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Chitchat thread #24


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  • Glad you are feeling a bit better lottie- you’ve had a bit of a rough time of things for the past few weeks. Let’s hope you are fighting fit soon.
    How frustrating about the parking situation though
    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

    Location....Normandy France


    • thank you Nicos,look on the bright side,have had a couple off video call with with my eldest granddaughter and the 4 great G children,they getting to recognise me now,the boys sends me blow kisses,the others are a bit shy,i have not seen them in person,only the odd video and pics,so it makes me happy,she is the only one out the 5 grand kids that loves her Nan,also had a nice chat with my youngest son,he not able to help any more as he got enough with himself,and i agree with his decision,my sanity is safer,at least we have contact so that is good,see i can post happy things,i am currently looking up about a new bathroom,to be done in the better weather, so eventually will need to go looking to see what you get for the money,my take is,how long do i need it to last me,
      sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


      • Not a bad day after all so went a watched some wildlife after pottering in the greenhouse waiting for the tide.
        I have Cinnamon on my Cappuccino, but before Xmas I spotted this thing with a miniature grater and four nutmegs in it. I thought I like Nutmeg so bought it, it's very different fresh isn't it, I will eat it, but I will be glad when it's all gone lol.


        • Evening

          We’ve been out and about most of the day, did get the bedding line dried which is a bonus.

          Grory hop was rather busy never mind I need to go there for another week.

          I love cinnamon I have it on my porridge along with apples and raisins.

          MH glad it’s not just me who’s had nutmeg incidents.

          enjoy your evening
          Location....East Midlands.


          • Good evening.

            I've just had a major panic. I thought that I had no chocolate in the house. The chocolate orange completely "disappeared" yesterday. I've just searched everywhere and found, and eaten, 3 chocolate digestives. I also found 2 very small chocolate flakes in the back of the fridge (meant for 99s). They were 5 months out of date, but I have eaten one, and it was fine.

            I'm another who has dropped a nutmeg in my rice pudding before now......

            I hope that your knee is starting to feel better, Nicos.


            • Good morning.

              I'm an early bird again. I'm wide awake at silly o'clock. Why???

              I have no idea what has awoken me. It is very quiet. If I really concentrate, I think I can just hear the very faint hum of traffic on the M1 in the distance, but nothing else at all.

              I've had a wander around and there is no frost this morning. It's 4°C and very cloudy. I'm going to try and snuggle down and doze off again.

              Just to add, browsing the internet in bed, on my phone with a debit card handy can be an expensive start to the day. ..... even though they are necessities.... well, mostly.
              Last edited by greenishfing; 31-01-2025, 06:40 AM.


              • Morning GF
                I've been buying seeds
                I'm a bit sluggish this morning, it's mild here after rain overnight but the forecast shows some sunshine. Perhaps I will get outside.
                Northern England.


                • Morning the sun looks like its trying,not freezing but still chilly,have to get the shops today, and hope i not get a coughing fit whilst there,as it is not a good look ,at least am not blocked in,got to find the do it lady today,have played lazy bones all week,still got the throat and chest,and bad nights,i have been glad i got some home made hot pots in the freezer,at least i have had some dinners,off to feed the washing machine then myself,have a good day all
                  sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                  • Mornin n’alln’all
                    Bit frosty this morning but the rain soon got rid of that.
                    Cold and dull now - but lovely and snug indoors with the fire lit.
                    My knee is steadily on the mend thanks gf. The bruising on the outside has almost gone, so I guess the inside must be on much of a par. Hobble hobble…better than wibble wobble eh?

                    I had the ‘chocolate munchies’ too last night. I brought back a family pack of Revels to pick at a later date….strangely half the packet has now gone ooops.

                    How are everyone’s spuds coming on with their chitting?
                    Te he….I keep lovingly checking mine each time I walk past them.

                    Has anyone got anything exciting going on this weekend? Fingers crossed at least one of us manages to get some gardening done!

                    Enjoy your day peeps, and share that smile
                    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                    Location....Normandy France


                    • Morning

                      A dull day here nothing at all like yesterdays sunshine. Gardening and domestics here today plus a stroll at some point.

                      Take care Lottie xx

                      keep warm and enjoy your day

                      edited to say waves to Nicos
                      Last edited by Bren In Pots; 31-01-2025, 09:29 AM.
                      Location....East Midlands.


                      • 3 degrees and frosty again, my tatties are chitting nicely, but my Onion seeds are not germinating very well in the prop, sown a third sowing, this time Red Baron as they did very well last year.


                        • Good Morning All Dreary here. Glad to hear your knee is healing Nicos. Have a good day
                          Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                          • Morning all.

                            I'm eking out the firewood but really should light the range. Chilly here today and due to get colder over the next few days. We had drizzle in the night. Missie looking in the buckets quizzically: how did that water get there? A bit more due tomorrow, but with any luck a bright afternoon today.

                            Mr Snoop has gone to get new tyres and I'm holding the fort, Missie beside me, staring out the window. Though it'd be warmer out if she found herself a patch of sun like the dog has done.

                            I've a busy day at the keyboard. Will get some bread on the go in a bit, though I'm placating Mr Snoop for the lack of bread by pizza for lunch.

                            Glad your knee is on the mend, Nicos. Hope your recovery speeds up, LD. Been a while now.

                            Have a great day, everyone.


                            • Good afternoon all.
                              It's a beautiful sunny day here.
                              Some of my sweet peas have germinated and my shallots are putting up shoots ad well.

                              It was grandparents visiting morning in the school so we got to come in and see where our grandson goes to school, meet his teacher and friends and they did songs for us and laid on some refreshments.

                              Nicos, glad to hear your knee is improving.
                              Not got any seed potatoes yet...hopefully next week

                              Lottie, look after yourself, coughing wears you out.
                              Have a good day all.

                              And when your back stops aching,
                              And your hands begin to harden.
                              You will find yourself a partner,
                              In the glory of the garden.

                              Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                              • Come back from shopping when a white van pulled up in front off me so i could not get onto my drive,i asked nicely if he would move it it up,as i live here and want access,he went crazy,any how i went to knok the door of were he was going to have a word,and the first one said what was I doing there,well said said i,you don't live here,said he would move the van when he fined unloading it,the abuse i got was bad,to cut the story short,he got back in the van,so out came my phone,it worked,i said to a mute phone hello police,i am being abused my a man on my front,he shot out and said,in that case i will stay here and wait,do that then said i,he got straight back in it and parked down the road,more abuse,i am going to see if i can get hold off the local councilor,if not then will ring the council on monday to see about a dropped kerb,i could do without the extra cost,if they were to knock the door and politly say i have no bother,thats the arangement i had with my previouse neighbours,untill they moved out nearly 2 years ago,i have now got flustered,i hate this carry on,bull NOT be made a fool off and spocken to like that,right,better get the shopping away,and get ready for dinner 4,2 in a bit GGGGGRRRRRRRRR,there let it out,now to breath,
                                sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


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