        Which reminds me….I’m thinking a nip into a pub might be rather good at some point! Hands down it beats a French cafe bar in winter.
        "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

        Location....Normandy France


        • Morning all.

          I had no idea that there was even such a thing as non-stick tin foil. Thanks, mothhawk.

          Time your pub visit right, Nicos, and you'll be there for lunch. Last few times I've eaten in pubs in Cumbria (don't ask me the names or places, I just go where I'm taken), the food has been excellent.

          LD, my view on needing to sleep more in winter is that it's normal. We might not hibernate, but I reckon all sensible mammals stay tucked up and warm as long as they can at this time of year.

          That said, anyone else noticed that the days are getting visibly longer? I woke up to light coming in the bedroom window yesterday. First time in ages.

          As for here, well, I've just lit the range. Not as cold as the last few mornings, but grey and damp. We ended up with a bit of rain last night, but no snow. So phew for that.

          The usuals for me today... Need to do some domestics as well, but hoping I might be able to palm those off onto Mr Snoop if I bribe him with fresh bread. My proofer has arrived and I'm keen to have a play. If not today, then definitely this weekend.

          Hope Lord Ginger and Frank got on OK yesterday, Flo.

          Have a great day, everyone.


          • Morning

            MH Thanks for posting the YouTube link its now bookmarked and I've passed it on to MrPots, it'll keep him amused for hours I can't remember the last time I bought a new book, most of mine are from charity shops I do use my Kindle most of the time unless its a recipe book.

            Waiting in for a parcel today hopefully tracking data will be soon updated so we have a time slot.

            Snoop I've not noticed the days getting longer its been dull here for most of the time lately.

            enjoy your day
            Location....East Midlands.


            • Good morning all.

              It's a chilly 3°C here and the car is frozen. Don't forget to visit your local £1 shop for cake and loaf tin liners, Nicos.

              mothhawk, I completely agree about the population density, but also car ownership has increased so much. In the sixties there were so few families in my village that owned a car. Now there are two or three cars to most houses, all fighting for road space and parking. I travelled all over England and Wales with my dad, in the cab of his lorry, in the days before the M1 and M62 were built. Anywhere that was not an overnight trip. I loved it. (Little girls were spoilt by lots of his customers). I could sheet and rope an articulated lorry by the time I was 11 or 12, be he had to tighten the knots. Even better he didn't care if I ended up scruffy. I remember him being pulled up by the police once and they asked if I was a hitchhiker. The worst traffic jams were trips to the coast on sunny weekends.

              .....back to today. I'm taking Mr GF to the dentist in a nearby small town at lunchtime. Hopefully the car will self- defrost before then.


              • Good Morning All Dull, damp and cold here. Lord Ginger didn't turn up at all yesterday, I think he must have spotted Frank and thought better of it! Have a good day
                Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                • Good morning all. Bright and sunny here and 8 dogs.
                  We have bern lucky here with this weeks weather.

                  Mothhawk, that site looks good Mr bramble will be very interested in it

                  The column of cars on the roads here is crazy, plus ala k of parking makes it worse.
                  Apartments bring built with no provision for a parking space.

                  Nicos, I love browsing the second hand book shops, we have a charity shop nearby who do a great trade in books.

                  Have a good day all.

                  And when your back stops aching,
                  And your hands begin to harden.
                  You will find yourself a partner,
                  In the glory of the garden.

                  Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                  • .Morning all,your right Snoop,i noticed when i left my group yesterday afternoon how light it was from just last week,it also feels much warmer this morning,not put the heating on yet,so that is good,ref lord ginger,maybe thats why he comes to you,if his owners have a new pet ?,GF them were the days,kids were kids,we made our own amusement out of what was around,i remember making dolls houses out of a cardboard box,furniture,curtains,even a dolly made out off yarn,when a bit older we moved to a brand new council estate,opposit us was a large waste land with a brook running through,we had fun outside over there,looking back,it make our minds develope,we all inocent kids having fun,no phones,and TV was not what we got these days,how times have changed,plus we were safer than the kids of today are,have a good afternoon all
                    sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


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