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Chitchat thread #24
This is a sticky topic.
Afternoon, sun up here at 07.53. It was really windy this morning but it’s calmed down again and it’s just dull.
Couldn’t get out of bed this morning as I was cold. Unusual for me. Anyhoo forced myself out to face the world and what a lovely world it is!! 😀
Hope you have a lovely day with Harry Flo!!
Enjoy your day folks. xsigpic
Hi ,just a quick update,emergency DR been this afternoon,i am deffinatly not contagouse,what i have is some mucus on one of my lungs,has perscribed antibiotics,and said to take the steam baths over the jug 3 times a day,son and Dinlaw,are brilliant,they are dealing with everything for me,even had a shopping delivery,tommorow they going to see if another place will do my blood test,sooner than the 17th,that was DR suggestion,all i know is,i am not very well,but as you all know,i am a fighter and will bounce back,have not read back yet,but will,bet this will take some shiftingsigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these
Hope you feel better soon Lottie. Glad to hear your family are helping you.
Harry didn't come today. He is not comfortable on car journeys so is only making the effort for necessary trips to the hospital, or GP. I think he was being over optimistic about visiting us. He is walking to improve physically, but not right across Sheffield!Granny on the Game in Sheffield
Good evening all.
The wearher never picked up but we had no rain.
Lottie, so sorry to hear you're still unwell. Hopefully the antibiotics will help you to get back on your feet. It's good that you have family to help you out.
Flo, so long as Harry is making progress is all that matters
Have a good night all and sleep well.
And when your back stops aching,
And your hands begin to harden.
You will find yourself a partner,
In the glory of the garden.
Rudyard Kipling.sigpic
Morning all.
Sorry you didn't get a visit, Flo. Good that Harry is up and about walking. I presume sitting for any length of time in a car must be uncomfortable for him, especially with humps and bumps and potholes along the way. Are you able to visit him?
Last dog not well this morning. Mr Snoop has had to go out, so I'm holding the fort and keeping her company. Right as rain yesterday, so fingers crossed I'm fussing about something straightforward.
Other than that, a baking and food preparation day. M up the valley is coming with a friend and more friends are coming at the weekend. As I've got no work, I thought I'd try and get ahead of myself a bit. I'll save making paradise slice for the weekend, but can I ask a question about pastry. I remember, Nicos, that you freeze crumble mixture. Does anyone do that with pastry mixture before the water is added? I ask in a bid to save washing up and time later, but I don't like rolling shortcrust pastry once it's been frozen - always seems more prone to crumbling and cracking.
And guess what? Not a word of work today. So far, anyway.
Have a great day, everyone.
Good morning.
Yet another night of very little sleep.
I've just had a text to tell me my brother in law's new vac is arriving around lunchtime. No doubt I'll be visiting him this afternoon after assembling it.
Snoop, I've never frozen rubbed in pastry mix but I just make it as required in the food processor in about 3 or 4 minutes. I know my sister in law used to successfully keep some in her fridge though.
The weather forecast for here is rain and snow. Fortunately it's just rain at the moment.
I hope you start to feel better soon LD.
Another day of rain here never mind at least its better than snow.
Hope those antibiotics soon work their magic Lottie, take care.
Sorry to hear Harry's visit didn't work out Flo.
I've frozen leftover pastry in the past but like you say Snoop it doesn't roll out the same.
Enjoy your dayLocation....East Midlands.
Mornin n’alln’all
Very sploshy here too.Been at it all night actually. No chance of gardening for me unless it clears up.
I need to attack the kitchen today as our new cooker is arriving this afternoon…yippee yip yip!
Apart from that, not really sure. Loads to choose from!
Keep safe and pass on a smile peeps
* puts Mrs Mop hat on……"Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple
Location....Normandy France
Good morning all, dull, wet and cold.
domestics this morning and then a trip to the library if the rain holds off.
Glad to hear Harry's health is improving Flo.
Have a good day all.
And when your back stops aching,
And your hands begin to harden.
You will find yourself a partner,
In the glory of the garden.
Rudyard Kipling.sigpic
Afternoon,hope Harry continues to improve FF,have fun with the new cooker Nicos,ref pastry and freezer,i have often put rough puff in the freezer,and i think it improves it,as for other types not done it,but i have done a large batch of crumble mix in the kenwood,and use straight from the bag and in the oven,is fine,and saves a lot of bother,now for some more 40 winks whilst i cansigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these
Well, today is one of those days
The 4x4 is stuck in the mud in the field. OH managed to dig it out and move forward about 10 feet only for it to start spinning again. Looks like we need to wait for a frost until we can move it. Don’t want to ask our neighbour with his tractor to tow it out as that will massively churn up the grass. And yes, it’s got mud and snow tyres
Second…..the new oven finally arrived - but one of the burners won’t light. We now have to ‘make do’ (-no hardship as it’s still better than what we had) until a replacement can be delivered…from Italy.
So…I’m hiding indoors tonight!
"Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple
Location....Normandy France
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