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Chitchat thread #24


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  • Good morning all. Dull and cloudy here.
    Not a lot on the agenda today, just some domestics.

    Bren, you're lucky to be able to get loose seed potatoes, ours are packaged and hard to get,

    Snoop, hope all goes well for Missie, you're doing it for the right reason.

    Safe sailing Nicod, hopefully the sea will be calm.

    Have a good day all.

    And when your back stops aching,
    And your hands begin to harden.
    You will find yourself a partner,
    In the glory of the garden.

    Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


    • Afternoon all,late in again,at least the weather is better,not a good night again,come back from choir and fell asleep in the chair for 90 winks,hope the sea crossing will be good to you Nicos,good luck at the vets Snoop,it is is the only sensible thing to do,i used to buy seed potatoes when i had the allotements,not grown any since i moved,if i do i will just use shop ones,have done it in the past,and young son has always planted the big bags you used to get,with excellent results,nothing planed obviously,the dish washer needs emptying and the usual tidy around,
      sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


      • Afternoon

        I’ve bought my seed potatoes, they’re sitting nicely on their egg tray

        Bramble we’re lucky to have the corn merchant they sell animal and bird food stuff etc. Plus assorted flours, oats, yeast, and everything you need for your garden.

        Safe journey tomorrow Nicos.
        Location....East Midlands.


        • Morning

          Heavy rain here today, I'll be in my GH giving it a bit of a tidy and weeding the borders, ready for seed sowing.

          Enjoy your day.
          Location....East Midlands.


          • Good Morning All Raining here. As there's no sun on the Windows I have no excuse, I have to clean them. Have a good day
            Granny on the Game in Sheffield


            • Morning all.

              Rain here too, the drizzly sort.

              Had to move an amaryllis today. It has 2 tall stalks, seven double flowers open and was teetering on the windowsill, so I've put it on the floor. At least if it falls over there it won't be so much mess. I am toying with the idea of cutting the flowers and putting them in a vase - but do I have one tall enough? And will they last in water? I'm going to be firm and throw away the bulb when it has finished flowering. They come to my mum as Christmas gifts every year, and I still have 3 others (having thinned down the numbers from six).

              I find it hard to chuck a plant that is growing well. Does anyone else have the same problem? I suspect that is the reason men are such good gardeners - they can happily be ruthless.
              Last edited by mothhawk; 28-01-2025, 10:22 AM.
              Location - Leicestershire - Chisit-land
              Endless wonder.


              • Afternoon all.

                Sorry so late today. No internet till now. A bit frustrating as I was on top of work and am now a morning behind with deadlines looming.

                Anyway, a nice day, surprisingly. Drizzle postponed till tomorrow, apparently.

                Hope you all had lovely mornings.

                Mothhawk, I wonder if someone else might like your amaryllis bulbs next Christmas. You're clearly a dab hand at growing them on. Me, I've managed to kill a gorgeous poinsettia that was given to us. Too cold where I put it, I suspect.

                Have a great rest of the day, everyone.


                • Good morning all.

                  It's raining here too. A really miserable morning. Mr GF is still in bed. He got up and went to the loo earlier, and I asked him what time it was. He told me 7.30. I dozed off and woke up again later. It was still only 6 am??

                  My online food shop is arriving between 11am and noon. It appears that they have everything I ordered, including the "taste the difference" strawberries for Mr GF. I'm just wondering, however, how chocolate orange pieces got on my list . The online shop was originally supposed to be for "heavy" items and "essentials".🤣🤣🤣

                  Oh dear, my brother in law has just rung me. He had another fall yesterday. .. only more bruises, fortunately. Apart from telling him that he now needs to use his wheelchair, I think I've now convinced him that he needs to see a doctor before he breaks a bone. I'll pop round and see him later. I suspect that one of his medications could be contributing to his problems.

                  ​​​I've now put away the shopping. The bunch of daffodils from a week ago are still looking okay so I've moved them to the kitchen and put the new ones in the lounge.


                  • Been to a garden centre to pick up a bag of 6X, I remember my Dad first getting some either in the late 1960's or early 70's, I dig some in early in the greenhouse borders then add some to the raised beds in a month or before planting. Not where I grow roots like carrots or parsnips of course. Had a few heavy showers, but we did briefly see the sun.


                    • Hi all,got up after 8 hours solid sleep,had a drink,sat in the chair and slept till nearly 2pm,so having a none day,
                      Snoop i can never keep a pointsettier,had a lovely one given at christmas,then suddenly dropping to bits,have in the past got them to leaf up,but nothing else,just died off,have read before that you need to put them in a dark place for the bracks to go red,will have to have a modern look see,and how to get my peace lilly to flower again,OH dear GF not good keep falling,broken hips are the last thing he needs,Burnie i presume you are refering to manure for the green house,or have i missed something,see i am nosey,i could not throw them bulbs out either,like Snoop suggested,they they could make lovely gifts,on a quick look,it might be possible to plant them in the garden,and leave them in,i always assumed they only came into flowerer like over christmas,but,i wonder if they would aclimatize to the outside if left in the ground or pot,and emerge when the weather warms up,just a thought,better than binning it,
                      sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                      • Evening

                        My GH didn’t get its tidy, I didn’t fancy being out there in the cold and wet.
                        Did nip to the shops for a few bits, no chocolate oranges sneaked in then I spent the afternoon on my latest jigsaw puzzle instead.

                        enjoy your evening
                        Location....East Midlands.


                        • I have just one thing to say at the moment ...... the chocolate orange is definitely NOT Terry's..... it's MINE.


                          • I had a mint one last week,just fancied it,MMMMMM,
                            sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                            • Mornin n’alln’all
                              Lots of cold sploshy stuff going on outside chez moi . Deffo an indoor day!
                              Loads of unpacking to sort out anyway, so that’s no bother.

                              I do need , however , to see if any of my neighbours can lend me a pair of elbow crutches as I fell down the last few steps at my daughter’s a week ago during a power outage
                              One badly twisted knee later….
                              Its improving but the borrowed crutches needed returning.
                              The alternative is to hunker down and rest up ( with a bit of hobbling in between) That’s very doable

                              Looks like that’s put paid to the promise I made to myself to start swimming again next week ( secretly that’s the bonus)

                              You know gf a funny thing happened to me at the checkout yesterday at S’b****y’s ….there was a packet of Terry’s mini eggs on the conveyor belt . I had to chuckle as OH did a double take at them.

                              Funnily enough my Pontsettia has clearly enjoyed me being away. Normally it would be a few red leaves at the tips of the stems. Cooler house and lack of watering clearly suited it. Let’s see how long it takes me to kill it off with my love and attention!

                              Right , well, I best get on with this unpacking!
                              Enjoy your day peeps- remember that smile too
                              "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                              Location....Normandy France


                              • Morning all.

                                Pretty chilly here today. And I've rather miscalculated. The open blue sky I saw a few minutes ago is rapidly disappearing behind cloud. And I've got a sourdough starter stewing in the proofer for a pair of focaccia, one for us and one for the neighbour down the valley. Fingers crossed the sun stays out long enough for me to finish.

                                Lots of phone calls to make today, as well as the usual work. Plus the visit down the valley. Looks like I've got lots of socialising on the cards.

                                Have a great day, everyone.

                                Edited to add: you snuck in just before me, Nicos. Sorry to hear about your knee. Those kinds of injuries are really nasty. Hope you make a speedy recovery. A double take at the mini eggs... I presume that means that he looked at them twice rather than taking two bags.
                                Last edited by Snoop Puss; 29-01-2025, 09:05 AM.


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