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Chitchat thread #24


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  • Just hobbling indoors with the furniture for now MH.
    Every day it’s improving thanks, mostly due to resting, anti inflammatories etc… Will go to the Dr next week though if it stops improving.
    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

    Location....Normandy France


    • Nutmeg and lavender….two scents/ flavours I absolutely hate. Typical they would be soporific when that’s the very thing I need!
      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

      Location....Normandy France


      • Good morning.

        It's not even the crack of dawn yet but I'm wide awake.

        Nicos, I quite like the scent of lavender outdoors in Summer but not indoors. Nutmeg, however, I love and will happily grate loads onto everything from lasagne/pasta bake to rice pudding.

        What a stupid time of day to be awake at this time of year. No point getting up yet as it's lovely and cosy in bed and a bit daft turning the heat up at 6am. Even coffee can wait for a while yet. I think I might have a browse online for a couple of bedside rugs, preferably machine washable.


        • Good Morning All Very cold and dark. Frank is here and Lord Ginger is on the windowsill outside, so it's very noisy! Have a good day
          Granny on the Game in Sheffield


          • Morning all.

            Missie is sitting on my shoulder, chittering at birds outside, and Mr Snoop is watching videos with a lot of sound effects, accompanied by jazz with a loud drum kit (no dancing possible today). So it's noisy here too, even though the dog and I are as quiet as mice.

            Frost this morning. Drizzle due later.

            Bread yesterday was not a success but several possible factors, though the most likely my fault (didn't weigh ingredients properly or over-developed the gluten, so the dough would have made decent bread but not focaccia). Might try again later today, but a lot to be getting through on the paid work front first.

            Have a great day, everyone.


            • Morning

              A sunny day here pity its so cold with it.

              I love nutmeg especially grated on warm milk, and pasta and puds, just wondering has anyone else dropped their nutmeg while grating it.

              Grory hop at some point.

              Wrap up warm and enjoy your day
              Location....East Midlands.


              • Mornin n’alln’all
                Rubbish night’s sleep I had thought I’d broken the habit having been away.

                I treated myself to machine washable cream cotton bedside rugs a few months ago gf.
                Been fancying some for absolutely ages but couldn’t find any , and it seemed daft to get any with all the building work going on.
                Anyway- I put them down and within a week OH spilled tea on one of them. And nope- the stain didn’t come out
                Hope you managed to find something you like?

                Another quiet day for me resting up as much as possible.
                I guess it’s finally time to start looking through my seed collection Well, someone’s got to do it!

                Say hi to Lord Ginger from us Flo. Is he hoping for some treats if he can’t come in?

                I was wondering what other herbs / spices ( which I have so far discovered) which I don’t like. The only other things I can think of are caraway seed and big chunks of ground black pepper.
                My MIL used to make caraway cake and it actually used to make me heave. I’m happy to have it ground up in other dishes but chomping on a caraway seed deffo has undesired effects.
                Funnily enough I absolutely loved Brennivin ( Icelandic Vodka spiced with cumin and caraway) when I tried it.
                Does anyone else have an aversion to other herbs or spices?

                Whatever you get up to today, have a lovely time and pass on that smile!
                I spotted the Smiles this morning whizzing overhead - I guess it’s been pretty exciting up there over the past few weeks what with the wind and snow storms!

                "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                Location....Normandy France


                • Did you have Missie ‘done’ Snoop?
                  Sorry if I missed the event?…Hope she’s coping ok? Awww…

                  Bren - I do recall grating nutmeg onto my mom’s egg tart as a nipper and getting several chunks of nail and flesh at the same time. I do hope I scooped them out!
                  "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                  Location....Normandy France


                  • I've always loved coriander, but lately it just tastes like soap to me I've never liked cinnamon and cannot stand cloves - they remind me of a dental surgery!
                    Lord Ginger was ill last week. He came in just to sleep and he let me stroke him. I was worried when he didn't come for three days running, but then he came yesterday and was back to his usual stand-offish self, demanding treats. He had to have them outside early this morning and he'll keep coming back today I'm sure to torment Frank.
                    Last edited by Florence Fennel; 30-01-2025, 10:36 AM.
                    Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                    • Another frosty start to the day with a forecast of a bright dry day, but there's a lot of dark cloud out to the west, so we will see.


                      • Missie is going to the vet's next Wednesday. The job the other day was to phone round and find a vet who could do her presto pronto. Some of the dates I was offered were weeks away. Fortunately 'things' have calmed down and she's back to her normal self. With any luck things will stay that way till Wednesday. Vet prices have shot up since we last had to have an animal done.

                        I'm another nutmeg fan and use it whenever and wherever. It's great sprinkled on squash before roasting and in cheese sauce. Loathe caraway. And have a funny relationship with cinnamon. I do like it, but in absolutely minute amounts, as I really notice it. Everyone raves about cinnamon buns online but the idea of them gives me the shudders.

                        Sorry to hear about Lord Ginger, Flo. Sounds like he might still be a bit unsure, resulting in him giving mixed signals. He'll be jealous of Frank, that's for sure.
                        Last edited by Snoop Puss; 30-01-2025, 11:49 AM.


                        • I will say good afternoon all as it's just gone past midday.
                          a nice dry day and its 6 degs.
                          Not a lot happening as I am still recovering from this awful virus.

                          Nicos, resting up is the only cure for a damaged knee.

                          I love reading about all your pets, we always had cats but not anymore. I hated going on extended holiday and leaving them behind.

                          I love nutmeg and cinnemon and use them as much as possible.
                          I hate mint, oregano and lemon grass in anything.
                          I forgot about caraway seeds, that brought back a memory of my mother buying caraway cake, she loved it.
                          I am going to make an effort to grow, and use more herbs this year
                          Have a good day all.

                          And when your back stops aching,
                          And your hands begin to harden.
                          You will find yourself a partner,
                          In the glory of the garden.

                          Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                          • Nicos, I've taken your advice on board about stains. I was thinking of either pale gold/sand or cream or grey for rugs. I've now eliminated cream and pale gold and am just considering greys. I've seen some advertised in Dunelm. I think I'll take a trip down and have a look/feel at them when I'm passing.

                            I don't think there are any herbs/spices that I really can't stand but I once grew some Salad Burnet and I decided it was a complete waste of space in my herb bed. My sister tried it and commented that she could understand why it was not popular. She doesn't like Sumac though.

                            The three herbs I've never remotely managed to be self sufficient in are Parsley, Basil and Tarragon, even though I've grown all three successfully. Weirdly, for years, I thought I didn't like Basil and avoided it.

                            The smell of Cinnamon always makes me think of Christmas, and I like Ginger in everything from biscuits to curry to courgette soup.

                            Time for the washer to earn it's keep now.


                            • Afternoon all.

                              It's been sunny here all day so far, after a frosty start, and really quite warm. I went to the library just in a thick woolly and a body warmer, no coat.

                              Bren, I've dropped nutmeg in both rice puddings and in soup. I find a quick rinse under the tap and a dry with paper towels is all it needs. When I do a rice pudding now, I use a barrel grater. The nutmeg comes out a bit more coarse, but it grates a lot quickly, and I like a lot on rice pudding.

                              The herb/spice I can't abide is coriander, especially the leaf.
                              Location - Leicestershire - Chisit-land
                              Endless wonder.


                              • Afternoon all,I had a getter sleep last night,feel a bit better but throat and chest sore,all one can do is rest,drink and take the pills,I like most spices and herbs,but do agree on salad bernett,a friend grew a few years ago,is also a take over plant,caraway seeds was a thing in cakes several moons ago,I grew some one year at the allotment,the smell was nice,all the best with missis at the vets,at least ginger is still visiting,I hope I can get to the shops tomorrow,and hope the ignoramus thats parked over my drive has moved,I would maybe get out OK,but not back in,is a long saloon car taking up the space,the road is not a wide one,and when others are parked opposite there is not the room to revers back on,all get tolled is,they can and will park there,as is not a dropped kerb,i agree to a point off said law,but come on have some sense please,there are a lot off terraced homes opposit me,with sever vehicles,and three have these big long whits vans,I will maybe see if I can contact a councilor for advice,it is a lot off money and time to get it done,as permission is needed or should I say,Red tape,
                                sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


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