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Chitchat thread #24


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  • Good Morning All Windy here too of course and gloomy. Thousands of homes without power in Ireland - hope Bramble is safe. Making sausage and cheese rolls this morning. Have a good day
    Granny on the Game in Sheffield


    • Penellype, do you have an update you can give us over on your weather channel? Be interesting to hear your views.


      • Good afternoon all. We are safe here TG, greenhouse still standing and the big old chestnut tree in the grounds behind our house still upright,
        My mother remembers collecting chestnuts from under that tree when she was a child so I dont want to see it fall on my watch.
        Over 750, 000 homes left without power and the storm hasn't passed yet.
        Aside from that there is a lovely blue sky and the dun is shining.

        Jay, I hope you are safe in Scotlsnd and any other peeps who have to be out and about.

        P.S, hubby has just noticed the storm has torn a large strip of felt from the roof of his shed.

        And when your back stops aching,
        And your hands begin to harden.
        You will find yourself a partner,
        In the glory of the garden.

        Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


        • Rough here, 75 mph winds and could get stronger, we seem to be safe and sound.


          • Our own weather expert Penellype has left an informative post here:


            The animated wind map Penellype provides a link to is fascinating.

            750,000 homes without power, bramble That's a huge number. Good to hear you're OK burnie.


            • Good afternoon.

              It's windy here , but I've known it be a lot worse in the past. I've been out in my car and the roads seemed reasonably quiet. I'd been dreading my doctor's appointment, mainly because I'm such a wimp, but now it's over I feel so relieved I could dance a jig. ... . if I knew how.

              I called in to drop a TV magazine off for my brother in law and check what time I need to pick him up for a hospital appointment on Monday.


              • Afternoon,phew glad your safe Bramble,been thinking about you,stay safe Burnie,if was not for the news,i would not have known how bad others have it,the rain dried up long ago,been sunny here,it has been blustery,but nowhere as bad as it was the other week,hope Nicos is ok also,i have not had a sleep at all yet today,have tried but cannot drop off,i feel shattered,but have get myself bucked up,dinner for 2 coming up so got a get prepped,and smarten up ,catch up later
                sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                • Afternoon all.
                  After a lovely windy walk I spent the rest of the morning cleaning out the kitchen store cupboards. Surprisingly, only 3 things were out of date - half a packet of red lentils (2023), evaporated milk, (bbe 2024), and a tin of tomatoes (2024). So this afternoon I've cooked all the lentils, frozen half and made the rest into peanut butter hummus. The tomatoes have been turned into a pasta sauce with half a packet of cream cheese from the fridge (use by Jan 15), and again half will be frozen when cold. I've frozen the evaporated milk in ice cube trays, 'cos I couldn't think what to make with it at that moment.

                  Glad to know Bramble is safe, hope not too many roofs and trees have been lost across Ireland and Scotland.
                  Location - Leicestershire - Chisit-land
                  Endless wonder.


                  • Your hair looks nice Bren In Pots
                    Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                    • Thanks Flo, MrPots said the same thing as soon as I got through the front door.
                      I’d not even removed my hat and scarf
                      Location....East Midlands.


                      • Good to hear you’re safe Bramble xx
                        Location....East Midlands.


                        • Glad you’re safe bramble and burnie! Boy what a day! Lots of roof damage to neighbours properties, think ours is ok but not going to check until tomorrow! A house in town just had its entire roof blown off!! Amazing how some people can have so much damage and others avoid it. Think is calming down a bit but still the odd strong gust.
                          Hope everyone is ok! x


                          • Thanks for your update Jay fingers crossed your roof is ok.
                            Location....East Midlands.


                            • Morning
                              Hope all are ok after yesterday's battering , it seemed to go on forever. Much calmer today thankfully but so cold.
                              Northern England.


                              • Originally posted by Nicos View Post
                                Mornin n’alln’all

                                Happy New Year to you too CG lovely to see you,
                                Have you got anything started yet plant wise for this coming year?
                                Not yet. I still haven't got all my bulbs in
                                Hoping to do something today if I don't freeze out there like tomato /celery/spring onion seeds.
                                I've lots of general stuff like.splitting plants to do too but it's so wet still.
                                Northern England.


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